Sorted by date Results 129 - 153 of 2359
April 17, 1924 To meet the expense of sending contestants to the meet which will be held in Juneau next week instead of Ketchikan as first planned, the Wrangell PTA staged two benefits during the past week. The first was a food sale and tea held last Saturday afternoon in the Patenaude Building. All of the donated items found a ready sale and the event was well patronized. Cash donations were also received from many of the townspeople and the use of the building was given rent free so that the sum of $7.60 was realized. The second benefit was t...
NOLAN CENTER THEATER “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,” rated PG-13, at 6 p.m. Friday, April 19, 6 p.m Saturday, April 20, and at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 21. The adventure comedy fantasy runs 1 hour and 55 minutes; tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for children under age 12. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. WRANGELL COMMUNITY CLEANUP 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 20, starting at the Evergreen Elementary gym. Trash bags will be provided. Cash prizes for trash volunteers. Lunch will be served at noon. FOREST SERVICE WORKSHOP 3 to 6 p.m...
FEDERAL DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Friday, April 12, at the Nolan Center for Wrangell residents affected by the Nov. 20 landslides. Residents can register for federal assistance, check the status of their application, learn about disaster assistance programs, meet with a federal Small Business Administration representative, and obtain additional information and resources about protecting themselves and their property from future disasters. Apply by calling Alaska Helpline at 866-342-1699 or visit www.disasterassistan... Full story
April 3, 1924 The regular monthly meeting of the PTA will be held in the high school building Thursday evening, April 10, at 8 o’clock. A number of interesting questions will come before the meeting for discussion. Dr. O. H. Whaley will give an address on oral hygiene for children. The address will be followed by a declamation contest for grade school pupils. The contestants will be judged on delivery, poise, voice and selection. The declamations will be interspersed by songs by grade school girls who have been taught by Miss Hinselan. April 8,...
BRAVE is hosting the I Toowú Klatseen (Strengthen Your Spirit) program from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through May 9, at the community center. The empowering, confidence-building program for grades 3-5 incorporates Southeast Alaska values, running and a sense of community to help kids learn what it means to strengthen their spirit. Free, for kids of all cultures, physical abilities and backgrounds. Participants will be provided with healthy snacks, running shoes, an ITK T-shirt and a water bottle. Register online at... Full story
April 3, 1924 Joe Mahoney and Dick Nuckols killed a huge gray wolf at Smuggler’s Cove recently just as the animal was about to attack Mahoney. They had been at the Helm Bay Mining Company’s property and while on their way to town were forced to stop at Smuggler’s Cove on account of a storm. While out on the beach after a mess of clams, Nuckols saw a gray wolf sneaking up back of Mahoney with murder in his eye. Having his gun by his side, Nuckols immediately grabbed it and fired, hitting the wolf in the foreleg. This attracted the attention of M...
Headline: Comfortable bedtime reading Photo by Mark C. Robinson / Wrangell Sentinel Librarian Sarah Scambler hosted a pajama story time at the Irene Ingle Public Library on March 27 where kids and parents were invited to come in their PJs to listen to her perform songs like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Baby Beluga," and read bedtime stories like "Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site," "The Going to Bed Book," "Good Night, Little Blue Truck" and "How Do Dinosaurs Say Good...
March 27, 1924 Nicholas Fliness, who has the contract for building the Wrangell breakwater for the government, arrived here on the Northwestern Monday night. Mr. Fliness brought 14 men with him who will comprise his crew at the start. A camp is being established near the head of the bay. The cottage which the city recently bought from James Shaffner has been rented by Mr. Fliness and will be used as a mess hall. The Viginia IV arrived from Seattle Thursday afternoon bringing powder and other material and equipment which will be used on the...
