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  • Purchase of new ambulance approved in special assembly meeting

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    In a special meeting last Thursday evening, May 28, the borough assembly approved the purchase of a new ambulance. This purchase, according to Borough Manager Lisa Von Bargen, is to strengthen a potential weak spot in the city's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. "It became glaringly apparent, recently, that a huge gap in our local medical capacity is an ambulance," she said. "You heard Captain Sprehe speak tonight, now that we have to consider every individual a screen positive because so many...

  • Tis Peterman to retire from SEITC

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    The Southeast Alaska Indiginous Transboundary Commission has been led by Wrangellite Tis Peterman since 2017. Before that, Peterman was part of the group that put the organization together back in 2014, representing the Wrangell Cooperative Association. SEITC has worked to raise awareness of the risks transboundary mining represents to Southeast Alaskan waters since their founding. The organization will be continuing this mission without Peterman moving forward, however, as she intends to...

  • Larrabee taking new job as K 12 principal in Tok

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    After several years with the Wrangell Public School District, Wrangell resident Drew Larrabee will be leaving town to take a new position as K-12 principal in Tok. Larrabee and his family first moved to Wrangell eight years ago, he said. He has been the fabrication teacher for Wrangell High School for the past eight years. Larrabee said that he and his family are going to miss the Wrangell community and school district a lot, but this move is meant to help him advance his career goals. "I had...

  • RAC meeting interrupted by snoring participant

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    The local Resource Advisory Committee, which covers the areas of Wrangell, Petersburg, and Kake, held a series of meetings last week. The RAC, for those who are unaware, is a committee of residents of these three areas that advise the Forest Service on what projects to pursue. There were a variety of interesting and pertinent projects covered in the recent RAC meetings. In their meeting on May 27, the RAC elected committee co-chairs Kim Powell and Patrick Fowler. They also approved of a proposal to spend $40,000 on dock repairs in the City of...

  • Correction

    Jun 4, 2020

    In the May 21 edition of the paper, in the story about the senior awards night, it was reported that the Joel Wing and Allen Benjamin Scholarships were awarded from the Wrangell Emblem Club. These two scholarships actually come from the Elks Lodge....

  • Social media discussed in CVB meeting

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    The Wrangell Convention and Visitor Bureau met last Thursday, May 28. The main topic that day was an ongoing discussion of how the bureau can improve Wrangell's social media presence. To promote local businesses and encourage tourists to come to Wrangell, the CVB is interested in using social media to achieve these goals. Lucy Robinson, with the Parks and Rec Department, was invited into the meeting to talk about important aspects of social media marketing they need to keep in mind. "Lucy has of...

  • Reopening plan covered in Parks and Rec workshop

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    The Wrangell Parks and Rec Department hosted a workshop last Wednesday, May 27, to discuss their plans to reopen. The main Parks and Rec facility, housing the gym and swimming pool, closed on March 13 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that the state has been moving to reopen, the department is putting plans in place to do the same. Parks and Rec Director Kate Thomas explained in a presentation that they would be doing a soft opening, in line with state guidelines from phases three and...

  • Assembly postpones vote on quarantine ordinance

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 4, 2020

    Prior to their budget workshop on Tuesday evening the Wrangell Borough Assembly held an emergency meeting to pass an ordinance establishing quarantine requirements for out of state travelers. Emergency Ordinance No. 978, according to the agenda packet for the meeting, requires that travelers from outside of Alaska, or outside of the United States, quarantine for two weeks when they come to Wrangell. However, this quarantine can be bypassed if the traveler in question has proof of a negative...

  • Leaders review commercial COVID testing, CBW resources

    Jun 4, 2020

    On Wednesday, May 27, members of the Wrangell Unified Command met via videoconference to consolidate pandemic information and response from respective local organizations. Wrangell Medical Center (WMC) leadership commented on expansion of testing for select community organizations, while the City and Borough of Wrangell (CBW) Manager announced new cleaning supply stock and the potential purchase of an ambulance with CARES Act funding. Representatives from Emergency Medical Services (EMS),...

  • Court report

    Jun 4, 2020

    May 12: Wolfe Larsen was arraigned on charges of leaving the scene of an accident. The hearing was scheduled to continue on May 19. May 18: A minor offense trial was held between the City and Borough of Wrangell vs. Myrna Torgramsen II, on charges of a dangerous dog violation. The defendant failed to appear. A default judgment was entered, ordering Torgramsen to pay a fine of $300 and a $20 police training surcharge, as well as costs for entering and collecting on the default judgment. A felony first appearance was held for Lolita Larsen, charg...

  • Seafood companies plan to merge parts of their operations

    Jun 4, 2020

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Ocean Beauty Seafoods and Icicle Seafoods Inc. announced plans Friday to merge parts of their operations under a new company. The merger, set to take effect Monday, will include Ocean Beauty and Icicle shoreside plants in Alaska, according to a release. Financial terms were not released. Ocean Beauty and Icicle Seafoods each will own a 50% stake in the new company, OBI Seafoods LLC, the release states. Mark Palmer, president and CEO of Ocean Beauty, will be CEO of the new venture. John Woodruff, chief operating officer a...

  • School board president responds to public comments

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    In the last Wrangell School Board meeting, on May 18, several members of the public voiced concerns with how things were running in the school district. Among them were concerns that the technology department was being cut at a bad time, as well as wider concerns that the district has a hostile work environment. The Wrangell Sentinel reached out to Superintendent Debbe Lancaster to seek a response to these concerns. Lancaster said that, after discussing the matter with School Board President...

