about town

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  • The way we were

    Jul 26, 2018

    August 1, 1918 Surgeon General G. Sterling Ryerson, founder and past president of the Canadian Red Cross, will leave Seattle August 2, on the Spokane, and upon arrival in Wrangell, will be at the disposal of the local Red Cross Chapter while the vessel is in port. An effort will be made for him to speak to the people of Wrangell. Surgeon General Ryerson who is retired from the Canadian army, has served in five military expeditions, including South Africa and the Great War. He is Inspector General of Red Cross work in France. His eldest son was...

  • Local entrepreneurs sell homemade bookmarks

    Jul 26, 2018

  • The Way we Were

    Jul 19, 2018

    August 1, 1918 The Sentinel will soon display a service flag. Weston Dalgity who has been connected with this office almost constantly since it came into the possession of its present owner goes south this week to enlist. Following the custom which is prevalent at the present time of filling a vacancy caused by a man’s entering the service by putting a woman in the position vacated by Mr. Dalgity will be filled by Miss June Elliott who has severed her connection with the Spokane Chronicle to come north. Miss Elliott is aboard the Humboldt and w...

  • Celebrating Independence Day

    Jul 12, 2018

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel

    Jul 12, 2018

    July 11, 1918 It was a safe and sane Fourth - and a dry one. Everyone had a good time. Money was not scarce: Witness the generous prizes and elaborate decorations. If a few sighed for the days that used to be, the vast majority appreciated the good order and the fact that one was spared, this year, the sights that frequently marred celebrations in the past. In connection with the exercise held in the Redmen’s hall the morning of the Fourth, did you happen to notice the exceptionally fine programs? A great deal of time and thought and care w...

  • Varela joins Pilot and Sentinel newsroom

    Jul 12, 2018

    Brian J. Varela, 27, joined the Pilot and the Sentinel staff last week arriving from Oxnard, Calif. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Religious Studies from California State University, Long Beach in May 2018. During his internship, he was a staff writer for the Long Beach 908 Magazine through May 2018 and compiled and wrote about local businesses that were featured in the magazine. Prior to that, he worked for Silver Bay Seafoods in Naknek, Alaska in the summer of...

  • 4th of July Independence Day

    Jul 12, 2018

  • 4th of July Results

    Jul 12, 2018

    10 Royalty Ticket Sales: 102,382 King: Robbie Marshall 62,792 Prince: Draven Golding 25,960 Princess: Kaydee Howell 13,630 The Royalty Ticket Pull Winners 1st, $4,000: John Fernen 2nd, $3,000: Randy Fordyce 3rd, $2,000: Tammi Meissner 4th, $1,000: Jenny Mork Crazy Craft Race Under 12 1st: Dane 2nd: Gracie & Bella 3rd: Sophia & Melanie 4th: Aubrey, Charlee, William, Tommy & Kayla Over 12 1st: John Buness 2nd: Bonnie Ritchie 3rd: Leslie & Matt 4th: Nickole, Dalton, Rylan, Jayden ​ 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Middle School Girls 1st: Wrangell W...

  • A splash of color

    Jul 5, 2018

    Volunteer Scott Glaze sends forth a shower of colored powder along the route of this year's Color Run, a 5K fundraiser benefitting Wrangell Medical Center's long-term care unit. Held on Saturday at City Park, medical staff and residents alike joined in, dusting participants as they approached the finish. The run was the second held so far in Wrangell....

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 5, 2018

    July 8, 1918 D.Y. Yelf who has been Canadian Customs Collector at the Boundary for the past two months was a southbound passenger on the Spokane Monday. Mr. Yelf was succeeded by C. A. Tervo, who will be remembered by Wrangell people as having held the same position at the Boundary a number of years ago. Mr. Tervo was accompanied by his son, Albert, when he went through Wrangell on his way up the river. July 2, 1943 Old phonograph records are being sought for use of the armed forces. The American Legion Post has taken charge of the roundup...

  • Wrangell Liberty

    Jul 5, 2018

  • Death Notice

    Jul 5, 2018

    Jed Mitchell, 81, passed away June 26, 2018 of a heart attack at home in Arco, Idaho. Cards can be sent to Kathy Mitchell at 2685 N. Highway 93, Arco, Idaho 83213....

  • A fascinating visitor

    Jun 28, 2018

    The research vessel Maritime Maid makes a stop into Heritage Harbor on Sunday. Topped with a chopper, the 86-foot ship has been operating in Alaskan waters since 1987, chartered mainly for scientific, seismic and volcanic projects....

