Sorted by date Results 542 - 566 of 2359
A group of approximately 50 people joined last Sunday afternoon to walk in support of the Wrangell Police Department. The group walked, or rode motorcycles, from City Dock up to the Public Safety Building. Many people carried signs in support of the WPD, and police in general. As this march took place in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many participants in the march also wore face coverings, and everyone was encouraged to socially distance. Pictured here (left to right) are Wrangell...
July 1, 1920 That Wrangell is to have a crab canning plant is an assured fact, according to A. H. Range of Portland who was here last week working on the proposition. Mr. Range recently patented a machine for extracting crabmeat from the shells by means of compressed air. One of these machines will do the work of 15 hand pickers. This invention puts the crab canning business on an entirely new basis. After Mr. Range outlined his proposition, C. M. Coulter, the local fish buyer, was asked if he thought there was a plentiful supply in this...
June 24, 1920 We would call attention to the rare musical treat promised by the Ladies’ Guild at St. Phillips Gymnasium in presenting Mrs. John T. Towers. Mrs. Towers who is spending the summer in Alaska, is from the Boston Conservatory of Music, and has a wide reputation both in Eastern circles and on the Pacific Coast as a vocalist and pianist. The entire proceeds of the concert will be used in replacing the walk in front of the Episcopal Church. June 22, 1945 W. B. Duwe, veteran pilot, has come north to join the Wrangell-Petersburg Air S...
Kalkins and Glacier Larsen at Sunday's tournament, June 21, sponsored by the Elks Lodge. The first place team was Spenser Stavee, James Brenner, Jason Garringer with a net score of 21. The second place team was Keene Khort, Faye Khort, Joe Delebrue, and Tori Hauser with a net score of 23. Guy Kalkins won the straightest drive with 2"....
Despite rainy weather, about 30 people gathered together last Friday evening to march in recognition of Juneteenth which is a holiday that originated in Texas. On June 19, 1865, General Gordon Granger made the announcement from the city of Galveston that all slaves were free. With recent current events surrounding race relations and police brutality in America, the holiday has received nationwide recognition. Wrangell's Juneteenth march was organized by Kyle Hovarth, with Alaska Crossings. He...
Community members joined in last Friday afternoon for a "Helping Our Gardens" event at the Nolan Center. The public was invited to help weed the gardens in front of the community center and movie theater in a small beautification project. Pictured here is Addy Bania weeding one of the gardens....
June 17, 1920 The Diamond C extended its hospitality to twenty of the younger set last Sunday whom they took to Big Bay and for a cruise around Woronofski Island. At Big Bay a bountiful picnic dinner was served aboard the boat. Arriving home, the party was invited to the Hofstad home where a delightful evening was spent. June 15, 1945 Alaska Metals and Power Company have just completed a water power and electric power plant at Mill Creek about ten miles from Wrangell on the back channel. The company also has a complete Corlie saw mill,...
Work on establishing an alternative isolation site for COVID-19 patients reached an important milestone last week. During the June 9 assembly meeting, Borough Manager Lisa Von Bargen announced that a lease had been signed to use the old Sourdough Lodge to potentially house COVID-19 patients. The original plan was to use one of Trident Seafood's bunkhouses, but Von Bargen said that using the lodge would be a better deal. "The terms of that are $5,000 a month while there's nobody in there," she...
A patch of Lupine flowers growing along Wrangell's airport loop road. The Lupine is one of a wide variety of flowers that can be found in Wrangell and Southeast Alaska....
Prior to state mandate 10.1 taking effect, members of SEARHC set up their tent outside of the Wrangell airport to prepare for incoming travelers on June 5. Under new state guidelines, out of state travelers to Alaska are mandated to either take a COVID-19 test shortly before arriving in Alaska, or submit to one upon landing. Otherwise, the travelers are required to quarantine themselves for two weeks. Summer Burk, with SEARHC, explained that when a plane lands in Wrangell, travelers will be gree...
