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  • The Way We Were

    Sep 2, 2021

    Sept. 1, 1921 The Zillah May sank off Strait Island on the evening of March 31. It was towed into port Monday night and is lying in the harbor, awaiting further attention from the local men who undertook to raise her. It will not be decided definitely what will be done with her until an examination reveals just what shape she is in. The men who were instrumental in raising her were Chas. Benjamin, Heinie Heinbockel and Charlie Lynch. They had been at work at the scene of the wreck for several weeks and had a diver from Juneau assisting them at...

  • Drilling to learn what's underneath

    Sep 2, 2021

    The parking lot next to the WCA carving shed on Front Street was temporarily closed last Thursday as workers under the direction of Shannon & Wilson drilled soil samples from the property. The Anchorage-based environmental consulting firm is in Wrangell to examine several borough-owned properties for possible contamination, including near the Wrangell Municipal Light and Power generator building on Case Avenue. The Front Street parking lot was formerly a gas station. The city purchased the...

  • End-of-summer sunshine

    Sep 2, 2021

    The view from the water, pulling into Heritage Harbor on Monday, showed just how good it can look when the sun is out, the skies are blue, and the clouds are reflected in the water....

  • Packing up in style

    Aug 26, 2021

    Kindergartener Leeya Gillen was one of 154 Wrangell schoolchildren who went home Tuesday with new backpacks from the annual Wrangell Cooperative Association event. The backpacks, filled with school supplies, were part of the Tlingit & Haida Central Council's drive to ensure Native children have supplies for school. To guard against COVID-19 infections, the backpack giveaway was socially distanced at the covered basketball court behind Evergreen Elementary School. Classes start Monday in...

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 26, 2021

    Aug. 25, 1921 Sometime ago Col. W.B. Greeley, Chief Forester of the United States, left Washington for the purpose of spending a month in Alaska inspecting the timber, water power and other natural resources of the territory. Upon his return from Alaska, Col. Greeley was interviewed by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer regarding his trip and the quality of the timber in the Alaska forest. Col. Greeley said: “Aside from enormous qualities of good pulpwood and serviceable construction timber, the territory probably contains the largest quantity o...

  • Learning to give it their best shot

    Aug 26, 2021

    PGC Basketball, an organization that offers hundreds of camps across North America, came to Wrangell this week for a three-day basketball clinic. DK Klyn (left), one of the coaches, said the clinic is designed to teach kids important principles of both the offensive and defensive game, through classroom and on-the-court sessions. Wrangell's clinic started with drills Tuesday afternoon, with about a dozen participants....

  • Luck of the draw

    Aug 19, 2021

    Brittani Robbins, chamber of commerce executive director, spun the drum and announced the winners Monday of the business group's back-to-school shopping event. Ben Howe won the children's drawing, with Della Churchill winning the adult category. Shoppers filled out a card and had their name added to the drum for the chance to win prizes, which were donated by Wrangell merchants. Close to 300 cards were entered in the drawing....

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel

    Aug 19, 2021

    Aug. 25, 1921 The Wrangell Pulp and Paper Co., composed of local people with eastern connections, is busy with plans for the establishment of a pulp and paper mill in the Wrangell District. This company has made application to the Federal Power Commission for a preliminary permit for power development on certain unnamed streams and lakes discharging into the head of McHenry Inlet on Etolin Island. The Wrangell Pulp and Paper Co. has had reports made on the multiple water power sites by Donald G Campbell of the well known engineering firm of...

  • Laughs and lunches

    Aug 19, 2021

    Michael Cook (from left), Alexis Easterly, Jenna Eastaugh, Hailey Cook and Gavin Hunt enjoy Monday afternoon, relishing the sun as they catch up during their last days of summer break before classes start Aug. 30....

  • Summer camp science for Scouts

    Aug 12, 2021

    Mariah Carney (from left), Claire Rooney and Sienna Kiesler worked on a science project at the Girl Scouts summer camp last Friday at Shoemaker Park. The campers learned about how the surface tension of water works by trying to get rubber bands to float in a bowl of water. The Aug. 2-6 camp was open to girls from kindergarten through high school senior, and included art and science projects and learning more about the outdoors....

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 12, 2021

    Aug. 11, 1921 Some time ago a committee of Wrangell men, interested in marking the graves of unknown sailors and soldiers buried here, applied to the government for the necessary markers. Delegate Sutherland was asked to take the matter up with the War Department. Mr. Sutherland, deserves much credit from the community for he was successful in cutting the red tape of the War Department and a letter received here this spring stated that the markers were being sent and might reach Wrangell for Memorial Day. They were not received at that time,...

  • Getting ready for the season to start

    Aug 12, 2021

    Tyson Messmer was among the high school swim team members practicing Friday in their first week of preparation for the season, which will start next month. Meets are tentatively planned for Ketchikan, Petersburg, Sitka and Juneau, culminating in the state tournament in early November. Most of the swim competition last year was virtual, due to COVID-19 travel and social-distancing restrictions, with the team racing in its home pool and sending in times to measure against other...