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 28, 2018

    June 20, 1918 Ladies of the Red Cross are requested to meet Friday afternoon at the town hall at 2 o’clock for special sewing. The Northwest division insists that every sock shall have a Kitchener toe. Socks should be eleven inches from the edge to beginning of heel. Fancy striping O.K. but do not use bright colors. Fancy striping in cuffs of socks should be, if used at all, of regular sock yarn such as white and various shades of gray. The soldier is often wet to the knee for many hours and the water soaked skin is likely to absorb any free d...

  • Wilcox and Florschutz to wed

    Jun 28, 2018

    Brittany Lynn Wilcox and Benjamin Hindeley Florschutz will be married Friday, August 10 at the LDS Temple in Payson, Utah. The bride-elect, the daughter of Brett and Kris Wilcox of Sitka graduated from BYU Hawaii and is currently working in Yamaguchi, Japan as an Assistant Language Teacher. The bridegroom currently attends Utah State University and is the son of Otto and Christina Florschutz, of Wrangell. The couple met and became friends through church and high school activities. They plan to...

  • Iced out

    Jun 28, 2018

    The entrance to Shakes Glacier was blocked off by calving ice on Saturday. Like other glaciers that make up the Stikine Icefield, Shakes has been gradually losing ice. Since the 1980s, it has receded by approximately 1.4 miles....

  • Flying above "Shtax'héen"

    Jun 28, 2018

    Seen from a small aircraft, the delta of the Stikine River's northern arm shimmers in the sun as the tide rises on June 20. Nearby Mallard Slough is a popular destination for campers and hunters, while LeConte Bay just to the north is notable for its view of the namesake glacier....

  • "Krazy" about Kayaking

    Jun 21, 2018

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jun 21, 2018

    June 28, 1918 The Postmaster will have on hand at the Wrangell Post Office a sufficient supply of war savings stamps to take care of the large amount of extra sales on that day. Representatives of the War Savings Committee will be at the Town Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to meet every loyal person who may desire to call for information or give assistance in the drive and deliver War Savings Stamps and receive pledges covering later purchases of Stamps during this year. All citizens should subscribe to the limit of their ability. June 18,...

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 14, 2018

    June 13, 1918 A meeting of the local War Savings Stamps Committee will be held at the Town hall June 17, at 8 p.m. for the purpose of making arrangements and appointing sub committees to handle the War Savings Stamp drive of the 28th inst., regarding which a proclamation is published elsewhere in this paper. Everyone who wishes to take part in this, either as solicitors, contributors or otherwise, are invited to attend. We must keep the good work going. June 11, 1943 Frank Dufresne, Executive officer of the Alaska Game Commission, spent a day...

  • Tuning up for summer

    Jun 14, 2018

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 7, 2018

    May 30, 1918 Once more Wrangell has demonstrated her ability to go “over the top” in any worthy enterprise. Although the Red Cross drive followed close on the heels of the Third Liberty Loan, the committees in charge of the raising of the Red Cross war fund met with unqualified success. The returns are not complete as there are several canneries to be heard from but the amounts received up to the present time are as follows: Wrangell donations: $1453.35; Wrangell Band: 25.00; Union Bay cannery: 240.00; Santa Ana cannery: 166.50; Burnet Inl...

  • Automotive show-and-tell

    Jun 7, 2018

    An assortment of utility vehicles are encamped at the Evergreen Elementary School parking lot on Saturday for "Touch-a-Truck," an educational outing organized by radio station KSTK. An assortment of emergency services, businesses and municipal departments pooled together for the display, which encouraged young Wrangellites to familiarize themselves with the vehicles that help get things done. Below, Kyler Angerman, Jude Johnson and Hailey Gablehouse were among the kids in attendance, and...

  • TheWay We Were In the Sentinel

    May 31, 2018

    May 30, 1918 We do not grasp the real significance of the general exodus in the cause of freedom until the experience comes home to our own community. Wrangell has given of her men before and our hearts have swelled with pride as we bade them goodbye. It remained for the first quota of the selective draft to arouse the entire community and to give us a sense of nearness to the struggle that is going on in the world today. The big celebration in honor of the departing men began Wednesday evening with the Ketchikan contingent arrived and was...

  • In memoriam

    May 31, 2018

    One of a pair of pipers play the first few verses to "Amazing Grace" on May 20, following a Blessing of the Fleet jointly held during a Mariners' Memorial fundraiser. Straddling an overlook between Heritage Harbor and Zimovia Strait, organizers for the new memorial hope to see ground broken by next year....

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