Sorted by date Results 692 - 716 of 2359
October 2, 1919 The launch, Sarabel, in charge of L.L. Wyatt left Point Warde Wednesday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyatt and two children for Wrangell, but before the entrance to the back channel was reached they had the misfortune to strike a rock, throwing the boat on beam ends. Fortunately the Frank H. Madden was on her way to Anan Creek with a seine boat in tow and as a haze hung over the water could not see far, but the captain, hearing several shots in succession, rushed in their direction and found the Sarabil on rocks and sinking...
September 25, 1919 At the meeting of Alaska Labor Union No. 10 to be held Saturday night delegates will be elected to the first territorial convention of the Alaska Labor Union, which will convene in Juneau Oct. 10. At present there is no territorial organization of the Union. The first chapter was organized at Anchorage there years ago, and that local has taken the lead in the affairs of the union. The officers of the Wrangell local are particularly desirous that there be as large an attendance as possible Saturday night in order that all may...
September 18, 1919 Improvements which will be of valuable aid to navigation on the Stikine are soon to begin, according to G.B Hull, district engineer, Department of Public Works, who arrived from Prince Rupert a few days ago. Mr. Hull recently made a shipment of dynamite from Rupert to Wrangell, the explosives to be used in clearing the river channel. Glenora riffles will receive special attention. September 15, 1944 A total of 182 pupils have been enrolled in the Wrangell school so far this year, according to Superintendent George Fabriclus,...
September 11, 1919 One of the prettiest war souvenirs we have seen was received this week by Wrangell man, O. A. Brown, from the American Can Company. The shell is of brass, over three inches in diameter and 2 ½ feet in length. The following note accompanied the souvenir. “When loaded for service the brass case contains the propelling charge of smokeless powder, which shoots the steel to an extreme range of four miles. The steel shell is filled with high explosive, usually T.N.T., which is caused to explode when striking the target or gr...
The northern lights could be seen shining over Wrangell last week. Many people came out of their homes late at night to catch a glimpse of them. Pictured here are the lights, and the big dipper, shining over Muskeg Meadows Golf Course....
The Wrangell High School Swim Team is hard at work preparing for their first meet of the season, in Juneau on Sept. 20 and 21. They are also preparing for several fundraisers. As the school's only unsponsored team, Coach Jamie Roberts said, the swim team will need to raise about $5,000 to attend future matches after the Juneau trip. The team is planning to sell breakfast burritos early on Sept. 6 at the high school, she said, and will also put together a rummage sale later in the season. They...
Community members may have noticed an oddly-shaped shipping container sitting outside the public safety building last weekend. DeeDee Blatchley, with the Wrangell Volunteer Fire Department, said that this is a flashover burn trailer that they usually keep housed by the airport. They received the trailer back in 2001 thanks to a grant, she said. The trailer is designed to let firefighters see how a fire behaves inside an enclosed space and gives them practice putting out structure fires. The...
September 4, 1919 Arnt Sorset is erecting a two story building on Front Street opposite the Uhler block. The building is 40x80 feet at the base, while the upper story is 24x40 feet. Mr. Sorset will open a meat market in the new building as soon as it is complete. Samuel Cunningham is building a new residence on the vacant lot adjoining his present residence on McKinnon Avenue. There will be porches in the front and rear, and the building will be somewhat on the bungalow style. Special meeting of the town council was held on Tuesday evening of...
August 28, 1919 For the first time in the history of the Alaska Customs district the number of vessels documented in Alaska has passed the 1,000 mark. The close of the fiscal year, June 30 found 1,018 vessels of all sizes and classes registered with homeports in Alaska. For some years Alaska has been near the 1,000 mark in the number of vessels registered, but never quite reached it. The average size for vessels in Alaska is not large on account of the great number of small craft engaged in the fisheries. The total tonnage of the 1,018 vessels...
A section of Church Street was closed off Tuesday morning, Aug. 27, to allow Wrangell Municipal Light & Power to erect a new telephone pole. According to Rod Rhoades, with the light & power department, there are three telephone poles along the street they are replacing. This is leftover work from a project that was budgeted last year, he explained....
The Mariners' Memorial fish fry was a success, according to board president Jenn Miller-Yancey. Despite rainy weather forcing the event to relocate from Heritage Harbor to the downtown pavilion, many people came out for dinner and a silent auction. According to board member Brennon Eagle, the dinner raised $3,500 while the silent auction brought in another $1,400. The proceeds are also eligible to be matched by the board's Rasmuson challenge grant. Pictured here are board member John Yeager...
Cheryl and Cynthia Karras wearing their brand new backpacks, which they received as part of the Wrangell Cooperative Association's back to school backpack drive. The WCA received over 130 backpacks full of school supplies from the Tlingit and Haida Central Council, according to Esther Ashton with the WCA, which they then distributed to children of Wrangell's native community. Ashton added that kids from Head Start to 12th grade got backpacks this year....
Alaska Airlines' evening flight coming in for a landing around 4 p.m. last Friday, Aug. 16. Wrangell, in general, receives two flights from Alaska Airlines on a daily basis. Wrangell's airport is guaranteed air traffic as part of the Essential Air Service, a government program that ensures small communities that need air travel can receive it....
August 21, 1919 Major Jack Hamilton, “soldier of fortune” and veteran of the late war, who has been travelling through Alaska for the past ten weeks on a lecture tour, arrived here from Petersburg last evening accompanied by Madame Hamilton. He will lecture in Wrangell tomorrow night. Since coming to Alaska Major Hamilton has received considerable publicity through the press of the Territory, and there is probably not a person in Wrangell who is not already familiar with the story of his life and adventure. “Major Hamilton touched on other...
Wrangell Bible Baptist Church held its annual Back to School Skating Party at Hope Community Church of God's roller rink. Parents and kids from all over town came together to skate, have lunch, and enjoy one of the last few days of summer vacation. The first day of school for Wrangell is Tuesday, Aug. 27....