about town

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  • Meet Wrangell's newest resident

    Jan 23, 2020

  • Reflections

    Jan 23, 2020

    I am currently in the fourth year of my assignment to Wrangell/Petersburg. By now I suppose many people know that prior to becoming a Roman Catholic priest, I worked for 30-years as a police officer in Washington state. My grandfather was an officer and his son, my uncle, was a deputy and was killed by a gunman – ambushed on Easter Sunday, 1949, three years before I was born. I have a brother who recently retired after 32 years in law enforcement and I have a few cousins in L.E. For the most part, other than my uncle, we all got through it w...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jan 16, 2020

    January 15, 1920 At the regular monthly meeting of the town council held last Thursday evening an ordinance providing for a municipal magistrate for the town of Wrangell was proposed. After some discussion of the subject the council decided to submit the matter to the voters of Wrangell at the annual municipal election which will be held the first Tuesday in April. January 19, 1945 George Coplen, regional representative of the national housing agency, was in Wrangell earlier this week making a survey of Alaska towns to discover the need for...

  • Paddle carving for Celebration 2020

    Jan 16, 2020

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jan 9, 2020

    January 8, 1920 Be it enacted by the State House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the incorporated town of Wrangell, Alaska, is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its bonds in any sum, not exceeding $80,000 for the purpose of enlarging its schoolhouse and constructing and equipping schools, for the acquisition and construction of a water-supply system, for the construction of a sewer system and for the construction of a city dock and also a floating dock. January 12, 1945 James Nolan was...

  • The 2020 Polar Bear Plunge

    Jan 9, 2020

  • Snowy New Year

    Jan 9, 2020

  • Back to school for 2020

    Jan 9, 2020

  • Jewelry making class at the library

    Jan 2, 2020

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jan 2, 2020

    January 1, 1920 The people of Wrangell enjoyed a rare treat Saturday night when a wonderful program of Northland adventure scenics by Richard Suratt was presented at the Rex theater. The first number was a trip to Le Conte glacier showing several views that were surprisingly beautiful. These glacier pictures were in blue-tone pink, the coloring having been done in the great Gaumont laboratory in New York City. It was a genuine tribute to Mr. Suratt’s skill when a Wrangell audience, who knows Le Conte glacier so well, applauded his pictures b...

  • Magic Show

    Jan 2, 2020

  • Messmer family wins Christmas decorating contest

    Jan 2, 2020

  • Boat Parade

    Dec 26, 2019

    The Doc Davenport Christmas Boat Parade was held last Saturday evening, Dec. 21. The parade is a decades-long tradition for Wrangell, going back to the 1970s. Boat owners sailed out in the night past City Dock and the city shoreline, decked out in Christmas lights and shooting fireworks. There were three boats in the parade this year, one more than the 2018 Christmas parade....

  • Pancake dinner at Eagle's Nest

    Dec 26, 2019

    Eagle's Nest, the after-school program hosted by Wrangell Bible Baptist Church, held a pancake dinner party to celebrate the Christmas season. Besides dinner, the evening was full of Christmas-themed games and activities. Pictured here is Chandler Roane....

  • Christmas Art Display

    Dec 26, 2019

    Christmas-themed art by Jacquie Dozier is on display at the Nolan Center. This piece was made with mementos from past holidays, according to a placard describing the art piece....

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 26, 2019

    December 25, 1919 E.A. Lindman, secretary of the American organization of Wrangell, recently had occasion to write to Judge Jennings, and in his letter mentioned the fact that Wrangell now has a citizenship night school. Judge Jennings, in his reply, touched upon the subject of citizenship night schools in the following words: Citizenship night schools are the best means that I know of by which persons who wish to become citizens of the United States can be instructed in the principles of our government and the history of our country. We have...

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 19, 2019

    December 18, 1919 Delegate George Grigsby has introduced in Congress a bill to empower the Town of Wrangell with authority to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $80,000; provided, that not to exceed $15,000 of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be expended for the construction, enlargement and equipment of schools: not to exceed $25,000 thereof shall be expended for the acquisition and construction of a water-supply system; not to exceed $15,000 thereof shall be expended for the construction of a sewer system; not to exceed $20,000...

  • SeaLife Center visits Evergreen Elementary

    Dec 19, 2019

  • Snowy Morning

    Dec 19, 2019

  • Story Time With Santa

    Dec 19, 2019

  • Turkey Shoot

    Dec 19, 2019

  • Christmas Tree

    Dec 12, 2019

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Dec 12, 2019

    December 11, 1919 The Moose social last Friday evening for Moose and their families was a most enjoyable affair. In the early part of the evening the guests played cards. When scores were counted prizes were awarded as follows: Ladies first prize, Miss Consuilo Grigwire; gentlemen’s first prize, Oscar Carlson; ladies consolation prize, Miss Marie McKinney; gentlemen’s consolation prize; E.F. Carlstrom. After the awarding of prizes dancing was indulged in until after midnight. During the evening a delightful lunch was served which had been pro...

  • Head Start staying warm this winter

    Dec 12, 2019

  • Midnight Madness 2019

    Dec 12, 2019

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