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  • Movie night

    Sep 24, 2020

    For the first time in several months, since the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact life in Wrangell, the Nolan Center showed a new film in its theater last Sunday evening. The theater has still been operating through the pandemic, with safety precautions in place, but has only shown older and classic movies. The new movie brought to the theater last weekend was "The New Mutants." Pictured here is Devlyn Campbell and CeAirra Glaser managing the concession stand before the start of the...

  • Forest fun run

    Sep 24, 2020

    Southeast Beasts hosted a Forest Fun Run last Saturday afternoon, Sept. 19. Lucy Moline-Robinson, with Southeast Beasts, said about 25 people participated in the 5k. The run was to raise money for the running group's youth athletic shoe account with Angerman's Inc. Robsinson said they got several in-person donations at the run, as well as payments online. She estimated the amount raised about $400....

  • The Way We Were

    Sep 17, 2020

    September 16, 1920 George F. Forest of Juneau made a round trip up the Stikine to Telegraph Creek last week. He was present at the landing of the airplanes at Glenora. Mr. Forest is very enthusiastic over the amazing scenery along the Stikine and says that Wrangell and the transportation companies should have the Stikine nationally advertised as a side trip. September 14, 1945 Elks are asking support of the town when they will sponsor a dance to be given for the benefit of Scout Troop 600 of Wrangell. Purpose is to raise funds to make up...

  • Be a hero, wear a mask

    Sep 17, 2020

    A poster board outside of Mikki Angerman's classroom, at Evergreen Elementary School, encouraging kids to wear their face masks during the school day. Masks are part of the district's mitigation plan to protect students and faculty from COVID-19 during the school year....

  • The Way We Were

    Sep 10, 2020

    September 9, 1920 Sourdoughs of Alaska read with interest lately the repetition of the name Wrangell in the press dispatches. Wrangell, in Alaska, was the first town in the territory reached by the airplanes in the flight from New York to Nome. From the Crimea came news of the activities of General (Baron) Wrangell as the head of anti-Bolshevik forces. He is undoubtedly a descendant of the other Baron Ferdinand P. von Wrangell, a governor of Alaska under Russian rule in the thirties of the last century. The bustling port of Wrangell of course...

  • Sunset

    Sep 10, 2020

    The sunset on the evening of Monday, Sept. 7, seen from Stikine Avenue....

  • Over 150 backpacks and laptops passed out by WCA

    Sep 10, 2020

    Ahead of the start of the new school year, the Wrangell Cooperative Association distributed 157 backpacks and Chromebooks. The supplies were part of the Tlingit and Haida Central Council's back-to-school backpack drive, helping ensure native children have the supplies they need for the new school year. Instead of supplies like notebooks and pencils, however, this year the kids received laptops to help them with distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic....

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Sep 3, 2020

    September 2, 1920 The Willson & Sylvester Mill of Wrangell has this week been cutting lumber for the construction of the first paper mill in Alaska. On Saturday a scow load of lumber will leave the mill dock for Speel river where the paper mill of the Alaska Pulp & Paper Company will be built. The contract for the first pulp wood to be cut in Alaska was let by the Alaska Pulp and Paper Company to Sawyer and Reynolds, loggers operating near Killisnoo. The company’s boats are now preparing to tow the booms to Speel river for delivery to the P...

  • Sunny day

    Sep 3, 2020

  • Halibeer bits for sale

    Sep 3, 2020

  • Welcome back at EES

    Aug 27, 2020

    Staff at Evergreen Elementary School held a "welcome back" event to greet students for the upcoming school year. Maintaining social distance, due to COVID-19, families were invited to drive by the school, say hello to the teachers, and pick up a back-to-school packet and some popsicles. Pictured is teacher Mikki Angerman greeting Fiona and Duncan Scambler, kindergarten and second grade respectively....

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 27, 2020

    August 26, 1920 Last week the Sentinel sold over 100 extra copies to local people who sent them away to their friends in the States. The landing of the airplanes in Alaska was a history making event, and we commend our friends for being eager to advertise the fact. August 31, 1945 Mrs. L.M. Campbell was hostess Wednesday afternoon for a delightful informal tea held at her home. The house was beautifully arrayed with flowers and decorations for the tea, which was held in honor of women newly arrived in Wrangell. Attending the affair, for which...