June 10, 1920 Harry Gartley does not propose to stand still while his neighbors are busy improving the appearance of their homes. He has had the roof of his house painted a brilliant red which will make it possible for incoming passengers to identify his house as soon as the steamer comes around the Elephant’s nose. June 8, 1945 Climaxing a brief stay in Wrangell this week, members of two ATS power barges, in port a short time, held a dance at ANB hall Monday night and invited young and old of the town to be their guests. An orchestra was h...
Wrangell dog Thorton is home safe and sound after a multi-week disappearance upriver. Thorton, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and his owner Brandon Kenfield were up the Stikine River about three weeks ago. Their boat scraped against some rocks, Kenfield said, and both he and the dog jumped out to get the boat loose. By the time he had the boat cleared, Kenfield said Thorton had disappeared into the woods. Kenfield said he and others made regular trips back up the river to look for Thorton over two...
An Audubon's Yellow-Rumped Warbler, seen near Shoemaker. Photo taken by Wrangell resident Rich Einert....
Last Thursday evening, May 27, some Wrangell residents were recognized for their heroic actions during a fire. On Saturday morning of May 16, a trailer at the Panhandle Trailer Court caught fire. Dan Flickinger (left), Duke Aitken (right), and George Howell (not present) helped rescue the trailer's resident, Norm Canaday. They used a mattress to help Canaday jump out of his back door safely and get away from the burning building. Members of the fire department and city government convened...
With the recent death of George Floyd, in Minneapolis at the hands of police, there have been protests and riots across the country against police brutality. In Wrangell, last Sunday evening, a candlelight memorial service was held. According to the event's Facebook page, the memorial was put together to recognize lives lost to police brutality in America. A crowd of about 45 stood in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the amount of time that George Floyd had a police officer's knee on his...
June 3, 1920 Thomas Dalgity last evening received a cablegram from United States Marshall J. M. Tanner appointing him deputy marshal at Wrangell, the appointment to take effect as soon as his oath of office reaches him. Mr. Dalgity has been jailer in Wrangell for several years. Since the death of H. J. Wallace on May 5 Mr. Dalgrity has been acting deputy marshal. In the meantime L. K. Carson has been acting as jailer and will probably continue to hold this position under the new deputy marshal. June 1, 1945 During the month of May Wrangell...
In an effort to help local businesses stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City and Borough of Wrangell recently made a bulk order of hand sanitizer to distribute around town. Borough Clerk Kim Lane said they purchased 48 gallons of hand sanitizer from WESCO, a supply chains solutions company. Business owners were invited to stop by city hall last Thursday afternoon, May 28, to receive 16 oz. of hand sanitizer for their stores. Pictured here are city employees Lane (right) and Aleisha...
June 3, 1920 Charlie Olson made a trip to Woronofski Island on Monday, taking with him a party of young picnickers. They took their lunch and spent the afternoon, indulging in target practice on the beach and climbing the mountain. On their return in the evening they were invited to the Coulter home where the day was finished off properly with a dancing party. Those who made up the party were: Misses Margaret Bronson, Irene Coulter, Helen Hofstad, Lillian Kelly and June Elliot; Messrs. John Coulter, Colonel Mason, Harry McCormack, Leonard...
May 20, 1920 The Wrangell School Board has decided to increase the faculty to six teachers next year. Four of them have already been elected. They are as follows: Miss May Crosno, principal: Miss Ann O’Connor, Miss J. O’Connor, and Miss Jessica Don Carlos. The board has decided upon a ten month’s term. There will be 38 weeks of actual teaching, with one week of vacation at Christmas and another at Easter. It is reported that the committee appointed by the council to confer with the school board have decided to report favorably on the build...
As a way of saying "thank you" to medical professionals, first responders, and teachers for all their work during the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Guard flew over several Alaskan communities on Friday, May 15. Pictured here is one of two C-17's that flew past Wrangell's city dock that afternoon....
A Great Blue Heron stands by the waterline, near Campbell Drive. Now that spring has sprung, many birds have returned to Wrangell and the wider Southeast Alaska region with the warmer weather....
Friday, May 15...