Sorted by date Results 153 - 177 of 2344
Omid Rahmanian Wrangell Baha'i Community In a spirit of resilience, akin to the enduring warmth of Christmas, we stand united, transcending differences, fostering kinship and embracing a collective commitment to collaboration, cooperation, reciprocity and harmony. Each day, the community's generosity shines through diverse acts of service, from the fuel train and meal train to vibrant gatherings at the park and pavilion. Our first responders, educators, coaches, musicians, artists and every inhabitant, young and old, embody devotion,...
Pastor Kem Haggard Harbor Light Church The Christmas lights may be meticulously hung in the windows, the inside of your home extensively decorated with Christmas cheer. Your tree might be adorned with precision, even a delightful fire lit with unrivaled presents under the tree. Yet there is a vast and seemingly insurmountable emptiness brought by grief and sorrow during this holiday season. It begs the question: Is there hope in these difficult times? Christmas, at its core, is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, God’s love remains a...
Head librarian Sarah Scambler (right) helped Amy Smith and her daughter Maria make Swedish start ornaments from recycled book pages at the Irene Ingle Public Library on Saturday morning, Dec. 16....
Pastor Sue Bahleda Island of Faith Lutheran Church The blessing of Christmas is that it comes. Ready or not, Dec. 25 dawns and it’s Christmas. It doesn’t matter if all the gifts have arrived or have been wrapped. It doesn’t matter if the turkey is thawed or the last batch (or the first batch) of cookies have been baked. It doesn’t matter if the outside lights got hung, or all the doors of the Advent calendar have been opened. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” “Home Alone,” “Die Hard” or “Miracle on 34th Street...
Bonnie Demerjian St. Philip’s Episcopal Church Who among us doesn’t occasionally, or more often, sigh with exhaustion at the thought of Christmas? So many presents yet to buy, activities to attend, trips to the store or far away. Too often, we’re overshadowed by a cloud of obligation and fatigue and maybe not even realizing it — so used we are to its presence. It can be hard to remember that this is a time of light breaking into the world, of God taking human form. This year, give yourself a gift — a moment or more of silence, maybe a walk on...
Doug Shoultz Wrangell Bible Baptist Church Nedra and I started our second church in southern Indiana in 1987. We were blessed with an old country church building on the outskirts of town with a history that goes back to the very early 1900s. Its construction consisted of lots of wood with a concrete and block foundation. It was built with singing in mind. It also had a rich history of withstanding storms and the many floods that came with the storms. That history included the great flood of 1913 and the shelter offered by this church building...
Father Jose Thomas St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church In this sacred season of celebration, let the resounding message of Emmanuel, “God is with us,” echo in our hearts and homes. Christmas is a time to commemorate the profound truth that, in the humblest of circumstances, God chose to dwell among us. The name Emmanuel is a powerful reminder that in our joys and challenges, triumphs and tribulations, we are never alone. This divine presence is with us as a source of comfort, guidance and unwavering love that transcends the bounds of time and spa...
Dec. 13, 1923 Red Campbell of the Mountain City Athletic Club has arranged with Mickey Prescot to train the latter, and believes that he will prove the best boxer in Alaska for his class. “The kid is game; he has brains and an almost perfect physical development. He is quick as a cat and at the same time well muscled. Once he is trained to put his whole weight behind his blows, it will require a first-class man to stand up against him. Take it from me, that kid is a wonder. All he needs is proper training and coaching.” Red said today. Dec...
Music teacher Tasha Morse conducted a combined choir of sixth through 12th graders in the final piece of the middle school and high school winter concert program at the high school gym on Dec. 5. It was a busy week for holiday music, with the Wrangell Community Chorale performing Dec. 3 and the elementary school winter concert Dec. 7....
Alisha Armstrong and Ander Edens played the central roles in the community theater stage production of "Cinderella" at the Nolan Center on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 9-10. A large cast of volunteers turned out for the musical, taking parts on the stage and as stagehands to help with the production. (This photo was taken at a dress rehearsal on Thursday, Dec. 7.)...
Malachi Harrison studies and steadies as he prepares to take a shot in the annual Elks Hoop Shoot event on Saturday, Dec. 9, at the community gym. More than 40 youngsters participated in the fun and friendly competition. Volunteer Trevyn Gillen stands by as Malachi gets ready to shoot....
A crowd waited and then cheered as they watched the tree lighting downtown on Saturday, Dec. 2. It was a busy afternoon and evening for Christmas activities, with Santa greeting children at the Nolan Center before and after the tree lighting and Front Street businesses offering holiday specials....
