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The Nolan Center hosted a fall market last Saturday as part of the Tent City Days Festival. Items for sale at the market ranged from food, to jewelry, and even grant applications with the city. Pictured here are Tawney Crowley and Carter Hammer, sharing a booth and selling personally designed stickers....
October 14, 1920 Advertising in the Sentinel pays. For instance, Ed Grigwire this week received an order from U. G. Parks of Newark, Ohio, for a Wisconsin motor to be delivered to him at Wrangell next Spring. Mr. Parks stated in his letter to Mr. Grigwire that he saw his advertisement in the Sentinel. Mr. Parks is a retired tailor. Two years ago he spent the summer in Wrangell putting in most of his time with Charles Borch on Snake Creek. He liked the North so well that he is coming back next year. October 12, 1945 Alvin T. Nelson, M.D., today...
Wrangell's annual pumpkin patch festival took place during tax free day last Saturday, Oct. 10. Families were invited to the downtown pavilion to pick out halloween pumpkins, buy food, and play games. Pictured here are Amura, Rory, and Kaiya Roher showing off their Star Wars costumes at the pumpkin patch....
October 7, 1920 Articles of incorporation have been filed in the office of the secretary of Alaska for the Wrangell Mining, Pulp & Power company. The company is incorporated for $1,000,000 and is divided into 10,000 shares for $100 a share. The articles state that the company will carry on the industries of mining, pulp milling and leasing of water power for the generating and transmitting electric power, in the vicinity of the town of Wrangell. The period of duration of the corporation is 50 years. There are five directors. The incorporators...
A Red Squirrel poses for a photo, on the stairway between Church Street and Front Street. Red Squirrels are common across the forested areas of Alaska, according to the Department of Fish and Game. Red squirrels are active year-round but they may remain in their nests during cold spells and bad weather. With summer at an end, this squirrel will be relying on food it has spent the season gathering up to make it through the winter....
Sept. 30, 1920 The school benefit entertainment and dance given in the Redmen’s hall Friday evening was a huge success, both socially and financially. Hon. P.C. McCormack, treasurer of the school board, acted as chairman for the occasion, and his preliminary remarks met with a ready response. The following program was exceptionally well rendered, each number receiving an encore: Piano solo-Miss Erma Grant, Song-Miss Edna Mae Bidwell, Song-Miss Marjorie Johnson, Piano Solo- Glen Matheson, Vocal Solo - Miss Lillian Kelley, Irish Jig - Miss M...
Last Tuesday, Sept. 22, was the official last day of summer for 2020. It was a unique season in Wrangell, with the COVID-19 pandemic and rainy weather. Much like the weather Wrangell saw over the summer, the National Weather Service is predicting likely rain for the next several days. Pictured here is Wrangell on the last day of summer, seen from the top of Mt. Dewey....
September 23, 1920 The publisher of the Sentinel is in receipt of the following letter from the territorial historian of the order of Pioneers of Alaska: Valdez, Alaska. Mr. J. W. Pritchett, Wrangell, Alaska. Dear brother Pritchett; I want to congratulate you on the excellent manner which you presented the landing of the planes and incidents connected therewith. You seem to fully appreciate the tremendous importance of the occasion and realize the value of a full descriptive article covering it, as data for the future historian. Of course it...
For the first time in several months, since the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact life in Wrangell, the Nolan Center showed a new film in its theater last Sunday evening. The theater has still been operating through the pandemic, with safety precautions in place, but has only shown older and classic movies. The new movie brought to the theater last weekend was "The New Mutants." Pictured here is Devlyn Campbell and CeAirra Glaser managing the concession stand before the start of the...
Southeast Beasts hosted a Forest Fun Run last Saturday afternoon, Sept. 19. Lucy Moline-Robinson, with Southeast Beasts, said about 25 people participated in the 5k. The run was to raise money for the running group's youth athletic shoe account with Angerman's Inc. Robsinson said they got several in-person donations at the run, as well as payments online. She estimated the amount raised about $400....
September 16, 1920 George F. Forest of Juneau made a round trip up the Stikine to Telegraph Creek last week. He was present at the landing of the airplanes at Glenora. Mr. Forest is very enthusiastic over the amazing scenery along the Stikine and says that Wrangell and the transportation companies should have the Stikine nationally advertised as a side trip. September 14, 1945 Elks are asking support of the town when they will sponsor a dance to be given for the benefit of Scout Troop 600 of Wrangell. Purpose is to raise funds to make up...
A poster board outside of Mikki Angerman's classroom, at Evergreen Elementary School, encouraging kids to wear their face masks during the school day. Masks are part of the district's mitigation plan to protect students and faculty from COVID-19 during the school year....
September 9, 1920 Sourdoughs of Alaska read with interest lately the repetition of the name Wrangell in the press dispatches. Wrangell, in Alaska, was the first town in the territory reached by the airplanes in the flight from New York to Nome. From the Crimea came news of the activities of General (Baron) Wrangell as the head of anti-Bolshevik forces. He is undoubtedly a descendant of the other Baron Ferdinand P. von Wrangell, a governor of Alaska under Russian rule in the thirties of the last century. The bustling port of Wrangell of course...
The sunset on the evening of Monday, Sept. 7, seen from Stikine Avenue....
Ahead of the start of the new school year, the Wrangell Cooperative Association distributed 157 backpacks and Chromebooks. The supplies were part of the Tlingit and Haida Central Council's back-to-school backpack drive, helping ensure native children have the supplies they need for the new school year. Instead of supplies like notebooks and pencils, however, this year the kids received laptops to help them with distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic....
September 2, 1920 The Willson & Sylvester Mill of Wrangell has this week been cutting lumber for the construction of the first paper mill in Alaska. On Saturday a scow load of lumber will leave the mill dock for Speel river where the paper mill of the Alaska Pulp & Paper Company will be built. The contract for the first pulp wood to be cut in Alaska was let by the Alaska Pulp and Paper Company to Sawyer and Reynolds, loggers operating near Killisnoo. The company’s boats are now preparing to tow the booms to Speel river for delivery to the P...
Staff at Evergreen Elementary School held a "welcome back" event to greet students for the upcoming school year. Maintaining social distance, due to COVID-19, families were invited to drive by the school, say hello to the teachers, and pick up a back-to-school packet and some popsicles. Pictured is teacher Mikki Angerman greeting Fiona and Duncan Scambler, kindergarten and second grade respectively....