about town

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  • Tons of blinking garbage to go

    Mar 1, 2018

  • The Way We Were

    Mar 1, 2018

    March 7, 1918: The City of Seattle’s call at the port of Wrangell on Friday afternoon was a most pleasant one for both the passengers and the townspeople. When it was found that the vessel would remain in port till 11 p.m. the passengers visited the photo show en masse. The passengers also engaged the North Star orchestra to play for a dance following the show to which local people were cordially invited. For more than an hour dancing was indulged in with greatest pleasure and merriment. The officers of the vessel requested the Sentinel to than...

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 22, 2018

    February 28, 1918: From one of the Dailies of Alaska: “It is pretty generally believed that a bunch of women can’t get along together for any length of time without a lot of friction,” says Miss Anna Durkee, head of the Alaska Garnet Mining and Manufacturing Company, a $1,000,000 concern, “but I want to say most emphatically that it isn’t so. Fifteen of us have been closely associated for eight years now, and never once have we had any ructions in a board meeting-we’ve gone through some pretty strenuous times, too.” It was eight years ago tha...

  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 15, 2018

    February 21, 1918: Here is a suggestion for a saving plan for the household, one that is tangible and easy to follow. Let parents organize their tots into Home War Savings Groups so that the children can earn their pennies and not have them donated to them, by keeping their rooms in order, doing the dishes, running errands dusting, etc. By earning their pennies in some definite and regular manner and then purchasing Thrift Stamps with them, children will gain in the spirit of self-denial, they will become conscious of rendering a real service...

  • Another dusting

    Feb 8, 2018

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 8, 2018

    February 14, 1918: The Metlakatla basketball team was unable to give Wrangell a return game. When H. J. Murchison, the manager, announced a return game in the Rink the night of the game here he made the proviso, “If we have any bones left after playing Juneau.” At Thane the game was very rough and four of the Metlakatla boys were knocked out although they defeated Thane 44 to 17. The next night the Metlakatla boys played the Hoover boys of Juneau using substitutes for the four boys who were knocked out. This game resulted in a score of 20 to...

  • Soiree at the Stikine

    Feb 8, 2018

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 1, 2018

    February 7, 1918: Restaurant and Hotel Food Rules, United States Food Administration. Notice: We, the undersigned, at request of Federal Food Administrator for Alaska, have agreed to observe in our places of business the following program of serving food to our customers until further notice. Each Tuesday: no meat (beef, mutton or pork.) Each Saturday: no wheat or food made there from. Each Day: one meatless meal. No bread, crackers, butter or sugar on table until meal is served. Two lumps of sugar to each cup of tea or coffee, or equivalent...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 25, 2018

    January 31, 1918: The next contract for carrying mail from Wrangell to the West Coast points will almost certainly go to Leo McCormack. Mr. McCormack has received notice from the government that his proposal has been accepted. The West Coast mail contract is now held by W.J. Neil, who, it is understood, was an applicant for the new contract. When seen by the Sentinel reporter Mr. McCormack stated that the acceptance of a proposal by the government is merely tentative and that until the contract is actually signed there is nothing certain about...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 18, 2018

    January 24, 1918: Darwell and Grant’s new power seine boat, the Marguerite, arrived from Seattle last night with the following persons on board: Victor Youngmarcker, master; Chas. Darewell, Charles Moore, Jimmie Green, Roy Churchill, Wm. Taylor Jr. The voyage was made from Seattle in 91 hours running time. The principal cargo was a complete webbing outfit for one trap. The boat is 65 feet long, 16 foot beam, 6 feet deep, equipped with a 50 h.p. Standard engine. It was built by Barbare Bros. of Tacoma, and is elegantly furnished and fitted u...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 11, 2018

    January 17, 1918: Wrangell chapter, American Red Cross Wrangell, Alaska. Dear Ladies: I received your package yesterday and wish to extend to you my heartiest thanks for same. I was rather surprised at first but I’m real happy now to think that, even though homeless, there is someone in the great world to remember me, I expect to leave for France in a day or two and whereever I may be I shall at all times deeply remember the Ladies of the Wrangell Chapter of the American Red Cross. Military life at this time of the year is rather tough as it i...

