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  • Polar bears at risk from disappearing Arctic sea ice

    The Associated Press|Nov 18, 2021

    Majestic, increasingly hungry and at risk of disappearing, the polar bear is dependent on something melting away on our warming planet: sea ice. In the harsh and unforgiving Arctic, where frigid cold is not just a way of life but a necessity, the polar bear stands out. But where it lives, where it hunts, where it eats is disappearing underfoot in the crucial summertime. “They have just always been a revered species by people, going back hundreds and hundreds of years,” said longtime government polar bear researcher Steve Amstrup, now chief scie...

  • Petersburg hit by COVID outbreak

    Larry Persily|Nov 10, 2021

    While Wrangell has counted 11 new COVID-19 infections in the past week, Petersburg was at 69 active cases as of late Monday, with a mandatory face mask order in place and public buildings closed. Almost 20% of COVID tests administered in Petersburg in the past seven days had come back positive, the borough reported on its website Monday. The active case count set a pandemic record for the community, going past the old record of 68 from March 3. Petersburg was hit with 85 cases from mid-February to the first week of March, its highest numbers...

  • Borough resumes utility collections

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 10, 2021

    The finance department has decided the borough will resume collection efforts and power disconnects for severely delinquent residential utility customers after COVID-era payment moratoriums and grace periods have ended. The borough on Tuesday shut off the power to three residences that had failed to make payment or set up a payment plan; two of those account holders paid their bill the same day and had their power restored. Though a state moratorium on utility shutoffs expired a year ago, the borough instituted its own grace period, said...

  • Opioid, substance abuse recovery center looks at former hospital site

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 10, 2021

    An addiction recovery center operator is interested in possibly buying the former hospital to open a residential and outpatient treatment center in Wrangell. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida-based Regard Recovery Centers planned to send a representative, Casey Odell, to the borough assembly’s Tuesday meeting this week to introduce the organization, discuss its interest in the former Wrangell Medical Center property, and to schedule a time in the coming weeks for a follow-up visit to Wrangell, Amber Al-Haddad, capital facilities director, reported to t...

  • SEARHC vaccination clinic for children Thursday

    Sentinel staff|Nov 10, 2021

    Wrangell’s first clinic for children ages 5 through 11 to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is set for Thursday at the Wrangell Medical Center. Additional clinics will be scheduled. Parents and guardians can register online at, or call the medical center at 907-874-7000 for more information. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Food and Drug Administration last week approved the Pfizer vaccine for young children. “Vaccines will be available by appointment, and a parent or caregiver must accompany the youth,...

  • Food pantry prepares to distribute holiday food boxes

    Marc Lutz|Nov 10, 2021

    Lt. Jon Tollerud and his wife, Rosie, along with a handful of volunteers have begun preparations for The Salvation Army's Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes and toy drive programs. Depending on the time of year, the Salvation Army's food pantry serves more than 10% of Wrangell's population, Tollerud said. Food insecurities aren't necessarily any worse during the holiday season, he said, but the effort of the food pantry changes as needed to help those in need. Along with the food bags that...

  • Educators urge more oversight in social media use to curb bad behavior

    Marc Lutz|Nov 10, 2021

    Technology has made access to information and connection with people around the world instantly possible. It’s a valuable teaching tool for educators. But that same technology has a dark side, causing kids to misbehave and use social media inappropriately. It’s led to more parent and teacher oversight and, in some cases, suspension, even in Wrangell. Bob Davis, assistant principal of the high school and middle school, recently has sent out messages to parents letting them know about a slew of TikTok challenges that had made their way to Wra...

  • Federally funded program provides free health screenings for women

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 10, 2021

    A free health screening program for women who are underinsured, uninsured or income-eligible has plenty of spots available. The Wisewoman Women's Health Program was created to establish a tradition of prevention and instill healthy behaviors for women who often find themselves putting everyone else in their life first, and their health last, said Tammi Meissner, Wisewoman program health educator, who took over the program at SEARHC in Wrangell in 2018. "It's a great opportunity for women who...

  • Unruly behavior prompts parks and rec to adopt updated policy

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 10, 2021

    The parks and recreation department has approved an updated behavior policy, with consequences for violations. The policy was drafted after unruly behavior at open swim sessions led to some participants getting kicked out, Kate Thomas, parks and recreation director, said. The TikTok-inspired vandalism and pranks that school officials have seen were also on the department’s radar, she said. While they haven’t seen anything inspired by those trends, Thomas said parks and recreation wanted to get ahead by warning of the consequences. Those poo...

