Sorted by date Results 876 - 900 of 2359
October 17, 1918 Repeated communications from Red Cross headquarters emphasize the urgent need for the greatest activity in the campaign for the collection of fruit pits and nutshells. Do not allow your interest and activity in this campaign to lag. This campaign will not end with the close of the fresh fruit season. It is on for the duration of the war. To make carbon to protect our men from German Poison Gas, the government needs peach stones, apricot pits, prune pits, plum pits, olive pits, date seeds, cherry pits, brazil-nut shells, walnut...
n Ortiz will be in Wrangell October 23-25. Anyone interested in meeting with him individually, call 617-5116 to schedule a time....
October 10, 1918 Wrangell experienced a very stormy night last Thursday night. No damage was reported but the Eliju Thompson towing a barge, which carried a very valuable cargo of whale oil, came into the harbor and remained here all day Friday. The boats had reached Lincoln Rock on their southbound trip when the sea became so rough that it was found advisable to come to Wrangell until the storm abated. On Friday forenoon an attempt to resume the journey was made, but the boats returned to port again until later in the day. October 15, 1943...
October 7, 1918 Fred Watson, a recent arrival from the West Coast but well known in Wrangell, had a very narrow escape from a watery grave last Saturday. Mr. Watson has recently purchased a boat from G. H. Tozier and while walking along its side holding onto a slender handrail, the latter broke and Mr. Watson found himself in the briny deep. A pair of high top boots made swimming difficult and he went down the proverbial three times. Instead of staying down as he expected to do according to precedent, he rose again to the surface and this time...
September 26, 1918 Miss Grace Wigg left on the Sophia for Berkeley, California. She was accompanied as far as Seattle by her mother, Mrs. F. Wigg. From Seattle Miss Wigg will travel southward and will enter the school of pharmacy at Berkeley. She will be absent from Wrangell until next July. September 24, 1943 Chamber of Commerce at its regular luncheon meeting yesterday went on record to support Ketchikan chamber in its plea to get certain restrictions lifted in Southeast Alaska, particularly travel control inside Alaska, mail censorship and...
September 19, 1918 Ensign W. Kerr, financial representative for the Salvation Army for Alaska arrived in Wrangell yesterday. He has been on a trip as far northward as Atlin and Carcross collecting for local and war work. The Ensign stated that instead of having a harvest Thanksgiving effort and a war work drive at different times the two are being combined into one effort. The drive in Wrangell will take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday. “We have 50 ambulance cars on the war front,” said Mr. Kerr. “Three hundred ‘huts’ where refreshments and o...
Members of the Wrangell Cooperative Association moved a totem pole from Shakes Island to the cultural center on Front Street Thursday evening. According to Tribal Administrator Esther Ashton, the tribe plans to do some restoration work on this totem, and some others, in the near future....
September 12, 1918 School opened Monday with a total enrollment of 73 pupils. Only two of the teachers engaged for the year were on hand to begin work, Miss Armstrong being ill with quinsy, and Miss Allender having missed boat connections. Miss Armstrong has recovered so far as to be able to take up her work this morning. During her absence, Mrs. J. W. Pritchett took charge of the intermediate grades. A plan is being worked out by which the work in the school will be more equally divided than heretofore. The high school program will be...
Work has begun on the renovations to Shoemaker Bay Harbor. According to Harbor Master Greg Meissner, the harbor will be back in business sometime next summer....