  • Assembly holds Fourth of July workshop

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    The Wrangell Borough assembly metTuesday evening, May 26, to host a workshop on the drawing-near Fourth of July. This was an initial discussion to talk about how Wrangell's famous Independence Day celebration might look this year, with the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing. "This is obviously a fairly important topic to Wrangell, our community is known for our fantastic Fourth of July, we all look forward to it every year," Mayor Steve Prysunka said. Prysunka and Borough Manager Lisa Von Bargen...

  • Assembly discusses potential small ship cruise season this summer

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    The Wrangell Borough Assembly, between their weekly COVID-19 update and a budget workshop last Thursday, met to discuss the possibility of small cruise ships visiting town this summer. Cruise season has been a topic of some concern amongst the community. Many ships have delayed or cancelled their planned stops in Wrangell in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A smaller cruise season means fewer tourists and will have a negative impact on Wrangell's economy. On the other hand, there are concerns...

  • Winners of "Wrangell's Got Talent" to be announced this Saturday

    May 28, 2020

    As the COVID-19 pandemic has gone on, people have turned to technology to help stay in touch from a safe distance. The schools have been hosting lessons online, the borough assembly has been meeting via Zoom, and this coming Saturday the public is invited to see the winners of the virtual "Wrangell's Got Talent" show. The talent show has been put together by Wrangell's parks and recreation department. Lucy Robinson, with the department, said it was an idea they had to stay engaged with the...

  • Golf tournaments start back up at Muskeg Meadows

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    Over Memorial Day weekend, Muskeg Meadows started up their weekend golf tournaments for another season. This first tournament of the season was sponsored by Wrangell IGA. There were 20 golfers on the first day of the tournament on Saturday. First place went to a team consisting of Kathleen Harding, Wayne Harding, Doug Nelson, and Drew Eyon. Second place went to a team consisting of Spenser Stavee, Aaron Powell, Jonathan Spitler, and Jim Brooks. Brooks had the straightest drive of the day at 38 i...

  • Borough assembly begin budget workshops for 2021

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    The Wrangell Borough Assembly met this week to begin their workshopping of Wrangell's budget for FY 2021. This first round of workshops looked at various city departments that are funded through the Enterprise Funds which includes the harbor, light and power, sanitation, wastewater, and water departments. There were two workshops over the past week, on May 19 and May 21. According to the meeting's agenda packet for May 19, there were several things for the assembly to keep in mind when looking...

  • Borough assembly accepts resignation, CARES Act funding

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    The Wrangell Borough Assembly met Tuesday evening, May 26, for their regularly scheduled meeting. In the meeting, the assembly accepted the resignation of one of their members, Drew Larrabee. Larrabee turned in his resignation at the meeting, effective at the end of the evening, and will leave open an unexpired term on the borough assembly that lasts until this October. In his letter, he wrote that he regrets leaving his position in the middle of the budget season. However, he and his family...

  • Mariners' Memorial coming together

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    More progress has been made on the Wrangell Mariners' Memorial. The memorial is an ongoing project to recognize Wrangell sailors who have been lost at sea. Jenn Miller-Yancey, with the Mariners' Memorial Board, said that the past month has been spent getting foundations for the memorial completed. She also reported that a lot of progress on the memorial's gazebo has been made. The skeleton of the gazebo is up already, and the foundations for the memorial walls are complete. The shape of the...

  • Graduation for class of 2020

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    Though it lacked the in-person fanfare of a typical graduation, the Wrangell High School Class of 2020 officially graduated last Friday evening, May 15. A small graduation ceremony was held on May 12, with seniors receiving their diplomas. A video stream was shown publicly on the 15th including slideshows of students, speeches from the faculty and student body. A parade through town was also organized after the video aired, where people could drive by the homes of the graduating students to...

  • Reopen Wrangell Task Force holds business roundtable

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    The Reopen Wrangell Task Force hosted a roundtable discussion for local businesses last Friday afternoon, May 15, in regards to state mandates and how businesses will need to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the meeting, members of the task force gave brief presentations on state health mandates and safety mitigation plans. "I've been working with the local Emergency Operations Center for the last couple of months," said Jamie Roberts. "One of the duties I've been tasked with is staying...

  • Planning and Zoning Commission holds various public hearings

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission met last Thursday evening, May 14, to hold several public hearings on various items. The meeting opened with a discussion on the proposed relocation of a submarine cable. Communications company GCI is seeking to relocate an underwater fiber optics cable, which runs from Ketchikan to Wrangell, to a new landing location on the island. This is because the Southeast Alaska Power Agency is planning to conduct submarine electrical line work where GCI's...

  • Economic Development Committee workshops financial assistance ideas

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    The Wrangell Economic Development Committee met Tuesday afternoon, May 19, to workshop several financial assistance ideas they will be bringing before the borough assembly in the near future. With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, and the city expecting to receive money via the CARES Act to help with economic recovery, the committee has spent the past few meetings workshopping ways to assist people and businesses around the community. The committee had an extensive list of categories of financial a...

  • Senior awards night via web conference

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    Graduating students of Wrangell High School, school staff, and other community members came together via web conference last week for senior awards night. During the web conference, graduating seniors were informed of scholarships they had won. "I'm excited to see who wins the awards today, and I want to remind you guys that even if you haven't applied for any scholarships yet there's still millions of dollars out there," Interim Principal Jack Carney said. "So if you don't win anything tonight...

  • School board told the district has a hostile work environment

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    The Wrangell School Board met via web conference last Monday, May 18 and heard of several unethical and potentially illegal things happening in the district. Another person said the district had a hostile work environment. David Macri was one of the speakers that evening. Macri was the district's former secondary school principal, before his resignation and being put on administrative leave in March of this year. Macri spoke in the meeting to say that there were several problems in the school...

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