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In an effort to help local businesses stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City and Borough of Wrangell recently made a bulk order of hand sanitizer to distribute around town. Borough Clerk Kim Lane said they purchased 48 gallons of hand sanitizer from WESCO, a supply chains solutions company. Business owners were invited to stop by city hall last Thursday afternoon, May 28, to receive 16 oz. of hand sanitizer for their stores. Pictured here are city employees Lane (right) and Aleisha...
June 3, 1920 Charlie Olson made a trip to Woronofski Island on Monday, taking with him a party of young picnickers. They took their lunch and spent the afternoon, indulging in target practice on the beach and climbing the mountain. On their return in the evening they were invited to the Coulter home where the day was finished off properly with a dancing party. Those who made up the party were: Misses Margaret Bronson, Irene Coulter, Helen Hofstad, Lillian Kelly and June Elliot; Messrs. John Coulter, Colonel Mason, Harry McCormack, Leonard...
May 20, 1920 The Wrangell School Board has decided to increase the faculty to six teachers next year. Four of them have already been elected. They are as follows: Miss May Crosno, principal: Miss Ann O’Connor, Miss J. O’Connor, and Miss Jessica Don Carlos. The board has decided upon a ten month’s term. There will be 38 weeks of actual teaching, with one week of vacation at Christmas and another at Easter. It is reported that the committee appointed by the council to confer with the school board have decided to report favorably on the build...
As a way of saying "thank you" to medical professionals, first responders, and teachers for all their work during the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Guard flew over several Alaskan communities on Friday, May 15. Pictured here is one of two C-17's that flew past Wrangell's city dock that afternoon....
A Great Blue Heron stands by the waterline, near Campbell Drive. Now that spring has sprung, many birds have returned to Wrangell and the wider Southeast Alaska region with the warmer weather....
Friday, May 15...
May 13, 1920 Two reels of marvelous pictures of the La Conte glacier and the Dease Lake country filmed by Richard Suratt were shown at the Rex Theatre last night, so that the crowd of visitors in town might have a better understanding of the scenic grandeur awaiting them. May 11, 1945 Wrangell High actors and actresses are busy practicing for the play “Spring Fever” to be given tonight. The play is full of the spirit of youth with its adolescent growing pains. Marion Nielsen as the mother of three, Patty Devenny as the maiden aunt, Shirley McC...
Evergreen Elementary School hosted a plant sale last Friday morning, May 1. Along with the plants, to help raise money for the EATS garden, the school also hosted a book giveaway and opened up their lost and found for families to come pick up missing items. Pictured here is Kristina Buness with some of the plants for sale....
May 6, 1920 Announcements of the high school commencement are being sent out this week to all the patrons of the school and others. If anyone interested has been overlooked, announcements may be obtained from Miss Crosno, the principal of the school. Everyone is invited to attend the various exercises incidental to the first high school graduation whether an announcement has been received or not. May 4, 1945 Construction on a hangar for the Wrangell Terminal of the Wrangell-Petersburg Air service has been started in Petersburg, according to the...
Local coffee shop Java Junkie celebrated their reopening for the season last Friday, May 1. The coffee shop is located on the cul de sac by City Dock, across from the Stikine Inn. Pictured here is Ceona Koch, taking orders from the shop's window....
As part of their efforts to help local businesses safely reopen and get back to a sense of normality, the Reopen Wrangell Taskforce printed out "Pawse" posters for shops to hang in their windows. The posters lay out guidelines the public should follow when out shopping: Wear a face mask, socially distance, and make use of hand washing or sanitizer stations. Pictured here is Chris Buness dropping off a poster at the Wrangell Sentinel....
Last Tuesday, May 5, was Cinco De Mayo. To celebrate, the Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted a socially-distanced dinner. Wrangell residents could call ahead to the lodge to order a Mexican dinner of enchiladas, chimichangas, and churros. The dinners would then be packaged up and run out to the people waiting in their vehicles. Pictured here (left to right) are Kayla Gillen, Teresa Allen, Jill Privett, Solvay Gillen, and Dawn Angerman....
The Wrangell log, out at City Park, got spruced up a bit over the weekend. Groundswell, the local flower shop, put together the floral arrangement for public enjoyment. Mya DeLong, of Groundswell, said on Facebook that the arrangement was made up of about five dozen roses and carnations, plus locally foraged greenery....
April 29, 1920 Daniel Baker, the affable young traveling representative of the Western Dry Goods company, was a pleasant caller at the Sentinel Office yesterday. Mr. Baker does not, of course, ever expect to sell the Sentinel any dry goods (regardless of how much we may need them,) but he has to come down Front street as far as Captain Jinks store anyway. Then after he has sold Jinks a bill of goods he comes across the street and lets the Sentinel force enjoy the sunshine of his smiling countenance. Baker is no pessimist, and we surely like...
Office dog Sky tries on a face mask, with the help of Sentinel reporter Caleb Vierkant. Wearing face masks out in public is an important part of keeping the community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Homemade face masks, like the one seen in the photo, do not guarantee protection from COVID-19, but can help prevent it being spread to others. Sky reports that while masks may be uncomfortable and inconvenient (it's very hard to play fetch with a mask on) they are still important for public...
A photo of Koknuk flats, looking east towards Wrangell, taken by Ola Richards during a kayak trip from Petersburg over the weekend....
Late last week, the Wrangell Medical Center received an Abbott rapid test machine. This piece of equipment will allow for same-day, in-house testing for COVID-19, according to an April 8 press release from SEARHC. Wrangell is one of seven Southeast Alaskan communities to receive rapid testing equipment. According to the press release, each testing machine is accompanied by roughly 45 test kits. "SEARHC leadership is excited to add rapid response testing to our available resources during the...
April 22, 1920 Postmaster Stedman has received a considerable quantity of garden and flower seeds from Delegate George B. Grigsby for distribution. These are the seeds furnished by the Department of Agriculture and are of good quality. Anyone desiring some of these seeds may obtain them by calling at the post office. April 27, 1945 Touring Southeastern Alaska, a Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce goodwill party arrived here last Saturday morning for a brief stay before flying on to Petersberg, Sitka and Juneau. While here, they met with members of...
A porcupine walking along the nature trail at Volunteer Park. Porcupines are a common sight in Wrangell, as well as the wider state of Alaska....
A vehicle caught fire at Heritage Harbor last Monday morning, April 20. Dorianne Sprehe, with the Wrangell Fire Department, said they received a call about the fire at 10:26 a.m., and were on-scene by 10:30 a.m. A Ford F-250 had caught fire, Sprehe said. Members of the Wrangell Harbor Department had made it onto the scene before the fire department, she said, and had tried to put out the fire with a dry chemical extinguisher. The fire department managed to put out the fire completely and were...