PAJAMA STORY TIME 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, at the Irene Ingle Public Library. Children invited to come read bedtime stories in their PJ’s. BRAVE is hosting the I Toowú Klatseen (Strengthen Your Spirit) program from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through May 9, at the community center. The empowering, confidence-building program for grades 3-5 incorporates Southeast Alaska values, running and a sense of community to help kids learn what it means to strengthen their spirit. Free, for kids of all cultures, physical ab... Full story
March 20, 1924 A floating city with myriads of twinkling of lights! That is what a fleet of halibut vessels appear to be on a dark night to an observer on the deck of a ship as it approaches the halibut banks anywhere in Alaska waters from Frederick Sound as far north as Kodiak, says the Ketchikan Examiner. The halibut fishermen work tirelessly all night long gathering in the silvery hordes. There is little sleep for them during the long voyages sometimes of many weeks duration, unless overtaken by stormy weather. But the halibut boats return...
BOOK FAIR 1 to 6 p.m. Thursday, March 21, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, March 22, at the Evergreen Elementary School gym. Open to the public. Call Kendra at 907-874-2321 for more information. BAHA’I NEW YEAR (Naw Ruz) 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21, at the community center. Enjoy a potluck dinner, short program and social. Family oriented. Call 907-209-9117 for more information. STIKINE HOOPS INVITATIONAL, middle school-age girls basketball tournament Friday and Saturday, March 22-23, at the high school gym. Games start at 11 a.m. Friday a... Full story
March 13, 1924 Work will begin about the first of the month on a third story for the Wrangell Hotel. E. G. W. Morris will have charge of the work. In addition to the work of adding a third story, there will be many improvements throughout the entire building. Hot and cold running water will be supplied in all rooms. Twelve or 15 baths will be distributed over the building. When the third story is completed the Wrangell Hotel will have 76 rooms. The Wrangell Hotel, when the addition is completed, will be ahead of the town, but there is little...
I thought that moving to Wrangell from Vermont might provide slightly warmer weather, but during my first week here I've been proven wrong. I grew up and have lived most of my life in a town called Mendon, Vermont, which isn't all that different in population from Wrangell, though completely landlocked and much snowier (I won't say colder). So why did I make the trek all the way to Wrangell from Vermont? Well, part of it was the adventure, and part of it was to write for the Sentinel. I...
STATE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE will be in Wrangell on Thursday, March 14. Immunizations, birth control and STD screening, well-child exams for kids up to age 6, TB screening and medication, Narcan kits and medication disposal bags will be offered. The Public Health Center is in the Kadin Building, 215 Front St. Call 907-723-4611 to make an appointment in advance so the nurse knows what immunizations to bring. PUBLIC TESTIMONY will be accepted on the state budget 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday March 14, at the Legislative Information Office. The House Finance... Full story
March 6, 1924 The leap year edition of the Stikine Messenger, published on the 29th of February by the girls of the high school, was a splendid six-page paper and reflected much credit on the girls and their adviser, Miss Alice Carlson, teacher of English and history, and could be shown with pride by any school. When it is considered that the total enrollment of the high school is only 25, the achievement of the girls is even more remarkable. The high school boys will issue the March edition of the Messenger and they make no secret of the fact...
Feb. 28, 1924 Wrangell’s champion basketball team returned Monday afternoon on the Alameda from their two-week trip throughout Western Washington; a trip that demonstrated that basketball in Alaska is on par with that of the states. Even during the heavy playing schedule that was forced on the boys in order that they might return to their studies sooner – with seven games in nine evenings – the boys held up under the strain. Such a schedule is seldom attempted even by colleges, and it is a credit to the condition of the players that such a sti...
Feb. 21, 1924 The new telephone system that was installed the first of the month instead of being considered an innovation and a luxury was straightway accepted as a necessity to the majority of citizens here. New subscribers have been added so rapidly that another directory is being issued. However, Manager J. K. Nevell announces he cannot give the best service possible unless people ring off when they are through talking. The logical one to ring off is the person who called the number, but the benefit is the same if the one who was called...