Sorted by date Results 207 - 231 of 2359
Aug. 30, 1923 Arrangements for the library benefit program and dance, which will be given by the Civic Club next Monday evening at the Redmen Hall, have been completed. Music by a newly organized orchestra under the leadership of O. A. Bronson has been secured for the dance. The seats will be arranged around the hall for the program, so that dancing can begin immediately at its close. Admission to the program and dance is 50 cents for adults, and 25 cents for children 14 years and under. Super is 25 cents extra. Aug. 27, 1948 City Clerk Robert...
Aug. 23, 1923 Mrs. Stephen Grant has resumed her duties as community nurse following a vacation which she took for the purpose of entering a summer class in community nursing given in Portland under the auspices of the Red Cross. Mrs. Grant finished the six-week course in five weeks by diligent work, and has been given a university credit for her efforts. Her work with the Junior Red Cross will begin with the opening of school activities and promises much for the good of Wrangell. Aug. 20, 1948 B. Frank Heintzelman, regional forester for...
Aug. 16, 1923 The freighter Cordova called here the first week of August to take on a shipment of 115,000 feet of clear spruce which is consigned to London, England. The lumber will be transshipped from Puget Sound to the East Coast and from there across the Atlantic to England. The fact that the Wilson and Sylvester mill of Wrangell is constantly filling repeat orders from England speaks volumes for the quality of Alaska spruce. Aug. 13, 1948 Telephone service between Wrangell and continental United States was inaugurated last week, with many...
Aug. 9, 1923 Richard Suratt, Wrangell’s well-known cinematographer, recently returned from a trip into the Cassiar where he secured 450 feet of remarkable film for the Pathe News. On the road between Telegraph Creek and Dease Lake, Mr. Suratt secured pictures showing how the most primitive methods of transportation are being replaced by strictly modern methods. The pictures show a caterpillar in operation on the same trail with a 50-horse pack train belonging to the Hudson’s Bay Co. Another section of the film shows the caterpillar meeting a m...
Aug. 2, 1923 Ed Grigwire Sr. and Ed Grigwire Jr. came in Monday from Anita Bay where they spent Sunday fishing. They brought back a boatload of trout, which was one of the largest catches of freshwater fish ever seen in Wrangell. It hardly seems possible that two people could have had the energy to have taken out so many fish in one day. Wrangell is surely a fisherman’s paradise and the Grigwires are the town’s two most enthusiastic piscatorial artists. July 30, 1948 “Here comes Charlie,” a local talent play put on last Sunday afterno...
July 26, 1923 The water has been so low in the city reservoir the past week as to be a serious matter. On this account, the linotype machine and printing presses in the Sentinel office, which are run by water power, have been shut down the entire week. Naturally, we regret the shortage of reading matter in this issue, but we have no apologies to offer. We feel we have more than done our duty in attempting to get out any kind of a newspaper at all under such a tremendous handicap. July 23, 1948 A group of members from the Emblem Club and Elks...
July 19, 1923 Ray Ready, a former Wrangell boy, who was connected with the Sentinel in 1917, is now operating a Linotype machine in the composing room of the Derrick Publishing Co. at Oil City, Pennsylvania. He says that a news dispatch from Wrangell a few days ago reported: “President Harding was greeted by thousands upon his arrival at Fort Wrangell, and the president made a speech from the steps of the courthouse.” Then Mr. Ready said: “Will you please tell me just where that courthouse in Wrangell with steps is located.” The joke is on R...
This was the sixth year for the Fourth of July boat races since the competition restarted in 2017 (minus one year for the pandemic cancellation). The event is sponsored by the Stikine River Rats Racing Club. Limited, 115-hp and under, on a circular course First: Curty Kautz, $1,100 and a trophy Second: Scott Phillips, $700 Third: Scott Gile, $500 Unlimited (up to 99 mph) on a straight head-to-head course First: Randy Easterly, $1,300 and a trophy Second: Curty Kautz, $900 Third: Gary Allen Jr., $700 Raffle winner of Alaska Airlines tickets...
Thank you to all my family and friends for making my 90th birthday one to remember and for making it a great party. Thank you for all the cards, gifts and birthday wishes. Thanks to James Eden for taking pictures and to Jake and crew for the food and use of the Stikine. A special thanks to my family for making it all possible. Verda Villarma Thank you to the businesses that participated in the Fourth of July quilt show. Stikine Stitchers...
July 12, 1923 The presidential party arrived in Wrangell early Monday morning on the transport Henderson, under a convoy of two torpedo boats. The moment the distinguished visitor stepped onto Grant’s float they were greeted by the reception committee headed by Acting Mayor George H. Barnes. Without any delay, the party marched to the courthouse, where, standing at the foot of the steps, President Warren G. Harding was officially welcomed by the Rev. Robert Joseph Diven. After expressing his pleasure at being in Alaska, and in Wrangell, the pre...
Contestants in KSTK's wiener toss might have wanted to use their hands to catch the flying hot dogs, but no hands allowed. It was an open-mouth contest. Spectators lined both sides of Lynch Street to witness the meat-flinging hilarity on July 3. Families gathered along the waterfront on Campbell Drive to ooh and aah over the explosion of fireworks above Zimovia Strait the night of July 4. Lee Wiederspohn kicks water at Kenneth Wilson during the log-rolling competition on July 3 at City Dock....
A huge round of applause and shout of thanks goes to all the dog owners and pups who participated in the third annual St. Frances Animal Rescue Dog Show. The volunteers of St. Frances also extend a special thanks to the show’s sponsor, Cooper’s Corner, owned by Kimberly Szczatko, and our judges, Mayor Patty Gilbert, KSTK reporter Sage Smiley and our visiting guest, Dr. Eric Sargent. Joan Sargent Dog show coordinator Thanks to all the amazing individuals and businesses that donated prizes for the Scrap Fish Derby! All prizes were purchased fro...