  • Rainbow over Wrangell

    Aug 27, 2020

    After quite a bit of rainy weather, a large rainbow could be seen over Wrangell on the morning of Aug. 20. Pictured is the rainbow arching over Reid Street....

  • Wrangell says so long to Geralds

    Aug 27, 2020

    Community members gathered together last Saturday afternoon at Shoemaker Park, Aug. 24, for a send off party for the Gerald family. The Geralds have been regular sights in town and at Harbor Light Assembly of God for about 13 years. This Sunday, they will be moving north. Jen Gerald said they are pursuing new opportunities with True North, church in Fairbanks. Pictured is the Gerald family (left to right): Matt, Abby, and Jen....

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 20, 2020

    August 19, 1920 Ted Sterling, the popular purser on the Hazel B, says that in all the time he has been on the Stikine River, he has never seen game so plentiful as at the present time. It is customary to see three or four bears on each trip up and down the river, but on the trip down last Tuesday 14 bears were sighted along the river bank within a few hours travel. August 17, 1945 As soon as peace was announced on Tuesday thanksgiving services were held at the local Catholic church, the Rev. M. Hoch, officiating. The Rosary and other devotions...

  • Calm evening

    Aug 20, 2020

    A calm evening, during a break in the rain, at City Dock on Aug. 5....

  • Raven on a boat

    Aug 20, 2020

    A raven rests on an old boat outside of the Nolan Center....

  • Primary election day

    Aug 20, 2020

    Tuesday was primary election day in Wrangell and across the state. Alaskans had the opportunity to come out and select which candidates they want to see in the upcoming general election, on state and federal levels. Pictured here is Aleisha Mollen, helping out at Wrangell's polling location in the Nolan Center....

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 13, 2020

    August 12, 1920 Many people in the States seem to have in some way gotten the very erroneous impression that it does nothing but rain in Alaska during the summer. If our friends in the States would simply study the official weather reports for Alaska it would be a means of disabusing their minds of such utterly false ideas. The official records of Ed F. Grigwire, U.S. weather observer at Wrangell, for July, show so little moisture that one might think Wrangell was located in the Sahara desert instead of Alaska. Report for July Temperature;...

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 6, 2020

    August 5, 1920 The Wilson & Sylvester mill, located in the heart of the Tongass forest reserve at Wrangell, has secured from the department the largest cutting right ever given an Alaskan sawmill concern. The cutting right will allow the big Wrangell Narrows concern to expand for the export trade, which has been the ambition of Alaska sawmill men for years. The Wilson & Sylvester Mill company is the pioneer lumber concern of Alaska. Starting over 20 years ago the mill continued until the death of the originators, when it was for several years t...

  • Thunder and lightning bolts

    Aug 6, 2020

    A thunderstorm passed over Wrangell last Saturday evening, Aug. 1. While Southeast Alaska sees rain rather frequently, thunder and lightning are less common. Many people sat outside or near their windows to watch the storm. Pictured here is a lightning strike, captured by Aleisha Mollen....

  • Bearfest marathon

    Jul 30, 2020

    The annual Bearfest Marathon took place Sunday, July 26. The event was socially distanced, due to COVID-19, and different races had different start times. According to race results shared on the Bearfest Facebook page, there were 28 runners across the 5k, half marathon, and full marathon runs despite rainy weather. Pictured here is the half marathon and full marathon kicking off....

  • Teddy bear clinic

    Jul 30, 2020

    The Irene Ingle Public Library hosted a "teddy bear clinic" at their outdoor gazebo last week, as part of Bearfest. Families could bring their old and damaged stuffed animals to get them patched up. Pictured here (left to right) is Janet Strohm, Fiona Scambler, and Duncan Scambler....

  • Top goes on the Mariners' Memorial gazebo

    Jul 23, 2020

    The top of the Mariners' Memorial gazebo was installed last Monday, July 20. The memorial has been a long-running project to recognize Wrangellites who have lost their lives at sea....

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 23, 2020

    July 22, 1920 The Columbia & Northern cold storage plant at Wrangell has been secured by A.H. Range of Portland who will arrive in Wrangell at an early date for the purpose of starting a crab cannery here. Mr. Range came north last month seeking a location for a crab cannery. After visiting various points in Southeastern Alaska he decided Wrangell was the logical place for the location of a crab cannery. In order to ensure his project having the support and cooperation of the people of Wrangell Mr. Range sought to get some of the local people...

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