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  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Mar 8, 2023

    March 1, 1923 The annual convention of the Grand Pioneers of Alaska will be held at Nenana the latter part of this month. At the meeting of the Wrangell Pioneers Igloo Monday night, a resolution was adopted calling upon the Grand Igloo to ask the territorial legislature to enact a law granting an old-age pension of $25 a month to Alaska pioneers, whether men or women, which could be accepted in lieu of going to the Pioneers Home. The Nome Igloo is asking that such a pension be granted, and that the Pioneers receive the same regardless of...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Mar 1, 2023

    March 1, 1923 As a means of stimulating interest and learning the sentiment of the community in regard to the proposed new playground for the school, the PTA is offering four worthwhile prizes to pupils for essays on the subject, “Will the proposed new playground benefit the school and how can it be improved?” Two prizes will be awarded for essays by high school pupils and two for grade school students. The essays will be read at the next PTA meeting. Feb. 28, 1948 Superintendent of Schools Geo. Fabricius, speaking to members of the Wrangell Ch...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 22, 2023

    Feb. 22, 1923 The Wrangell High School basketball team, under the supervision of Superintendent W. L. Gross, will leave on the steamship Northwestern for a series of games in Puget Sound. The boys are very glad of course to have an opportunity to play teams in Seattle and other cities. However, basketball is not the sole object of the journey. It is to be an educational trip, and basketball will be the means by which the trip will be financed. Some of the educational phases of the trip will be a day in the courts and a day looking in on the...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry|Feb 15, 2023

    Feb. 15, 1923 A number of parents and invited guests attended the father-son and mother-daughter dinner at the gym last Monday evening, presented by the Wrangell Boy Scouts. The boys darted busily here and there, seeing to it that everyone was fed. Not a woman or a Girl Scout was permitted to help, and the entire credit for the success of the dinner rests on the Boy Scouts. Just before the gathering dispersed, Superintendent Gross made an announcement of interest to the community, and especially to the young men who comprise the high school...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 8, 2023

    Feb. 8, 1923 The opening of the Million Dollar Club in Wrangell Saturday night will without doubt be one of the greatest pleasure events in the history of Southeast Alaska. The thrilling life of bygone days of the Klondike will be lived over again as dramatic scenes are re-enacted. The famous Native orchestra of Metlakatla will furnish the music. Special boats will arrive from Juneau, Petersburg and Ketchikan bringing Elks and their ladies. The old rink is today an example of what money can do. Since it was leased by the millionaires, it has be...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry|Feb 1, 2023

    Feb. 1, 1923 When Charles Gearing and party came down the Stikine last week, they reached the government cabin at the head of the trail, tired and worn out from the trip. It was at night and the weather was cold. Upon entering the cabin they found to their disappointment that there was no stove, so they had to build a fire outside. This week the Wrangell Commercial Club bought a stove for the cabin which will be installed by Mr. Gearing. The Commercial Club will send the bill to the Forest Service and will no doubt be reimbursed for their...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 25, 2023

    Jan. 25, 1923 The cost per capita of schools in incorporated towns and school districts in the territory last year was $97.31, and of schools outside of such towns and districts was $103.14 according to a recent statement made by Commissioner of Education L. D. Henderson. “Alaska boasts of a teaching force,” according to Mr. Henderson, “which is more highly trained and experienced than that of any state in the union. The average teaching experience of Alaska teachers is eight years.” A total of 67 schools were maintained, 17 in incorpo...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 18, 2023

    Jan. 18, 1923 A two-story building more than 100 feet in length is to be erected on Front Street this spring by Tom Fugita, owner of the Wrangell Restaurant and Wrangell Bakery properties. The new building will be located between the Starland Theatre and the property of Mrs. Hannah Ottesen. The new building will be built in two sections. The building in which the bakery is now located will not be disturbed at present. The first section of the new building will be about 70 feet in length and will be built at the rear of the building in which...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 11, 2023

