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  • The Way We Were

    Feb 9, 2012

    Feb. 8, 1912: The Alert Fire Company met Monday evening at the Town Council rooms. The election of officers for the ensuing six months, which was deferred from the January meeting resulted in the following becoming the choice of the company: President, J.E. Worden; Vice President J. C. Ensley; Secretary, H. F. Dawes; Treasurer, J.G. Grant; Foreman, Oscar Carlson. The President and Treasure were the only officeholders to be reelected. The Treasurer was not called upon to furnish bonds for the strong-box of the company still contains only five...

  • Honor Roll

    Feb 9, 2012

    Wrangell Schools have released the honor roll list for second quarter. To be placed on the honor roll a student must have a GPA of 3.5 – 4.0. Seniors: David Allen, Nathan Ashton, Travis Bangs, Loni Buness, Darian Burley, Erin Ellis, Korovin Ellis, William Helgeson, Alicia Holder, Ken Johnson, Nichole Kagee, Anne Prysunka, John Pullman, Michael Rooney, Michael Simpson, and Clayton Stokes. Juniors: Alyssa Allen, Jaynee Fritzinger, Victoria Gulla, Courtney Haggard, Nicole Hammer, Victoria Ingram, Haley Reed, Amanda Rooney, Mykayla Rooney, B...

  • Wedding announcement

    Feb 9, 2012

    Dave and Joy Miller and Leif and Diane Larsson announce the engagement of their daughter, Ariel McCormack to Patrick Longmire, son of Richard and Denise Longmire of Santa Fe, Texas. Ariel is a 2009 Wrangell High School graduate. Since graduating she has been attending college at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore. The wedding is planned for June 23, 2012 in Wrangell....

  • Birth announcement: Whitaker son

    Feb 9, 2012

    Ethan Ryder Whitaker was born January 16, 2012 in Ketchikan to Jessica and Brandon Whitaker. Ethan was 9 lbs. 13 oz. at birth and was 21 1/4 inches long. Ethan joins brother Kasey, 2 1/2. Maternal grandparents are Elise and Jody Lindley of Wrangell. Paternal grandmother is Jackie Murray of Massillon Ohio. Maternal great-grand parents are Minnie and Edward Kalkins and Leanne Lindley all of Wrangell. Paternal great grandfather is Gene Boss of Mansfield Ohio....

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 2, 2012

    Feb. 1, 1912: The indoor baseball outfit came up on the Curacao last Saturday. Since then the interest taken in the game has grown for several reasons, chiefly for its resemblance to the greatest game of America. Aside from the real enjoyment of the game, it is a good exerciser and a pastime for people whose work is confining. The game is being arranged for Friday evening Feb. 9 and all descriptions of Rooters, Fans and Bugs are expected to be present as the teams now organizing will have had time to become somewhat accustomed to the rules and...

  • Monochrome Chronicles - a photographic history

    Feb 2, 2012

    Wrangell Cannery 1910. The Sentinel would be grateful for any additional information you may have about photos run in this section....

  • Zak’s Cafe annual “pay what you can” weekly charity dinners are back

    Kaitlyn McAvoy|Jan 26, 2012

    Monday marked the beginning of Zak’s Café “pay what you can” weekly dinners, which allow customers to pay what they wish in exchange for a meal. One hundred percent of that money from customers is then donated to a charity of Zak’s owners Katherine and James George’s choice. This year, the Georges chose Share Our Strength –a nationwide nonprofit aimed at ending childhood hunger. Money generated from the last three years of “pay what you can” dinners at Zak’s was donated to Heifer Internation...