  • Obstacles remain in filling jobs, despite efforts

    Marc Lutz|Nov 10, 2021

    Wrangell has work, but the workforce is lacking. Since the end of September, the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce has been posting its members’ job openings to help get companies staffed and people working. In the five weeks, three people have come in to fill out applications. Chamber Executive Director Brittani Robbins said despite efforts help get jobs filled, staffing shortages remain due to anything from lower starting wages to unqualified applicants. But Robbins believes businesses can take steps to make positions more attractive. “I thi...

  • Wrangell remains in legislative district with Ketchikan

    Larry Persily|Nov 10, 2021

    The Alaska Redistricting Board has adopted a new map of legislative districts for the state, keeping Wrangell and Ketchikan in the same district. The board had considered other proposals that would have put Wrangell in with Sitka, not Ketchikan, along with Petersburg and other small Southeast communities, or moved Petersburg in with Ketchikan and Wrangell. Wrangell and Ketchikan currently share a state House district. The only change from the current boundaries for that seat is the addition of Metlakatla, to get the district closer to the popul...

  • Borough seeks input for tourism best practices guide

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 10, 2021

    The Wrangell Convention and Visitor Bureau is trying to finish a draft of its tourism best management practices. The renewed push comes after the effort to adopt best practices was waylaid by the onset of the pandemic almost two years ago. The latest draft was distributed among the CVB board members at their Nov. 4 work session to share with businesses and get their input for a final draft that would go before the borough assembly after the holidays, and once enough input from business owners and tour operators is collected. When the visitor...

  • Sledding hill will be ready for winter

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 10, 2021

    As winter approaches, the Wrangell parks and recreation department has plans to clear a sledding hill popular with children. The hill is beyond the covered playground near the elementary school. Alder trees are encroaching on the area, limiting the space for play, said Kate Thomas, parks and recreation director, so the public works department is going to help clear those trees. In addition, the parking barriers are due for upgrades, according to a parks maintenance report. “The existing logs that delineate the roadway from the parking area a...

  • Alaska joins another lawsuit against federal vaccination requirement

    The Associated Press|Nov 10, 2021

    Attorneys general in 11 states, including Alaska, filed suit last Friday against President Joe Biden’s administration, challenging a new vaccine requirement for workers at companies with more than 100 employees. The lawsuit filed in the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals argues that the authority to compel vaccinations rests with the states, not the federal government. “This mandate is unconstitutional, unlawful, and unwise,” said the court filing by Missouri Attorney General and political candidate Eric Schmitt, one of sever...

  • Juneau may extend tax collection to sales aboard cruise ships

    Larry Persily|Nov 10, 2021

    The Juneau assembly will consider an ordinance that would amend the borough’s sales tax code to collect on goods and services sold aboard cruise ships, whether tied to the dock or anchored in front of town. The ordinance would amend a provision in code that currently exempts sales aboard cruise ships from the borough’s 5% tax. Services sold on board the ships but which are delivered or used on shore, such as bus or whale watching tours, cooking classes and other activities, already are subject to sales tax, but goods or services consumed abo...

  • State sues over halt to ANWR lease activities

    The Associated Press|Nov 10, 2021

    JUNEAU (AP) — The state corporation that paid $12 million in public funds for federal oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the final days of the Trump administration is suing federal officials over what it calls improper actions that are preventing activities on the lands. The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority alleges federal officials have overstepped the law in suspending lease-related activities. The lease sale was held in January, shortly before President Joe Biden took office. Soon after taking o...

  • Even at $17 an hour, Juneau child care can't find workers

    The Associated Press|Nov 10, 2021

    JUNEAU (AP) — Tribal and municipal government programs are trying to help child care providers in Juneau, but challenges remain even with higher wages and bonuses covered by the financial aid. Little Eagles and Ravens Nest Child Care Center has advertised continuously for positions since opening in February 2020, before the pandemic took hold. Pay starts around $17 an hour, and entry-level jobs come with tribal government benefits. “We now offer professional development courses and classes that we pay for. As well as … university credits that...