July 5, 1923 The boxing contest between Ralph Prescott and Kid Stokes at the rink on July 4 was the biggest sports attraction of the day. Six rounds were fought and the fight resulted in a draw. Stokes is a Juneau man. Prescott is a home boy. Stokes is 25 years of age and weighs 135 pounds. Prescott is 18 years old and weighs 140. Prescott had not been in the ring but once before. In the first round Stokes was more aggressive, but after that it was about a standoff. All rounds were lively and the last one without doubt the fastest ever seen in...
Jonah Hurst rejoices after defeating six competitors in the youth division of the pie eating contest on Saturday, July 1. The "pies" were composed of whipped cream and pudding, donated by City Market and Wrangell IGA. Jagger Campbell displays the flounder he caught during the Scrap Fish Derby on Sunday, July 2. Hundreds of children and parents showed up at City Dock to snag perch, crabs, bullheads and more. Prizes were awarded for the largest and smallest catch of each species. Peyton Young...
June 28, 1923 Wrangell now has an express office, having been duly established here this week with the mercantile firm of Walker & Russell as agents. For some time there has been an urgent need for an express office to take care of the town’s growing business, especially in the shipment of furs. Recently, the Wrangell Commercial Club took up the matter. A cablegram was sent to the American Railway Express company pointing out the urgent need for an express office here, and recommending the appointment of Walker & Russell as local agents. Two d...
June 21, 1923 At a meeting of the town council last week, consideration was given to the matter of entertaining the President Warren G. Harding during his brief visit in Wrangell on Sunday, July 8. After some discussion, it was decided that a reception committee composed of men and women should be appointed, and that the Wrangell Commercial Club would be requested to name the men on the committee for general supervision of the town’s reception for the president. It was further decided to request the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion to n...
June 7, 1923 A much needed improvement at the school house is the storeroom that has been built in the basement, at the front of the building, by Supt. Gross. Since the re-arrangement of the interior of the building about five years ago, the school has had no place to store such things as costumes used for entertainment and programs, extra books, Christmas tree trimmings and many other articles. The result has been that many things have been lost or so scattered that they had to be replaced. Considerable damage by mice has been done to...
May 31, 1923 The first aerial mail ever received through the Wrangell post office came from Lake Bay Wednesday morning, having been brought by the seaplane Northbird piloted by Roy Jones with Glen Day as engineer. Mr. Jones stated that the flight from Ketchikan to Lake Bay was made in 55 minutes. Arriving here, it soon became known that the Northbird had brought mail and there were many visits to the post office with the result that about a dozen persons received letters within 45 minutes from the time they had left Lake Bay. While the...
May 31, 1923 During the past few days, several trappers have come down the Stikine with good catches of fur which they sold to local buyers. Seven huge bales of furs were included in the cargo of the Hazel B No. 4 which arrived last week from Telegraph Creek, British Columbia. The fur was placed in the bonded warehouse and reshipped on the Princess Mary on Monday, being consigned to the Hudson’s Bay Co. in Victoria. Yesterday afternoon the Hazel B No. 4 arrived from her second trip to Telegraph Creek. This time her cargo included two large bale...
Denny Leak slowly carves a killer whale totem out of a tree trunk last Thursday behind the Wrangell Cooperative Association cultural center. The totem will be one of two that will replace the old carvings that were mounted on posts around the Chief Shakes gravesite on Case Avenue. Brodie Gardner, who graduated high school on May 19, cleaned up the site by power washing and painting the surrounding fence and cleaning the stairs leading up to the site as part of her senior project. The previous...
Gig Decker, a member of the Wrangell Mariners' Memorial committee, reads from a list of names of people who made their living from the ocean and have died. Decker and his fellow committee members, along with a large crowd despite the rainy weather, gathered around the memorial at Heritage Harbor while vessels lined up offshore during the blessing of the fleet last Sunday. Pastors Jon and Rosie Tollerud and Sue Bahleda gave a prayer and recited a litany before the reading of the names. Girl...
May 24, 1923 The health center is now established in the quaint old building which has stood for more than half a century on the government reserve near the courthouse, and which during the past 10 years was used for a time as a U.S. Commissioner’s office and later as a hall for the American Legion. This historic building, which is constructed of logs, was built in 1867 by Capt. Bancroft who built Fort Wrangell. With the exception of the customs house, it is the only one left of the eight buildings which comprised the garrison. The garrison w...
May 17, 1923 Never before in the history of navigation on the Stikine has the first voyage of the season been such an eventful one as this year. The 25 mining men on the passenger list and the large quantity of mining machinery and other equipment which comprised the principal cargo of a barge and two riverboats which left Wrangell Wednesday is an unmistakable forecast of considerable mining activity in the Cassiar the coming season. More than 50 tons of the cargo for the first voyage was for the Pendleton Gold Mining Co., which is going to...
Correction The Sentinel incorrectly reported in a story about the borough’s new downtown restrooms on May 10 that Kate Thomas is director of the Parks and Recreation Department. That was her former job; she is now director of the Economic Development Department. Lucy Robinson is Parks and Recreation director....
May 10, 1923 At the meeting of the town council last Thursday night, the application of J. K. Nevill for a telephone franchise came up for final action. The council voted unanimously to grant Mr. Nevill a franchise for the installation of a telephone system in Wrangell, lasting 10 years. May 7, 1948 A paper on “How I Can Improve My Home,” by Mrs. G. C. Crowell, made up the program at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Civic Club on Saturday. Mrs. Crowell’s contribution was filled with ideas for the homemaker and was greatly enjoyed by the 20...