about town

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  • First at the weigh station

    Jun 17, 2021

    Scott Young turned in the first catch of Wrangell's 66th king salmon derby on Tuesday afternoon. The Wrangell fisherman caught the 23.9-pound king in Stikine Strait. The derby runs through June 30....

  • Basketball camp scores for 2 days

    Jun 17, 2021

    Ashley Bates ran dribbling drills at a basketball camp for seventh through 12th graders at the high school gym on June 3. Bates, with Make Yourself, an athletic training operation in Anchorage, was in Wrangell for the camp June 2-3. Penny Allen, one of the volunteers for the camp, said it was free for participants - the costs were paid for by the Amateur Athletics Union. The two-day camp also included sessions on pre-season nutrition and conditioning, and how to lessen injuries when...

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 10, 2021

    June 9, 1921 A group of mining men are financing an expedition into the Cassiar District in northern British Columbia where, it is believed, they will find a new Eldorado. Stuart Henderson, a lawyer and promoter, heads the enterprise. The morning of June 3, Henderson said his men will be in the field within the next few weeks, and from preliminary prospecting that has already been done, he is confident they will open up a good property in the district east of the Alaska border from Wrangell. June 7, 1946 Ketchikan’s restaurant wage dispute w...

  • Serving up this week

    Jun 10, 2021

    Warm-ups and learning to pass the ball are part of the instruction as Wrangell Parks and Recreation kicked off its six-day youth volleyball program Monday afternoon. The department's Lucy Moline-Robinson said the program is for kids ages 9 to 11, and will teach them the basics of volleyball. Devyn Johnson, who is leading the program, said about 20 kids signed up....

  • Summer lunch program

    Jun 10, 2021

    Kindergartener Parker Christopher Mork receives a snack bag and lunch voucher from Lt. Jon Tollerud of the Wrangell Salvation Army on Monday. The Salvation Army has started a new summer snack and lunch program for kids, which will run to the end of July. In addition to the snack bags, children can receive a lunch voucher each day for either J&W's or Nic's Place. As of Monday, Tollerud said the program still had room for 15 more kids to sign up. Call the Wrangell Salvation Army at...

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 3, 2021

    June 9, 1921 The new school and community tennis court on the McCormack property received the attention of a large number of workers Monday evening from 6:30 to 9. A great deal was done. Wrangell autos helped the good work along and hauled sand and gravel from the beach to a spot near the school. Everybody interested, from little Lawrence Crawford and Herbert Bjorge with a tin cup and a small pail, respectively, to the mayor, worked. Boys from the primary grades mingled with those from the upper and high school classes. Before long, Wrangell...

  • Remembrance for Sig and Helen Decker

    Jun 3, 2021

    Friends, family and community members came out to City Park and the Wrangell Mariners' Memorial last Saturday evening for a Celebration of Life for Sig and Helen Decker, who died July 27 in a car accident in Petersburg. People were invited to a potluck at the park to enjoy friendship and music, and to share stories about the Deckers. Later in the evening, people moved to the nearby Mariners' Memorial (above), followed by the scattering of Sig and Helen's ashes....

  • Fourth of July fundraising begins

    Jun 3, 2021

    The 2021 Fourth of July royalty contest kicked off Monday evening. Wrangell's two candidates, sophomore Cassady Cowan (left) and senior Emma Martinsen, thanked the public for their support at a gathering under the downtown pavilion. The royalty contest is a longstanding Wrangell tradition, dating back to the 1950s. Candidates raise money through ticket sales to support Fourth of July events, and to set aside money for their own education. Martinsen will run a food booth in the downtown pavilion...

  • Crew vaccination cruise

    Jun 3, 2021

    The 102-passenger National Geographic Orion, a Lindblad Expeditions vessel, arrived in Ketchikan on May 24 - without any passengers. The ship carried 110 crew members to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations. The Orion left Ketchikan on Monday. Acting Ketchikan Port and Harbors Director Mark Hilson said the idea to bring cruise ship crew to Ketchikan to receive their vaccine shots came up a couple of months ago in talks with the company's local agent. "They have a mitigation plan that keeps them...

  • Evening stroll

    Jun 3, 2021

    A couple of geese make their way through City Park, past the stone pile, early last Saturday evening....

  • Time to celebrate

    May 27, 2021

    Graduation formalities were finished and down came the balloons, floating over the 14 graduates at last Friday's ceremonies at the community gym -- in the school colors, of course. For more photos, see Page 7....

  • The Way We Were

    May 27, 2021

    May 26, 1921 That the Alaska Sanitary Packing Co. cannery in Wrangell will run this season is now a certainty, a cablegram having been received from O.A. Brown yesterday to that effect. It is not known how long the run will be, but it is expected that the season will be rather short. Last year’s salmon harvest in southern Southeast was down more than one-third from 1918, with even lower returns expected this year. The cannery was built in 1918. May 24, 1946 Ray Day, deputy collector of Customs in Wrangell, received the following wire this w...

  • Young gardeners at work

    May 27, 2021

    Evergreen Elementary School students last week exercised their green thumbs at the school's annual plant and seed sale and garden cleanup and prep for the summer. Fourth grader Brogan Booker spreads fresh dirt in the raised bed as Jacoby Hunt keeps adding to the pile on May 18. Students were busy filling the beds for next year, mixing in coffee grounds and eggshells, said Jenn Miller-Yancey, lead teacher and assistant principal at Evergreen Elementary. They also were harvesting the last of this...