  • Snowfall did not pose serious threat

    Jan 26, 2012

    Snow has been falling on and off in Wrangell since Friday, and as of Tuesday, the National Weather Service has forecasted snow showers to continue through the weekend. However, the snow has not caused any serious problems for Wrangell, according to reports from the Police Department and Public Works Department. Wrangell Police Chief Doug McCloskey said he is aware of two car accidents occurring in the past week due to weather, but neither were serious or caused any injuries. He said those two...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 26, 2012

    Jan. 25, 1912: Anxious friends and relatives are desirous of receiving information regarding the whereabouts of the following described person. Arrow Foot: Gold miner, supposed to be in Alaska. Only living relative is anxious to learn of her whereabouts. B.W. Johnston: Formerly of Paris, Texas, been in Alaska a number of years. About 37 years of age, last heard from at Fairbanks, in 1906, engaged in steam boating and prospecting. Daughter anxious to hear from him. Thomas Lynch: Reported to have died in Alaska on the Yukon River. Party...

  • Chrismas Bird Count

    Jan 26, 2012

    Wrangell birders helped monitor the health of North America’s birds recently by participating in the 112th annual Christmas Bird Count. This survey, sponsored by the National Audubon Society, provides critical information on population trends over the past one hundred years. Nineteen volunteers scoured the beaches and waters around Wrangell identifying and counting every bird they saw. This data will be combined with that of over 60,000 volunteers from across the nation to provide information on birds and their habitats. This year’s calm cou...

  • Sentinel welcomes new reporter

    Jan 19, 2012

    Kaitlyn McAvoy is the Wrangell Sentinel’s new reporter. Coming from her hometown just outside Chicago, she brings both experience and a B. A. degree in Journalism, from Columbia College in the Windy City. McAvoy spent the last two years in Western Wyoming writing for a small town newspaper, the Pinedale Roundup. Prior to that, she was an intern for the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board and wrote a blog about the company editorial board meetings. She enjoys small town life and likes covering its n...

  • The way We Were

    Jan 19, 2012

    Jan. 18, 1912: School Notes: The birthday of the famous Scotch poet, Robert Burns, will be observed, Thursday, January 15. A short program consisting of songs, recitations and quotations from Burns will be given in the Principal's room beginning at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. We regret that Esther Tervo is absent on account of sickness. The seventh grade has completed the work assigned I Arithmetic by the course of study and expect to complete about one half of the eighth grade arithmetic before the close of the term....

  • Treky-quote for Wrangell

    Kaitlyn McAvoy|Jan 19, 2012

    Wrangell resident Joe Stover came to the Sentinel office this week to show off his sign: “Notice: We are Southeast Alaska… You will be assimilate… Resistance is futile!” which was inspired from the famous Borg quote from the television show Star Trek. He thinks it fits well for Wrangell....

  • Soak up the sun

    Submitted by Alaska Pix|Jan 19, 2012

    Nearly camouflaged by the branches, a dark-eyed junco sits in a tree outside Wrangell resident Kathleen Harding's house over the weekend....

  • Stikine Stitchers to raffle off quilts

    Kaitlyn McAvoy|Jan 19, 2012

    Janet Buness of the Stikine Stitchers Quilt Guild hangs handmade quilts at Wells Fargo Tuesday afternoon. The quilts were created by the quilt guild for Wrangell residents in need of comfort while battling a serious illness. They will be raffled off and all proceeds will be donated to Cancer Care of Wrangell, in memory of Jane Bauer who lost her battle to cancer last fall. “This project has been a labor of love fulfilling the last wishes of fellow quilter Jane…” a release from the Stikine Stitc...

  • Scenic overlook

    Submitted by Alaska Pix|Jan 19, 2012

    Though Wrangell was plagued with frigid temperatures this week, the sunshine and clear skies allowed for stunning views, like this one from Nemo Host Campsite....

  • A diva in oil

    Greg Knight|Jan 12, 2012

    Wrangell High School junior Jaynee Fritzinger puts her talents to the canvas as she works on her large-form oil painting of the diva, Marilyn Monroe. Fritzinger is working on her masterpiece in Mr. Kirk Garbisch’s WHS art class....