    Jan. 11, 1923 M. O. Johnson has ordered a small roadster, which he will convert upon its arrival into a delivery car for his laundry. The car was bought from J.O. Gross, who has an automobile business in Tacoma and who is a brother of W. L. Gross. Jan. 9, 1948 A short but severe windstorm here Wednesday, in which gusts up to 55 miles an hour were recorded, damaged the City Float in the small boat harbor and scattered fishing boats helter-skelter for a while. No severe damage was reported to any boat. Campbell-House Shipyard suffered the worst...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry|Jan 4, 2023

    Jan. 4, 1923 A record crowd witnessed the opening game of the basketball tournament Thursday afternoon between Wrangell and Ketchikan and got their money’s worth of thrills without a doubt. Kayhi played a fast game from the beginning and drew first blood, the lead alternating with regularity, the score being 7-5 at the end of the first half in favor of the visitors. In the second, Wrangell tightened up and local fans cheered them lustily as they kept Ketchikan from making more than two baskets while they were getting four points on fouls and t...

  • Thank you

    Jan 4, 2023

    Thank you to all those who responded to our boat, TOBICA, sinking Christmas morning. – Shirley Wimberley...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 21, 2022

    Dec. 21, 1922 Wrangell basketball fans had an opportunity to see the high school team in speedy action last Friday night when they met the Kake town players. The Kake boys were a stalwart bunch, but they were unaccustomed to the latest rules and had been practicing outdoors instead of in a hall, according to a statement by their coach prior to the game. They were distinctly outclassed. The speed of the Wrangell high team, their teamwork and their superior ability to connect with the baskets made it impossible for the visitors to get more than...

  • Christmas is a good time to find peace from God

    Dec 21, 2022

    In Luke 2:14, which is part of the Christmas story, we find the three simple words of promise, “peace on earth.” In a world filled with chaos, confusion, war, violence, pandemics, disasters, and the list goes on, surely the message was not for us in 2022. Or was it? A quick look at the concept of peace reveals many areas where we may need peace. In our health, finances, relationships, in our community, and even in our minds. But is that possible for you and I today? When we consider that peace does not come from the absence of trouble, but rat...

  • A time to collect and reflect on our thoughts

    Dec 21, 2022

    Each Sunday at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church we say, as part of our service, a “collect” for the day. Collect, with the accent on the first syllable, is a prayer to collect a particular thought for the day, one that often echoes the scripture readings of that day. The collect we’ll say for Christmas goes this way: “O God, you have caused this holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light: Grant that we, who have known the mystery of that Light on earth, may also enjoy him perfectly in heaven; where with you and the Holy Spirit he...

  • Christmas songs can bring special memories

    Dec 21, 2022

    One day I asked my dad what his favorite hymn was. It was a gentle prodding at a time when it became important to talk about funeral plans without specifically saying we were talking about funeral plans even though we both knew we were talking about funeral plans. He caught me completely off guard when he said, “Well, you know, I’ve always liked Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” My mom wasn’t a fan of Christmas, and both my folks had distanced themselves from church for a long, long time. I pondered his choice in my heart — was it his favorite...

  • Wrangell shows its Christmas spirit year-round

    Dec 21, 2022

    We have noticed and cherished day by day: The generosity of spirit shown by many in fundraising to provide meals for families, music for all at the park, at the pavilion and at the Fourth of July. The thoughtfully designed Mariners’ Memorial, contributed to by so many. The heartfelt dedication service presenting it as a gift to the community. Our much-loved teachers, coaches, athletes, musicians, artists who brought forth countless wins and successes for Wrangell. A testimony of devotion, dedication, encouragement, tenacity, and a vision of w...

  • God loves each of us as we are

    Dec 21, 2022

    So how do you sum up what Christmas means in less than 200 words? I think you only need one: Jesus. Simple, sure but profound as well. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s love. Jesus’ arrival was so unique, different and weird, that it shows us how God can love each of us as we are. We were created by Him and I don’t know that any two people on this Earth are alike. So of course, His greatest gift had to be as unique as us. As different as us. Jesus was born in a barn, slept in a feeding tray, had the rich and the poor celebrate His birth, and w...

