Sorted by date Results 741 - 765 of 2343
May 29, 1919 Saturday night a cabin was searched by officers. The search was made by Ensign J.J. Hughes, Deputy U.S. Marshall H. J. Wallace and Ernest P. Walker of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Probably the most damaging find made by the officers was a single sheet of manuscript containing several verses of doggerel under the title, “The Bolsheviks Are Coming.” In the cabin were also found two bundles of pamphlets, which are supposed to have been in possession for the purpose of distribution. The pamphlets in the other bundle were entitled “Th...
The Totem Bar & Liquor held a best-ball tournament last weekend at Muskeg Meadows Golf Course. There were 21 participants in Saturday’s game, May 25. First place went to a team consisting of Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Rodney Littleton, and Ken Madsen, with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 14. Second place went to a team consisting of Brett Woodbury, Frank Roppel, and Eric Kading with a net score of 21. Third place went to a team consisting of Aaron Angerman, Aaron Powell, Cody Angerman, and Drew Eyon with a net score of 21. Keene K...
The Wrangell Softball Team held a large fundraising event last Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The entire team and coaching staff took over the parking lot of Volunteer Park to host a bake sale, rummage sale, and car wash. The town came out in a large show of support for the team, as well. Within the first hour, the team was reportedly halfway to their $500 goal. According to Coach Bella Crowley, the fundraiser exceeded expectations by bringing in over $700 for the team to u...
May 22, 1919 “The union fishermen of the Wrangell district have declared a boycott on all local fish buyers. Buyers from Seattle and Ketchikan are already on the grounds, and we will ship fish from here to Prince Rupert direct, if necessary,” said E. R. Sawyer, secretary of the Wrangell, Alaska Labor Union. “Prince Rupert buyers are paying 4c above price paid here for round fish. Fishermen have land donated to them at Ward’s Cove where they will build a cooperative cold storage and mild curing plant, and will have their market in the Middle...
Wrangell's JOM dancers held a car wash, last Saturday, to raise money for the upcoming Celebration 2020. Pictured here (left to right) Brody Knecht, Solva Gillen, and Delilah Ramirez....
May 15, 1919 Attorney General George Grigsby, candidate for Delegate to Congress to succeed the late Charles A. Sulzer, spoke in the Redmen’s hall Sunday afternoon. Mr. Grigsby reviewed the Wickersham-Sulzer contest and read the platform adopted by the Democratic convention, which nominated him. In his speech Mr. Grigsby referred to the petition, which was so industriously circulated a few weeks ago by Samuel Cunningham for a breakwater between Shustak Point and the mainland, which would create a smooth harbor for the protection of fishing v...
May 8, 1919 The regular monthly meeting of the town council was held on last Thursday evening in the town hall. All members of the council were present. E.F. Carlstrom of the health committee reported an urgent need for a general clean up. Dr. Shuriek, the health officer, addressed the council at some length on the same subject. He was insistent on a general cleanup, both as a precautionary measure against disease and as a means of improving the appearance of the town. The health officer also stated that there were several shacks that should...
May 1, 1919 Among the passengers arriving on the Princess Mary Tuesday morning were C. A. Tervo and two sons Albert and Randolph. Mr. Tervo is the Canadian Customs officer at the Boundary. He came north last July and remained at the Boundary until the close of navigation. Mr. Tervo states that a new customs house is to be built. It will be located a mile and one half further up the river than the house now in use. The new structure will have a concrete foundation and will be 26x30 feet with a six-foot veranda. It will be built with a special...
The Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted an Easter egg hunt at City Park last Sunday afternoon. Children of all ages, and their parents, came out for the event. Pictured here are Ellie McIntyre (left) and Ethan Whitaker (right) grabbing as many eggs as they could....
April 24, 1919 Samuel Cunningham this week circulated a petition addressed to the Delegate from Alaska, requesting the Government to construct a breakwater 350 feet in length from Shustak point extending out beyond the big rock in the harbor for the protection of small craft which are in the habit of using Wrangell harbor during the winter season for lying by. Mr. Cunningham is surely to be commended for his public-spirited action. The fishing industry is one, which the Federal Government cannot afford to neglect. The request for this much...
Several churches from across Wrangell came together to celebrate Easter with a shared "sunrise service" at City Park at 8 a.m. The Salvation Army, St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Harbor Light Assembly of God, the Presbyterian Church, and the Wrangell Seventh-Day Adventist Church were a part of the service. After the sunrise service was done, everybody was invited to Harbor Light for an Easter breakfast. Pictured here is Debbe Lancaster, superintendent of the school district, joining in a hymn...
St. Frances Animal Rescue held a bake sale at Wrangell IGA last Friday morning, April 19. There were plenty of goods for sale, many donated by people around town, such as banana bread, cookies, and many different pies. Pictured here is Bella Ritchie (left) and Dolores Klinke (right) next to their bake sale booth. St. Frances is Wrangell's only animal shelter, located at 3.5 mile Zimovia Highway. They can be reached at (907) 874-3452....