Dec. 6, 1923 The monthly report of the community nurse as given to the executive board of the Red Cross reveals the need of the nursing service for the community for as long a time as it can possibly be continued. The fact that a thoroughly competent, well-trained nurse can be sent for in case of accident or illness and that her services can be secured for a small fee – which is turned into the Red Cross at the end of the month – should be a matter of pride and congratulations to every citizen. Dec. 3, 1948 The drive, which began just one mon...
The nationwide Elks Hoop Shoot has been around for more than 50 years, but it’s aimed at a much younger crowd than that. Contestants in the annual free-throw shooting event set for Saturday, Dec. 9, at the community gym can’t be older than 13. For 8- to 13-year-olds, it’s a chance to take aim and sink as many free throws as they can. There will be medals and, if their scores qualify after they are measured against regional and state competitors, the kids could go to nationals. Regardless, everyone at the Hoop Shoot will get a hamburger and a...
Nov. 29, 1923 The U.S. Bureau of Education boat Boxer, Capt. S. T. L. Whittman commanding, with W.T. Lopp, had in its cargo 92 reindeer carcasses from St. Lawrence Island, near the Siberian coast. When Mr. Lopp expressed his willingness to distribute a few of the dressed reindeer among the dealers of Southeastern Alaska, Harry Coulter, manager of City Meat Market, purchased a nice fat reindeer weighing 180 pounds, which was quickly disposed of to the local trade. All who sampled the reindeer meat were more than pleased. The Wrangell Hotel...
Sabrina Yoder, her daughter Addy and even their dog Isa dressed up for the annual Turkey Trot at the Nature Trail behind Evergreen Elementary School on Thanksgiving Day. Costumes were encouraged, but not required, though many runners and walkers came in fun attire for the 13th annual event....
Nov. 22, 1923 Today at noon at the Wrangel Hotel the accommodations were taxed to capacity by an unusually large group that attended the regular weekday luncheon. Commissioner L.D. Henderson told of the progress of the educational movement and the great need in Wrangell for a better school building. The value of an education and the imperative need for catering to the future through the training of youth were urged in a convincing way. Nov. 19, 1948 O.F. Ohlson, receiver for Alaska Asiatic Lumber Mills Inc., reported that no bids were received...
Dwight Yancey works from the line crew bucket to hang holiday decorations on Front Street light poles on Friday, Nov. 17. David McHolland was helping out at street level in the annual preparations that add a festive look to downtown....
Nov. 15, 1923 Word was received from John Hooper, president of the Tourists’ Society, that in addition to giving a number of newspaper interviews regarding his trip north, he will set different topics for each address, dwelling principally upon Wrangell and Juneau as the great centers from which tourists can head out for scenic, hunting, fishing or other trips. He will also put up a strong argument for the paper and pulp industry possibilities in the Juneau and Wrangell districts. Nov. 19, 1948 Lt. Col. J.D. Alexander arrived in Wrangell l...
Recently retired dentist Dr. Charles Haubrich, known around town as "Dr. H.," explains a wooden spinning top to Kyle Lewis and his kid at the community market Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Nolan Center. The top was among a table full of Haubrich's woodwork. It was his first time at the community market, which generally is held monthly....
Nov. 8, 1923 The returns of Tuesday’s special election show that the people of Wrangell are overwhelmingly in favor of a division of the territory. The vote of the Wrangell precinct stood 199 for and 7 against territorial division. There were 35 more votes polled at the special election last Tuesday than at the last municipal election. The special election was for the purpose of obtaining an expression from the people before submitting the matter to Congress for consideration. Nov. 12, 1948 Col. O. F. Ohlson, receiver for Alaska Asiatic L...
Nov. 1, 1923 W. J. Bradley and family arrived from Twin Falls, Idaho, on the Northwestern Monday night. Mr. Bradley has come north to engage in the ranching business on Farm Island. He brought with him a good supply of farming implements, six head of cattle and four horses. A new settlement is springing up on Farm Island. W. S. Binkley and family and Chester Lloyd and family are already located there. This week the population of the island will be increased by the addition of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Bradley and eight children. Other families who...
Even Halloween tricksters need a treat. Ellie Gillen was among the many children who enjoyed the treats and activities at the chamber of commerce Pumpkin Patch event at the downtown pavilion on Saturday, Oct. 28....
Myrna Torgramsen dresses for the occasion at the long-term care center on Friday, Oct. 27. Wrangell Medical Center staff carved, painted and decorated a wide array of spooky and silly pumpkins for residents to judge. Torgramsen's favorite entry - and the first-prize winner - was "Betty Bacon," a pumpkin dressed up as a pig and surrounded by small pumpkin piglets....