  • Letters to Santa

    Dec 21, 2022

    Letters from long-term substitute Holly Padilla’s kindergarten class I would like a trampoline for Christmas. Rooney I would like a Sophia Doll for Christmas. Gavia I would like a fone for Christmas. Kiera I would like a Dino Island skull for Christmas. Torin I would like an Ironmans nooter for Christmas. Nolan I would like an apple iPhone for Christmas. Blake Allen I would like a phone for Christmas. Chayda For Christmas I would like a fairy. Sawyer I would like Pokemon cards for Christmas. Maddox I would like phone for Christmas. Brynlee I w...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 14, 2022

    Dec. 14, 1922 Last Sunday evening, a service of more than common interest was held in the Presbyterian Church. Though erected 43 years ago and occupied continuously as a place of worship, the building had never been formally set apart as a house of worship. In the years immediately following the building’s construction, there was no audience family with the functions to officiate a church dedication. During the past summer, while the old church was in the course of a thorough renovation, it was decided that the Rev. S. Hall Young, who had b...

  • Thank you

    Dec 14, 2022

    We thank all who offered condolences, cards, food and friendship during our loss. Special thanks to Bill Privett, Hary Churchill and the American Legion for their friendship. -- The Kagee family...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 7, 2022

    Dec. 7, 1922 A local business change took place Tuesday when F.E. Gingrass retired from the Wrangell Machine Shop, having sold his interest to W.R. Nevill. Mr. Gingrass had been with the business for the past 11 years. In April, 1920, Bert Harvie, of Petersburg, became a partner in the business and since that time the business has been conducted under the name Gingrass & Harvie. The style of the new firm will be Harvie & Nevill. Mr. Nevill came north last February to visit his father and brother, and liked the country so well that he decided...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 30, 2022

    Nov. 30, 1922 J.G. Galvin arrived in town Saturday after being out with engineers for the past several weeks. Mr. Galvin stated that John P. Van Orsdel of the J.D. Lacy Co. is preparing a report on timber conditions in the vicinity of Wrangell. The J.D. Lacy Co. is one of the best known cruising and timber estimating corporations in the country. That the report of the engineers will be favorable is regarded as a certainty, in which case the establishment of a paper mill will proceed without delay. Mr. Galvin stated that he had every reason to...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry|Nov 23, 2022

    Nov. 23, 1922 J. Stockley Ligon, who was sent to Alaska by the U.S. Biological Survey to investigate wolf attacks, came to town this week, having caught six wolves – four on Kupreanof and two on Zarembo. Ligon is not so much concerned in actual trapping as in making an investigation and working out plans and developing methods that are applicable in Alaska. The $150 that has been raised locally could be spent in no better way than by sending out some reliable local man with Ligon to learn how wolves can be most successfully trapped. Nov. 21, 1...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 16, 2022

    Nov. 16, 1922 The PTA committee on playgrounds, appointed at the last meeting, reported having visited two tracts of land close in. One was the tract back of the residence of the Salvation Army captain near Church Street. It was stated that this land is flat enough and of sufficient size to afford an extensive playground. The second tract visited was that adjoining the Presbyterian Church. While this section is ideal for residential property, the committee was of the opinion that it was not so suitable for a playground as the one near Church St...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong-Hillberry, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 9, 2022

    Nov. 9, 1922 At a public meeting at the city hall Thursday evening, the Alaska Game Protective Association of Wrangell was organized. Officers elected were: Chas.Benjamin, president; J.G. Grant, vice president; Dr. R.J. Diven, secretary-treasurer. John E. Worden served as secretary pro tem. At this meeting, the association endorsed the Alaska Game Bill, with two changes recommended, and passed a resolution asking that there be undertaken an extensive program of stocking lands with furbearers and game. This work had already been started by the...

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