  • Cause for alarm

    Jan 11, 2018

  • An icy start to 2018

    Jan 4, 2018

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 4, 2018

    January 10, 1918: All pupils above the second grade were given a test in spelling on Monday, the list of 100 words having been sent to all schools in Alaska by the Commissioner of Education. The best spellers in the school and the number of words they misspelled are as follows: High School: Hattie Anderson, 0; Helen Hofstad, 1. Eighth grade: Ruth Lindman, 0; Lester Campen, 2. Seventh Grade: Henry Ronning, 2; Marjory Shaffner, 7; Andrew Engstrom, 7. Sixth Grade: Ruth Sylvester, 7; Donald Sinclair, 8. Fifth Grade: Harry Ronning, 1; Coralie...

  • Lights floating in the darkness

    Dec 28, 2017

  • Fuel price notices to end

    Dec 28, 2017

    With the next edition, the Wrangell Sentinel and the Petersburg Pilot will discontinue the Posted Fuel Notice that has been published since October 2015. Fuel prices were more volatile then and the price fluctuation was of more interest to the public. The retail price is clearly market driven and both Wrangell and Petersburg have competing vendors in each community. It’s obvious that the size of the market and the distance from the refinery will continue to influence the prices consumers pay at the pump in both towns. Absent new information, w...

  • Mrs. Wilson's 1st Grade Class Our Favorite Traditions at Christmas Time

    Dec 21, 2017

    When I get games for Christmas, I like to play them. Super Mario is my best game. I like it, because I like video games. Brogan Booker Decorating Christmas trees is my favorite part of Christmas. We get to hang our ornaments on the tree. We put an angel on top! I have fun doing it with my family. Kaiya Brevick One thing I love about Christmas is being with my family. We all decorate the tree. We put on a fireplace on TV or Netfix. We open presents. I feel happy when I’m with my family. Marlo Buness I like making presents for my family on C...

  • On Santa's knee

    Dec 21, 2017

  • 2017 Holiday Writings Mrs. Miller's 3rd Grade

    Dec 21, 2017

    I am thankful for Landen. He is the best friend ever! I am thankful for my Mom. I used to wash the dishes for her all the time. My Dad and I are thankful for my brother. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my family. by Alea Meissner My wish for Christmas is an electric scooter battery for my brother so we can ride to our friend’s house to get there faster! I wish for an awesome Christmas so everyone will be happy on Christmas, and have a good Christmas because it’s a holiday. Another Christmas wish is to play with my brother and...

  • Hope, prepare, rejoice and behold

    Dec 21, 2017

    Four Sundays before Christmas, the season of Advent begins. We decorate the Advent wreath with fresh evergreen boughs and place four, blue candles around the circle. Each Sunday we light a new candle—beginning with the candle of Hope. Prepare, Rejoice and Behold follow on succeeding Sundays; Christmas Eve we light the white candle in the center to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Advent provides the opportunity for us to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and spend time away from the pressures of the secular holiday. Our candles have names...

  • Do you hear what I hear

    Dec 21, 2017

  • The history of Christmas stockings

    Dec 21, 2017

    Christmas stockings have become part of holiday traditions, and this beloved tradition has its own unique history. Just when the excitement of opening presents abates after the last of the packages under the Christmas tree have been torn open, children and adults alike may discover that there are more treats to be had nestled inside of stockings hung on the mantle. The hanging of Christmas stockings is a tradition with an extensive history. Several legends attribute the hanging of stockings to...

  • Real peace? On this earth?

    Dec 21, 2017

    When sending out Christmas cards, I personally like to choose greetings with a wish for peace. The story of the birth of Jesus, for me, is about being at peace – inwardly and outwardly. Christ himself, speaking with his followers, said: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.” (John 14:27-31). What is this peace that He gives, that the world does not?? Mysteriously, Jesus also said that He came not to bring peace, but to bring a sword (Matthew 10:34-36). Many suggest this means to be prepa...

  • Little carolers

    Dec 21, 2017

  • Uh, Thanks?!

    Dec 21, 2017

    Probably like you, I have received many gifts through the years. Birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, anniversary gifts, thank you gifts, and just plain gifts. Some have been memorable, others, well, I would tell you about them if I could remember them. During those times, I have been surprised, speechless, amazed, and, honestly, sometimes bewildered, as I thought, “what on earth is that for?” Or, “Why would I ever need that?” Some of those gifts, I never knew that I would need, or that they would be so useful. Like that pair of...

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