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Head Start preschool opened its doors Tuesday morning for its first day of school this year. According to Donna McKay, who has worked at Head Start for about 29 years, the school has 10 new students. Here, McKay can be seen teaching the class a song....
September 5, 1918 Tom Fugita, well known in Southeastern Alaska as a successful restaurant man, has recently returned from a trip to Japan and taken over the Wrangell Restaurant. Tom has an enviable reputation as a chef, and it is not a bad thing for Wrangell that he has returned from the land of cherry blossoms and is again on the job of relieving the hungry public. September 10, 1943 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bennett and three children Ardeth, Alaska and Ila, arrived here this week from Petersburg and intend to establish their future home in Wrangel...
August 29, 1918 School will open September ninth, a week later than usual this year owing to the repairs that are being made to the interior of the school building. These repairs were very necessary from a sanitary standpoint and will improve the arrangement greatly besides eliminating considerable wasted space. Besides the alterations, two rooms have been painted and new blackboards will be installed throughout the school. August 27, 1943 The Coast Guard’s widely heralded 35-piece band will play a concert in the ANB hall here on September 7...
August 22, 1918 The dance given last Thursday night at the Wrangell Hotel for the young men who were going to enlist was a very pleasant affair. The spacious sample room had been converted into a ball room for the evening and had been tastefully decorated in the national colors. The flags of England, France, Italy and Belgium mingled with the stars and stripes. Many enjoyed the fine music and the dancing and nearly all remaining until the strains of “Home, Sweet Home” sounded. The affair was arranged by Mrs. R. V. Dailey and Mrs. T. R. Dai...
August 15, 1918 To the Mayor, Wrangell. Government will hold a national rifle match at Camp Perry, Ohio, September 16 to 21. Alaska may send a civilian team of 16 members, ages 16 to 45. Team must report to Camp Perry September 1, government to pay transportation and subsistence expenses. If you have any good shots please hold elimination shoot immediately and wire of your choice to this office. If can be determined who is best man without contest wire his name promptly. Action imperative. Cramer, Secretary to Governor. August 13, 1943 Biggest...
August 8, 1918 Capt. A.B. Conover and James Wilson are in town this week from Glenora. They brought with them a nice collection of furs. Capt. Conover also brought with him the skin of the glacier bear killed by Arthur Bannon of Portsmouth, Ohio, two months ago. It will be shipped to Mr. Bannon together with the skull. It is a most beautiful skin, and one for which Bannon refused an offer of $400 from a fur buyer. Capt. Conover states that this is the only glacier bear he has ever known of being killed in this region, and the Captain has probab...
Registration for Evergreen Elementary, Stikine Middle School and Wrangell High School will be held Thurs., Aug. 16, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. at Wrangell High School Gym/Commons. New students will need to come in to complete a paper registration packet. Returning students can complete registration online via Powerschool which will be available Mon., Aug. 13. Contact the following to reset a Powerschool login or to schedule a different time for registration: WHS - 874-3395; SMS - 874-3393; EES - 8741-2321. Credit cards can be...
August 1, 1918 When Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Case gave a dance at the Rink a few weeks ago for a smoke fund for the Wrangell boys who are serving their country, they realized from the evening’s entertainment the sum of $69. Mr. Case has presented the Sentinel with a report of the apportionment of the amount which incidentally reveals the fact that there are 23 Wrangell men in the service at the present time. The tobacco fund, which the Case family raised, has been divided equally among them. July 30, 1943 Carol M. Ferguson of Wrangell has begun train...
Late last week, a tree collapsed along the Mt. Dewey hiking trail. The public was first made aware about the tree via Facebook by Wrangell resident Karl Torgramsen. According to him, the tree fell near the top of the trail and was difficult to get around. Kate Thomas, director of the Wrangell Parks and Recreation Department, said that several community members had called to inform them about the tree over the weekend. She added that, as of 9:30 Monday morning, the tree had been removed. "There...
August 1, 1918 Surgeon General G. Sterling Ryerson, founder and past president of the Canadian Red Cross, will leave Seattle August 2, on the Spokane, and upon arrival in Wrangell, will be at the disposal of the local Red Cross Chapter while the vessel is in port. An effort will be made for him to speak to the people of Wrangell. Surgeon General Ryerson who is retired from the Canadian army, has served in five military expeditions, including South Africa and the Great War. He is Inspector General of Red Cross work in France. His eldest son was...
August 1, 1918 The Sentinel will soon display a service flag. Weston Dalgity who has been connected with this office almost constantly since it came into the possession of its present owner goes south this week to enlist. Following the custom which is prevalent at the present time of filling a vacancy caused by a man’s entering the service by putting a woman in the position vacated by Mr. Dalgity will be filled by Miss June Elliott who has severed her connection with the Spokane Chronicle to come north. Miss Elliott is aboard the Humboldt and w...