  • The new way to take pictures

    May 27, 2021

    Elevate UAS finished flying its drone over Wrangell last week, taking photos and gathering digital data of the terrain from a pulsing laser aimed at the ground, known as LiDAR. The company was in town to finish the aerial work on its borough contract, which covers almost 1,400 acres from the north end of Wrangell Island to south and east of Heritage Harbor. Andy Dietrick (above) preps the drone for another flight May 19. He and Cole Smith, owner of the Portland-based company, were on their...

  • Music has returned

    May 20, 2021

    Sixth grader Madeline Davies was among the high school and middle school musicians and choir members who performed their first concert in more than a year on May 11, striking a positive musical note for the community. See Page 8 for more photos....

  • The Way We Were

    May 20, 2021

    May 19, 1921 The U.S. Fisheries Service boat Auklet made an emergency trip to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, during the week for the merchants of Wrangell. The Auklet left here early Saturday morning and returned yesterday morning. Needed supplies such as flour, sugar, eggs and meat were brought back from the Canadian port. Mrs. Neville accompanied Captain Neville on the trip, which was made by special permission of the government. A union strike has stopped loading of ships at U.S. West Coast ports, significantly reducing flow of goods to...

  • Students pick up the beat after COVID absence

    May 20, 2021

    Wrangell Schools Music Director Tasha Morse conducted middle and high school students in their first performances since December 2019 at the covered basketball court at Evergreen Elementary School on May 11. At the start of the middle school mini-concert, Morse told the audience: "What you have just witnessed is the very first note that our entire band has played together as a band at all." COVID-19 safety protocols had blocked the two bands since early last year not just from performing but...

  • SEAPA fire

    May 20, 2021

    The Southeast Alaska Power Agency reported "minimal damage to the structure and its contents" from a fire May 13 at its warehouse and office building at 4408 Zimovia Highway. "The root cause and anticipated cost of repairs is under review," the agency said. The fire struck about 9 a.m. and did not affect electrical service to the community....

  • Peakaboo bunny

    May 13, 2021

    CeAirra Glaser loves to carry her pet rabbit, Luna, all over town to enjoy the sights, but not when it's raining hard. "Rabbits aren't supposed to get super wet," the high school sophomore said. Glaser originally bought the clear backpack to carry around her two cats - "my cats both actually like it" - but then hit on the idea of making it a rabbit carrier too when taking Luna on a visit to a friend's house. She has been taking her rabbit on sightseeing walks for about a month...

  • The Way We Were

    May 13, 2021

    May 12, 1921 The opening of the Stikine River season, an event of great importance to the region, and especially to the residents of Telegraph Creek, British Columbia, and vicinity, will take place Saturday when about 25 passengers will leave Wrangell on the Hazel B III and Hazel B IV. The freight in the warehouse, awaiting shipment up the river, amounts to about 40 tons, but only half of it will be carried up on the initial trip. Five horses that came up on the steamship Mary will form part of the cargo. May 10, 1946 This past week, several su...

  • Students pitch in and pick up too

    May 13, 2021

    Jennifer Davies leads her third-grade class down Front Street on Friday to pick up trash as part of the two-day Community Collaborations project, sponsored by Wrangell Parks and Recreation. In addition to general cleanup around downtown, volunteers helped restore and replant the curbside garden beds along Front Street and took on other chores to improve the community's appearance. Kate Thomas, Wrangell Parks and Recreation director, reports volunteers logged in more than 275 hours over the...

  • Batters up for the next four weeks

    May 13, 2021

    Sophie Andrews, of the Sharks, takes a swing during the Little League game last Thursday. Wrangell Little League teams will play every Wednesday and Thursday until June 10. Games begin at 6 p.m. Concessions will be available. "The safety of our kids and community are a priority," the Little League says on its Facebook post, "so we ask that you social distance when possible, wear a mask if you feel the need, and feel free to bring your own camping chairs to sit anywhere along the fence you would...

  • Digging in for downtown

    May 13, 2021

    Renate Davies (left) and WCA staff Esther Reece, Lizzie Romane, Deanna Horn and Kim Wickman dug in, pitched in, planted and trimmed one of the 14 downtown garden beds last Friday as part of the Community Collaboration effort to improve the town's appearance. The two-day event, organized by Wrangell Parks and Recreation, drew more than 60 volunteers. The city electric department hung colorful banners on light posts and kids joined in the effort, too, with Evergreen Elementary School students...

  • Picking up the trash at sea

    May 6, 2021

    Crews working in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands last month gathered up 47 tons of marine plastic and abandoned fishing nets, including this haul brought in by Joao Garriques (left) and Matthew Chauvin. They were delivering their load to a ship near Kure Atoll on April 11. The debris threatens marine animals, birds and the ecosystem. Click here for the story....

  • The Way We Were

    May 6, 2021

    May 5, 1921 The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society have secured the Rex Theater for tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and evening, and will give a tea and goody sale from 3 to 5 p.m. and a program at 8 in the evening. The program includes a farce in two acts and vocal and instrumental selections and readings. The admission to the evening entertainment will be 35 cents for adults and 20 cents for children. The proceeds will be used for furnishing the new manse. In addition to the program as printed last week, Mrs. Towers has consented to sing a...

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