Sorted by date Results 739 - 763 of 2359
July 3, 1919 The Hazel B 4 made her maiden voyage up the Stikine last week. Among the passengers were Mrs. Charles Binkley, Misses Katherine and Margaret Bronson, and Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Shangle. The river being unusually high, the boat did not have opportunity to show the speed she can make under normal conditions, but she showed clearly to the owners, the Barrington Transportation Company, that she was going to be practical and thoroughly satisfactory for the river traffic. The design of the boat was worked out by Captain Charles M. Binkley, w...
Randy Oliver using a bulldozer to move a large log into position at City Dock, preparing for the annual logging show. The Chuck Oliver Logging Show has been a staple event during Wrangell's Fourth of July celebration since its inception in 1975. This year will be the 45th annual logging show, according to Oliver. It is also unique in that this will be the final year Randy, son of the event's founder Chuck Oliver, will participate in the logging show before retiring. The show will take place on...
Anny Newport posing with some of her rock art, which she turned in for the annual art fair this year. Her art received a blue ribbon....
Radio station KSTK held their second annual "Touch-A-Truck" event at Volunteer Park two weeks ago. Families with little kids could see many different kinds of work vehicles, including fire trucks, police cars, bulldozers, dump trucks, and more. Pictured here is Nolan Johnson (wearing the fireman's helmet) and Tom Kowalske checking out an ambulance....
June 26, 1919 Post Office Inspector P. L. Neill was aboard the Admiral Evans Monday returning from a tour of inspection as far to the Westward as Kodiak. While the vessel was in port the Sentinel reporter approached Mr. Neill for news. The inspector said: “I am going to recommend a gas boat mail service between Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan to supplement the steamer service. There are several of the larger boats which do not call at Wrangell and Petersburg.” Commenting further on local conditions the Inspector stated that the Post Off...
June 19, 1919 Friday the thirteenth was a lucky day for the town of Wrangell. Donald Sinclair, a prominent Wrangell merchant, was advised Friday by Judge Jennings that the department had allowed Wrangell a new $6,000 jail and courthouse. Mr. Sinclair took word of the new building on his return to Wrangell. He said to the Dispatch that for that amount a very substantial building could be erected to accommodate the U.S. commissioner, deputy marshal and jail, as the Government owned an excellent site. The present building in use at Wrangell is an...
be available to discuss and answer questions about the regulatory program at an informational open house in Wrangell. The event will be held on Monday, June 24, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 205 Brueger Street. Representatives from the Corps’ Regulatory Division will be available to answer permitting questions regarding requirements for placing fill and structures in waters of the United States and provide assistance with preparing applications. For more information, contact Michael Gala, U.S. Army Corps of E...
Golf Roundup Radio Station KSTK sponsored a nine-hole best ball tournament at Muskeg Meadows last Saturday, June 15. There were 18 participants in the tournament. First place went to a team consisting of Spenser Stavee, Ed Rilatos, Ron Soale, and Drew Eyon, with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 17. Second place went to Eric Kading, Tyler Eagle, Toot Harding, and Wayne Harding with a net score of 21 and team handicap of 17. Third place went to Dough Nelson, Jerry Bakeburg, and Frank Roppel...
June 12, 1919 Prof. Wilcox of the U.S. Bureau of Mines will take an economic geological reconnaissance of Kupreanoff Island and vicinity. Professor E. R. Wilcox who, during the past year, has been Research Fellow in the U.S. Bureau of Mines, University of Washington, will arrive in Wrangell as soon after his duties there are at an end about June 16, to join John T. Towers on Kupreanoff Island. Mr. Wilcox will spend the coming summer making an economic geological reconnaissance of Kupreanoff Island and vicinity. The U.S. Geological Survey...
June 5, 2019 Memorial Day was fittingly observed in Wrangell last Friday. At one o’clock in the afternoon an excellent program was rendered in the Redmen’s hall, which was crowded beyond its seating capacity. F. H. Gray presided. At the conclusion of the program a line was formed for a march to the city float, where boats had been provided to take all persons to the cemetery who wished to go. The parade was headed by the Wrangell Native band; then came returned soldiers in uniform. At the float two boats were in waiting. They were the Eag...
Mercedes Angerman and Donald "Jay" Neal were married in a short ceremony on Saturday May 11, 2019. Aminda Skan, daughter of the bride, served as the maid of honor. Craig Wilson of Wasilla was the best man. The wedding was held at The Bridge Seafood Restaurant that spans across Ship Creek in downtown Anchorage and was followed by a reception and dinner catered by the restaurant. Mercedes is the daughter of Mercedes and the late Frederick Angerman Sr. of Wrangell. She recently retired from the...
May 29, 1919 Saturday night a cabin was searched by officers. The search was made by Ensign J.J. Hughes, Deputy U.S. Marshall H. J. Wallace and Ernest P. Walker of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Probably the most damaging find made by the officers was a single sheet of manuscript containing several verses of doggerel under the title, “The Bolsheviks Are Coming.” In the cabin were also found two bundles of pamphlets, which are supposed to have been in possession for the purpose of distribution. The pamphlets in the other bundle were entitled “Th...
The Totem Bar & Liquor held a best-ball tournament last weekend at Muskeg Meadows Golf Course. There were 21 participants in Saturday’s game, May 25. First place went to a team consisting of Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Rodney Littleton, and Ken Madsen, with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 14. Second place went to a team consisting of Brett Woodbury, Frank Roppel, and Eric Kading with a net score of 21. Third place went to a team consisting of Aaron Angerman, Aaron Powell, Cody Angerman, and Drew Eyon with a net score of 21. Keene K...
The Wrangell Softball Team held a large fundraising event last Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The entire team and coaching staff took over the parking lot of Volunteer Park to host a bake sale, rummage sale, and car wash. The town came out in a large show of support for the team, as well. Within the first hour, the team was reportedly halfway to their $500 goal. According to Coach Bella Crowley, the fundraiser exceeded expectations by bringing in over $700 for the team to u...
May 22, 1919 “The union fishermen of the Wrangell district have declared a boycott on all local fish buyers. Buyers from Seattle and Ketchikan are already on the grounds, and we will ship fish from here to Prince Rupert direct, if necessary,” said E. R. Sawyer, secretary of the Wrangell, Alaska Labor Union. “Prince Rupert buyers are paying 4c above price paid here for round fish. Fishermen have land donated to them at Ward’s Cove where they will build a cooperative cold storage and mild curing plant, and will have their market in the Middle...
Wrangell's JOM dancers held a car wash, last Saturday, to raise money for the upcoming Celebration 2020. Pictured here (left to right) Brody Knecht, Solva Gillen, and Delilah Ramirez....