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Christmas-themed art by Jacquie Dozier is on display at the Nolan Center. This piece was made with mementos from past holidays, according to a placard describing the art piece....
December 25, 1919 E.A. Lindman, secretary of the American organization of Wrangell, recently had occasion to write to Judge Jennings, and in his letter mentioned the fact that Wrangell now has a citizenship night school. Judge Jennings, in his reply, touched upon the subject of citizenship night schools in the following words: Citizenship night schools are the best means that I know of by which persons who wish to become citizens of the United States can be instructed in the principles of our government and the history of our country. We have...
December 18, 1919 Delegate George Grigsby has introduced in Congress a bill to empower the Town of Wrangell with authority to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $80,000; provided, that not to exceed $15,000 of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be expended for the construction, enlargement and equipment of schools: not to exceed $25,000 thereof shall be expended for the acquisition and construction of a water-supply system; not to exceed $15,000 thereof shall be expended for the construction of a sewer system; not to exceed $20,000...
December 11, 1919 The Moose social last Friday evening for Moose and their families was a most enjoyable affair. In the early part of the evening the guests played cards. When scores were counted prizes were awarded as follows: Ladies first prize, Miss Consuilo Grigwire; gentlemen’s first prize, Oscar Carlson; ladies consolation prize, Miss Marie McKinney; gentlemen’s consolation prize; E.F. Carlstrom. After the awarding of prizes dancing was indulged in until after midnight. During the evening a delightful lunch was served which had been pro...
December 4, 1919 R.M. Allen and Associates, who recently liberated a number of foxes on Channel Island, near Wrangell, have recovered all but three of the animals. They have moved their outfit and stock to Entrance Island, Hobart Bay, where they will establish their fox ranch. It became necessary to move the animals as it was found that the waters around Channel Island freeze under certain conditions, and in that case the foxes would be lost. December 1, 1944 Wrangell was host to a large group of army personnel this week with the arrival on...
November 27 , 1919 The Town of Wrangell is now prepared to furnish free vaccination against smallpox. The importance of vaccination is urged. Those who have not been vaccinated in the past two years are requested to call at the office of Dr S. C. Shurick, Health officer. November 24, 1944 Pre-Holiday turkey shoppers will find the retail ceiling prices on turkeys have been revised over those in effect last year, according to a statement made today by Donald O’Conner, Territorial price executive, for the Office of Price Administration. Dressed y...
November 20 , 1919 A special mail route between Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg and Doyhoff has been established in accordance with announcement made by the Postoffice department three months ago, and published in the Sentinel. The new route was established to give additional mail service to Wrangell and Petersburg during the winter months (November 1 to March 31). The power boat that has been placed on the run left Ketchikan on its first trip last Thursday morning and reached here Thursday evening. November 17, 1944 The following an...
The 2019 All-State Music Festival will be taking place Nov. 21 to 23 in Anchorage this week. The festival is open to Alaskan high school music students who are selected via a "competitive audition process," according to the festival's music handbook and manual. Jade Balansag will be the only Wrangell student heading to the festival this year, according to music teacher Tasha Morse. Pictured here is Balansag (left) and Morse (right)....
Harbor Light Assembly of God held their annual Thanksgiving dinner last Sunday, Nov. 17. This has been an annual tradition since 2003, Pastor Kem Haggard said in a 2018 interview with the Sentinel. The dinner was open to the whole community and saw a large turnout, with everyone bringing a wide variety of foods and desserts to share with friends and family....
November 13 , 1919 A branch of the American Legion will be organized at the Gymnasium on the evening of November 19. The American Legion is an organization of American veterans of the world war. It was first organized in Paris March 15 to 17, 1919 by a thousand officers and men, delegates from all the units of the American Expeditionary Force. To be eligible for membership one must be a soldier, sailor or marine who served honorably between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1919. November 10, 1944 The Dorcas Endeavor this week organized th...