Sorted by date Results 79 - 103 of 2359
July 24, 1924 A new business building 50 by 60 feet is to be erected on Front Street, and work on the structure will begin at once, according to Harry Saito. The new building will occupy the entire space between Engstrom’s store and the property owned by Walter Waters. Saito said his first step will be a concrete foundation, after which the erection of the building will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The lower story will be used for a restaurant and possibly some other line of business. The upper story will be used as a rooming house to t...
WRANGELL SCHOOL BOARD special school board meeting 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 25, at Evergreen Elementary School Room 101. Agenda: superintendent’s evaluation. LEARN TO LINE DANCE 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays from July 30 to Aug. 27 at the community center multi-purpose room with Isabella Crowley. For ages 18 years old and up. Entry fee is by donation. BEARFEST Wednesday through Sunday, July 24-28. An event dedicated to bears and their surroundings. Enjoy symposiums, cultural events, art and photo workshops, fine dining, a marathon and much m... Full story
It takes a lot of support to put on a logging competition the size of the Chuck Oliver Logging Show. The following individuals and businesses are the unsung heroes of the logging show. It is for this reason that the 2024 Chuck Oliver Logging Show and greased-pole events would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their help in making this year’s logging show and greased pole a success. The Bay Co. and NAPA: David and Kim Powell. For years, Dave has been supplying fuel, oil and storage support for our competition saws. M...
The list of Fourth of July events provided in the July 17 Sentinel incorrectly reported the Bull of the Woods winner in the Chuck Oliver Logging Show. Ron Schacher won the award.... Full story
July 17, 1924 The Wrangell Home Bakery announces the installation of a new phone, No. 61, and that they will deliver all orders. They call attention to their sandwich bread, fresh buns and french bread which cannot be excelled; rich pound cakes that don’t dry out; Devil’s Food; white layer cake fit for a queen; honey cream cakes; cupcakes and cookies of every kind. July 15, 1949 The Stikine River closed to gillnetting at 6 a.m. today until 6 p.m. Aug. 1, following one of the poorest runs of red salmon yet recorded for the river. Up to the wee...
MUSKEG MEADOWS First Bank Golf Tournament 9-hole best-ball and special hole in one, Saturday and Sunday, July 20-21. Tournament play starts at 10 a.m., register by 9:30 a.m. DISNEY’S “BROTHER BEAR” movie, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, July 23. Free. The 2003 animated musical fantasy comedy movie is part of a free series of movies for children. COMMUNITY POTLUCK 6 p.m. Fridays through August at the sheltered site on Nemo Point Road. All are welcome. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Benne... Full story
July 10, 1924 Dr. Diven is leaving Friday on the Haleyon to establish the Christian Endeavor Society’s camp at Anan Creek. This is the girls camp and will be directed by Mrs. Tozier, Mrs. Patterson and Miss Swanson. Dr. Diven, assisted by Homer Worden and Sidney Tozier, will attend to all the heavier work around the camp except the eating, in that the dozen girls of the camp have cheerfully agreed to take a full share. Some of the girls who are planning on the camping trip are the Misses Dorothy and Marjorie Johnson, Irene and Virginia T...
STATE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE will be in Wrangell on Thursday, July 11. Immunizations, birth control and STD screening, well-child exams for kids up to age 6, TB screening and medication, Narcan kits and medication disposal bags will be offered. The Public Health Center is in the Kadin Building, 215 Front St. Call 907-723-4611 to make an appointment in advance so the nurse knows what immunizations to bring. MUSKEG MEADOWS City Market/Sentry Hardware Golf Tournament 9-hole best-ball, Saturday and Sunday, July 13-14. Tournament play starts at 10 a.m.... Full story
FOURTH of JULY PIE SALE hosted by Beta Sigma Phi is seeking donations of homemade pies for their Fourth of July pie booth. Funds raised will go to their charitable activities. For more information, contact Olinda White 907-874-3078, Alice Rooney 907-305-0007 or Joan Benjamin 907-874-3252. BACK-TO-SCHOOL backpacks now available for tribal youth; applications accepted through July 7. Tlingit and Haida provides backpacks in partnership with Southeast Alaska village tribes. Children must be Alaska Native and/or American Indian, between the age of p... Full story
July 2, 1924 Frederick H. Meisnest, waste product engineer with Stanley Hiller Inc., was in Wrangell this past week. Mr. Meisnest is vice president and treasurer of the Alaska Shellfish Co., recently established by James M. Bell, president and manager of the company, for the purpose of packing crabs. Both Mr. Meisnest and Mr. Bell are graduates of the College of Fisheries of the University of Washington and have had a wide experience in the fish business. Mr. Meisnest is in charge of the Seattle office of Stanley Hiller Inc., as Northwest...
June 26, 1924 What enthusiasm and energy can accomplish was fully demonstrated last Thursday night when two bathhouses were built at the Wrangell bathing beach in a remarkably short space of time. The Civic Club’s recreation committee was responsible for this valuable acquisition to the joys of sea bathing. When the men whose services made the buildings possible arrived at the beach armed with tools, lumber and nails, on hand were the ladies of the party who had prepared a substantial supper. After the edible had disappeared, the builders, u...
COMMUNITY POTLUCK 6 p.m. Fridays through August at the sheltered site on Nemo Point Road. All are welcome. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Bennett Street. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Skaters must complete a registration form. $5 per person. MUSKEG MEADOWS Alaska Airlines Golf Tournament 9-hole best-ball, Saturday and Sunday, June 29-30. Special prizes, win a free airline ticket. Tournament play starts at 10 a.m., register by 9:30 a.m. NOLAN CENTER... Full story
June 19, 1924 President J. Hooper, of the Affiliated Societies, who went up the Stikine River with the Barrington Transportation Co.’s boat, returned on Monday after a week inland. He reports a fine trip, scenery incomparable, a veritable panorama, a moving picture of miles of glaciers and ice-clad mountains, such as no other part of the world affords. He said: “The trip was not only pleasant but had enough thrills to make me feel that it was the big time of the whole tour. We saw some big game, including grizzly and large black bear, and if...
PATS LAKE FAMILY FISHING DAY, sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and WCA Earth Branch, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 22. Free outdoor fun for the family, including fishing, games and crafts. Lunch and prizes courtesy of Stikine Sportsmen Association. Some fishing gear and personal flotation jackets may be available for use onsite. NOLAN CENTER THEATER “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” rated PG, at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, June 21-22. The film is an action adventure comedy that runs 1 hour and 55 minutes; tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for chi...
June 12, 1924 About three months ago, the attention of the town council was called to the fact that transient peddlers and house-to-house canvassers, who pay no taxes nor contribute in any other tangible way to the growth and welfare of the town, are getting away with good Wrangell dollars that ought to remain in Wrangell. The mayor appointed a committee to draft an ordinance that would require itinerant peddlers to pay well for the privilege of calling on the citizens of Wrangell. The ordinance calls for a license fee of $300 a week or...
COMMUNITY POTLUCK 6 p.m. Fridays through August at the sheltered site on Nemo Point Road. All are welcome. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Bennett Street. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Skaters must complete a registration form. $5 per person. MUSKEG MEADOWS Elks Father’s Day 9-hole best-ball tournament Saturday, June 15. Play starts at 10 a.m., register by 9:30 a.m. COMMUNITY MARKET 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 15, at the Nolan Center. $10 a table f... Full story