Sorted by date Results 664 - 688 of 2361
November 20 , 1919 A special mail route between Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg and Doyhoff has been established in accordance with announcement made by the Postoffice department three months ago, and published in the Sentinel. The new route was established to give additional mail service to Wrangell and Petersburg during the winter months (November 1 to March 31). The power boat that has been placed on the run left Ketchikan on its first trip last Thursday morning and reached here Thursday evening. November 17, 1944 The following an...
The 2019 All-State Music Festival will be taking place Nov. 21 to 23 in Anchorage this week. The festival is open to Alaskan high school music students who are selected via a "competitive audition process," according to the festival's music handbook and manual. Jade Balansag will be the only Wrangell student heading to the festival this year, according to music teacher Tasha Morse. Pictured here is Balansag (left) and Morse (right)....
Harbor Light Assembly of God held their annual Thanksgiving dinner last Sunday, Nov. 17. This has been an annual tradition since 2003, Pastor Kem Haggard said in a 2018 interview with the Sentinel. The dinner was open to the whole community and saw a large turnout, with everyone bringing a wide variety of foods and desserts to share with friends and family....
November 13 , 1919 A branch of the American Legion will be organized at the Gymnasium on the evening of November 19. The American Legion is an organization of American veterans of the world war. It was first organized in Paris March 15 to 17, 1919 by a thousand officers and men, delegates from all the units of the American Expeditionary Force. To be eligible for membership one must be a soldier, sailor or marine who served honorably between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1919. November 10, 1944 The Dorcas Endeavor this week organized th...
November 6 , 1919 Armistice Day, Tuesday, November 11, will be observed in Wrangell by a short patriotic program followed by a dance at the Redmen’s Hall. A special section will be reserved for returned soldier and sailors who are requested to appear in their uniforms. November 10, 1944 On Saturday night, November 11, the American Legion will hold its annual Armistice Day dance at the A.N.B. Hall. Music for the dance will be furnished by Maki’s orchestra. Proceeds from this traditional American Legion observance of Armistice Day will go tow...
October 30, 1919 The Town of Wrangell last night established a quarantine against the Town of Petersburg During the past two or three days there have been rumors that smallpox existed at Petersburg. Yesterday a cablegram was sent to the Territorial Health Commission and their reply was: All incorporated towns should protect themselves against Petersburg for two weeks. L. O. Sloan, Territorial Health Commissioner. Upon receipt of the above cable gram the Board of Health held a meeting and ordered a quarantine against Petersburg for two weeks....
October 23, 1919 The merchants of Wrangell have been busy the past week outfitting loggers and trappers. In view of the shortage in many American furs, as well as in certain of the foreign pelts, it is expected that the prices of fur this coming season will be higher than at any time in the history of the fur business. October 20, 1944 After seven years as superintendent of Wrangell Institute, George T. Barrett, accompanied by his wife and three children, left this week. Since coming to Wrangell, Barrett increased the enrollment from 50...
October 16, 1919 Almost the entire town turned out Sunday to witness the launching of Walter Waters’ new boat, Princess Pat, which took place from William Fletcher’s boat shop. The boat was shipped knocked down from the De Foe Company of Grand Rapids, Mich. The frame is of oak and the planking of cypress, while the cabins and pilot house are of Alaska cedar. The boat is fitted with the latest Pullman berths. It will probably be a month before the Princess Pat makes her maiden voyage. Mr. Waters will continue to operate the Glenora, and with two...