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 12, 2012

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. Jan 11, 1912: With a rush and a roar the new roller rink opened Monday with a full representation of Wrangell skaters who took advantage of the first chance to enjoy the pleasing exercise in their home town. A great many beginners too clamped on the obstinate, or all-to-willing little rollers and although several spills were experienced no one was injured and all made surprising progress toward the degree of perfection that brings the real enjoyment of the sport. The “400” Skating Club has cha...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 5, 2012

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. Jan 4, 1912: Although a great many attractive entertainment was held last Monday evening more firemen attended the regular monthly meeting than have been present at the meetings for months. Many profitable discussions were given on different subjects relative to better fire protection for the town. Four new members F.L. Clark, F. Gingrass, F. Farrar and Oscar Carlson were taken in to the company. The fire company has grown considerably during the last year and a grand Fireman's Ball was decided...

  • Wrangell senior remembers Christmas in the 40’s

    Greg Knight|Dec 22, 2011

    Christmas, as a remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ may never change, but the times we live and celebrate in do. The prism of the past may be cloudy for some who lived in Wrangell in the early 20th century, but for others, not so dim. In December of 1944, it was a time before television. Franklin D. Roosevelt had just been re-elected for a fourth term, and Wrangell native Willie Eyon can clearly tell you about what happened on Front Street as the holidays came to the island. One of...

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 22, 2011

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. Dec. 21, 1911: In an article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press headed “Alaska Berryland” the Wrangell exhibit of fruit contributed by Mrs. M. Linheart and Mrs. Horgheim, of Wrangell has the distinction of being the “greatest variety shown in the Alaska Exhibit.” The article goes on “The exhibit represents nearly every variety grown in the gardens of the Northern States, most of the wild varieties for the fruit cultivated in the Northern States are wild in Alaska, wild strawberries, wild red raspberri...

  • Wrangell’s hoop shoot winners

    Greg Knight|Dec 22, 2011

    (Standing, left to right) Teresa Flores, Haley Davis, Makena Hammer, Trent Stokes and Caleb Groshong; (Kneeling, left to right) Ashley Allen, Abby Armstrong, Erin Galla, Tymon Teat, Stone Guggenbickler and Trevor Miller; (Seated, left to right) Kalyn Easterly, Elizabeth Armstrong, Jamie Early, Jonah Comstock, Jacob Dow and Jake Eastaugh. Not pictured: Draven Golding....

  • A man on a mission: Alex Buness

    Greg Knight|Dec 22, 2011

    For one young man from Wrangell, the future is looking southward – first to the Rocky Mountains and then to Southeast Asia. Alex Buness, a 2011 graduate of Wrangell High School and faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is headed to the church’s Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah for a 12-week course in how to present the gospel and seek converts to the faith. Buness’ mission will take him to the Philippines – and it’s a challenge he said he is looking f...

  • Three Sisters: Our favorite Christmas memories

    Dec 22, 2011

    Tis Peterman It was a number of years ago, but it was an annual tradition to go to the Alaskan Native Brotherhood Hall, which was located next to the SNO Building. It was a huge hall and every Christmas they would throw this huge party and all the kids would attend the event. I remember sitting in that old hall, which was always filled with kids, waiting to talk to Santa. It was a gathering place for everybody and I remember that the most. Carol Snoddy My favorite Christmas memory was when I...

  • Mrs. Wilson’s first grade class traditions

    Dec 22, 2011

    Niclolas Allen: Me and my dad go out to Pat’s Lake. We do burnouts on our four-wheelers at Christmas time. They are metal and they get stuck in the mud and ice really easily. Killian Booker: I love Christmas because it’s a holiday. I get presents. We get to eat the candy canes off the Christmas tree after Christmas. Serina Thomas: I like to go sledding down hill with my brother, William. We go snowmobiling after sledding. Grace Simpson: We decorate our tree together every Christmas. I love to...

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