  • A bear-sized hug

    Aug 5, 2021

    Marina Fitzgerald gives Smokey a hug as the furry bruin made a special appearance at the public library Friday morning for the Bearfest festival's Read With a Ranger event. Kids and grown-ups were invited to the library's pavilion to meet Smokey and read stories about bears....

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 5, 2021

    Aug. 4, 1921 The Eagle boat, Bothwell, arrived from Craig on Thursday evening with Chief Deputy Collector of Customs Charles D. Garfield aboard. Mr. Garfield is making a tour of inspection of Southeast Alaska sub-ports and remained here until Saturday morning. On Friday afternoon, a baseball game between the sailors on the Bothwell and a local team was staged, in which the sailors won by a score of 14 to 12. The officers and men attended the dance given by the ladies of St. Philip’s Guild Friday evening at the hotel and two of the sailors a...

  • Bearfest runners

    Aug 5, 2021

    Heading out from the start in front of the Nolan Center, Patrick Howell (center, dark T-shirt, dark shorts, gray cap) took first place in the Bearfest marathon on Sunday with a time of 3:38:08. It was Howell's first marathon, according to information on the Bearfest Facebook page. The marathon, half-marathon and 5K drew 37 runners this year on a day the temperature reached 76 degrees. There was a tie for first place in the half-marathon: Chris Stuart and Dale McMurren both ran the course in a...

  • The "Raven Story" stamp

    Jul 29, 2021

    The "Raven Story" stamp, designed by Juneau-based Rico Lanáat' Worl, a Tlingit and Athabascan artist, will have its official release Friday at the Sealaska Heritage Institute in Juneau....

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 29, 2021

    July 28, 1921 An offer of several hundred books for Wrangell was received from the Juneau library this week. The books are from the Gastineau mine, which closed. The Juneau library is too crowded for them and many are duplicates of books already on hand. They will be sorted at Juneau and those which are in bad condition will be discarded. The offer of the books was made to Wrangell because of the response here to the American Library Association’s call last year for help in the “Better Books” movement. Several of the local organizations and a...

  • A waterfront tradition

    Jul 29, 2021

    Bella Ritchie, 12, and Ryder Ritchie, 10, operate a booth near City Dock, catering to visitors who want to take back a piece of Wrangell history. The Ritchie family creates custom jewelry using garnets dug up from the ledge on the mainland near the mouth of the Stikine River. The ledge has been mined since the 1800s to create jewelry and such, though it's been set aside for children to use the past 60 years. Tricia and Ray Corkran visited Wrangell on Monday aboard the Admiralty Dream, and...

  • Time for bear feast and Bearfest

    Jul 22, 2021

    A black bear sow nurses her cub near the trail, about 25 or 30 yards short of the U.S. Forest Service viewing platforms at Anan Creek in this 2019 photo. The bears of Anan may have given their name for Wrangell's annual Bearfest, which starts next Wednesday, but the event is about much more than just bears. The five days include an art workshop, bear symposiums, photography workshops, a golf tournament, book reading for children, workshops and live music, a community market, children's games,...

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 22, 2021

    July 21, 1921 Local strawberries of large size and delicious flavor have been on the market for nearly two weeks. Shipments of berries from Haines have also been received by local merchants. A beautiful Wrangell-raised geranium exhibited in a window of the Matheson store has attracted a great deal of attention this week. It is owned by Mrs. Patterson, who decided to share its beauty with the general public. The plant is unusually large and has 10 bunches of perfect flowers of a lovely shade of pink. July 19, 1946 A lively blaze in the basement...

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 15, 2021

    July 14, 1921 The movement which began here late in May to ask for an open season on beaver and marten for Southeast Alaska is gaining momentum, and the city council is asking other cities and towns of Southeast to help in the matter. At a meeting held by the citizens of Wrangell, resolutions set forth the fact that beaver and marten have become so plentiful that there is no longer any need for their protection, and that the damage they cause to the fishing industry is going to work a hardship on the area’s residents. An open season on these a...

  • Picture perfect 4th of July

    Jul 8, 2021

    It sure seemed that people's spirits were higher for this year's Fourth of July celebration after more than 15 months of pandemic restrictions. That, and the good weather, helped make for an extra special fireworks show Saturday night. See all the photos and event results inside, including the centerspread pages....

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 8, 2021

    July 7, 1921 In spite of threatening rain clouds and a chill in the air that felt like early spring instead of mid-summer, the Fourth of July celebration was a big success. The street sports took place following at the noon hour and went off without a hitch. The pole vaulting, high jumps and the slim horse contest were of special interest, although the crowd filled each number of the sport program with the closest attention. The rain began a while before the baseball game was called at the ball grounds and interfered somewhat with the...

  • Wrangell's new police sergeant

    Jul 8, 2021

    Breanne Pearson pinned the sergeant bars on her husband, Nicholas Pearson, in a small ceremony at the June 22 borough assembly meeting. Pearson has nine years of experience in law enforcement, and has been with the Wrangell Police Department since 2018....

  • Triathlon

    Jul 8, 2021

    Robert Cross take off for the biking segment of the Tongass ToughMan Triathlon last Saturday, shortly after completing a 1.2-mile swim with a time of 28:23....

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