  • Canadian snowbirds ready to flock across U.S. border

    The Associated Press|Nov 10, 2021

    By Anita Snow and Terry Tang The Associated Press PHOENIX (AP) - Canadians Ian and Heather Stewart are savoring the idea of leaving behind this winter's subzero temperatures when the U.S. reopens its borders to nonessential land travel this week and they launch a long-delayed drive to their seasonal home in Fort Myers, Florida. Restrictions imposed by both countries during the coronavirus pandemic and their own concerns kept the retired couple and millions of other Canadians from driving south...

  • Haines looks forward to Canadian visitors as border opens

    The Associated Press|Nov 10, 2021

    After more than 18 months without Canadian visitors, Haines could see an influx of RV traffic and coho fishermen this week. The U.S.-Canada border reopened for fully vaccinated Canadians on Monday. With coho still running and Yukoners long cut off from the sea, the quiet days of the pandemic in Haines could be waning. “Be prepared to maybe see a bunch of RVs,” said Haines Borough tourism director Steven Auch. “We’re looking forward to finally getting to see our friends we’ve been separated from forcibly for so long,” said Alaska Rod’s co-ow...

  • NTSB finds multiple factors in 2019 Aleutians plane accident

    The Associated Press|Nov 10, 2021

    JUNEAU (AP) — The braking system on a plane carrying 42 people that overran a runway at Unalaska in 2019, killing a passenger, was compromised by anti-skid sensors that were not correctly wired, the National Transportation Safety Board determined. The incorrect wiring likely occurred during an overhaul at the landing gear manufacturer’s facility in 2017, but it was not discovered until after the accident, the Nov. 2 report said. The system “does not generate a fault (warning) based on incorrect wiring,” the report said. Also, the plane was not...

  • Vaccinations for children could be available next week

    Larry Persily|Nov 4, 2021

    With approval from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccinations against COVID-19 for children ages 5 through 11 could be available in Wrangell next week. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last week approved the vaccine for children, and the CDC late Tuesday also approved the shots. The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium, which was waiting on that decision, will soon start opening appointments to administer Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, Maegan Bosak, a senior SEARHC official in Sitka, s...

  • Interim borough manager started work Monday

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 4, 2021

    Jeffrey Good, who moved to Wrangell after retiring from the U.S. Coast Guard, started work Monday as interim borough manager, replacing Lisa Von Bargen until the assembly can make a permanent hire. The borough assembly last Thursday offered the position to Good, who was among five candidates for the job. Von Bargen's last day as manager was Friday. Good, the only local candidate, served as U.S. Coast Guard base director in Kodiak from 2017 to 2020, according to his résumé. He served as public w...

  • Animal shelter receives $10,000 donation with matching pledge

    Marc Lutz|Nov 4, 2021

    A private donation to St. Frances Animal Rescue has made it possible for the nonprofit shelter to keep operating after a difficult year. The shelter recently received a promise from a private donor to match every dollar donated from Nov. 1 of this year until Nov. 1, 2022, up to $10,000.Joan Sargent, the foster/adoption coordinator for St. Frances, is confident the shelter will be able to raise enough to reach its target of $35,000. That would allow the organization to keep moving toward its...

  • Alaska Airlines works toward full staffing, flight schedule by end of the year

    Larry Persily|Nov 4, 2021

    Alaska Airlines would like to be back to 2019 staffing levels and flight schedules by the end of the year. "That's our goal," Tim Thompson, company spokesman in Anchorage, said Monday. From the worst of the pandemic-induced collapse in air travel in the spring of 2020, when the airline carried 4,000 to 5,000 passengers a day across its entire route system, Alaska was back up to 108,000 revenue passengers a day for the quarter that ended Sept. 30, moving toward its pre-pandemic number of close to 140,000. Carrying all those passengers has meant...

  • Library celebrates a century as a place to get lost in a book

    Sarah Aslam|Nov 4, 2021

    For lovers of the written word, one might argue that walking into a library is like a family reunion, of the senses at least. The smell of paper and ink pulls memories of curling up with a book, no phone to check or competition for attention. Last Thursday, it felt like a reunion of the senses and also a library family reunion. November marks 100 years since the library opened its doors on Oct. 31, 1921. And before the cake could be cut and whittled down, former library director Kay Jabusch...

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