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The Wrangell School Board met Monday evening, Aug. 17. During the meeting, the board adopted a mandate requiring face masks be worn on district property. According to the mandate, masks must be worn while indoors, before entering buildings, before entering or leaving enclosed personal work areas, when walking to or from one's vehicle, or in other cases when social distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained. There are some exceptions to the mandate. Masks will not be necessary, when social...
In March, when the COVID-19 pandemic first began to impact Alaska, many local businesses and organizations in Wrangell shut down. While many groups saw the time as an opportunity to wait and see how the pandemic would change things in the community, the Wrangell Salvation Army took the opportunity to renovate and upgrade. Now that they and other local groups are as close to business-as-usual as they can be in this time, the Salvation Army wanted to remind people struggling through the pandemic...
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Alaska police are investigating racist graffiti in the woods near a Juneau middle school as a hate crime. The graffiti near Floyd Dryden Middle School is described by police as including “hateful and vulgar messages.” The markings were reported to the department on Wednesday, KTOO-FM reported. Retired teacher Janna Lelchuk and her husband were walking their dogs at Adair-Kennedy Park last weekend when they stumbled upon the racist and obscene graffiti in white spray paint on a bridge and trees. “There were horrible things...
About this time a century ago, eight members of the U.S. Army Air Service reached an important milestone of a long journey. Using DH-4 biplanes, used as bombers during World War I, several members of Black Wolf Squadron were attempting something never done before: To fly from New York City to Nome, Alaska. Their planes were among the first ever seen in Alaskan skies. The entire trip, there and back, was 9,000 miles and 112 hours of flying. On their way, this week 100 years ago, the city of...
Two weeks ago, it was announced that Hope Community Church of God would be hiring a new pastor, William Vorrasi. In a now-deleted post on the Wrangell community Facebook page, he introduced himself and family. His wife, Teresa, was born and raised in Wrangell and he said they were excited about the move. However, it came to light that Vorrasi is on the national sex offender registry. Backlash from the community has caused the church to take back its decision to hire him. Vorrasi said that his...
At approximately 10:35 a.m. last Wednesday, Aug. 5, the Wrangell Volunteer Fire Department was alerted to a fire alarm at the Wrangell Medical Center. Firefighters and EMS responded to the call within minutes, while hospital staff and patients waited outside. Upon investigation, it was determined that there was no danger. The fire department was unable to determine what caused the fire alarm to go off, however. "It could have been a procedure they were doing," said Chief Tim Buness. "It doesn't...
The Wrangell Port Commission met Thursday evening, Aug. 6, to discuss plans to relocate an old Forest Service vessel. The borough assembly adopted a memorandum with the Forest Service last November, regarding the M/V Chugach Ranger. According to a Nov. 14, 2019 article in the Sentinel, the ship was first constructed in 1925, and is one of the last wooden Forest Service ranger boats in existence. It currently resides in the boat yard. However, the plan is to move the boat over to the Nolan...
The Wrangell Medical Center construction project remains on budget, according to an update from SEARHC. Rainy weather this summer has been a challenge, according to the update, but progress is still being made on the new hospital. The update also adds that the project is actually ahead of schedule. Owner move-in activities are set to begin around mid-December this year. Full project completion is expected in early 2021. According to the update, interior metal framing is nearly complete. Drywall...
With a SMART Start plan in place, and a beginning to the year scheduled for Sept. 8, the Wrangell School District is now working to decide what risk level they should operate at for the upcoming school year. While the SMART Start plan on the district's website lists "medium risk" as the starting level for next year, a recent announcement by Superintendent Debbe Lancaster made the public aware this might not be the case. "The district will determine whether the schools will open at a medium or...
Work continues on the Wrangell Mariners' Memorial, a project to honor the memory of Wrangell seafarers who have lost their lives. As previously reported in the last construction update, the roof of the memorial's gazebo was recently installed. Jenn Miller-Yancey, with the Mariners' Memorial Board, said that more progress has recently been made. Some recent advancements in the project, she wrote in an email to the Sentinel, were made to help honor the memory of two local fishermen. Siguard and...
Alaska is ranked last among the 50 states in its response to the 2020 United States Census, as of Tuesday, Aug. 11. Only Puerto Rico is behind Alaska in its response to the census, according to Jeanette Duran Pacheco, media specialist with the U.S. Census Bureau regional office in Los Angeles. According to data from the United States Census Bureau, as of Tuesday, 50.1 percent of Alaskans have completed the 2020 Census. Petersburg residents are aligned with the state's participation rate, with...
The Wrangell Borough Assembly met Tuesday evening, Aug. 11. During this meeting, they appointed Bob Dalrymple to fill a vacant seat on the assembly. A seat was left empty after the resignation of Mya DeLong in June. Dalrymple was the only one to submit a letter of interest in the term, which expires this October. "I would like to be more involved in public service and I think my abilities and experience would complement the current Assembly," Dalrymple wrote in his letter of interest. During...
After June Leffler left KSTK to move back down south last month, the local radio station has operated without a reporter. Leffler's replacement, Sage Smiley, arrived in town last Sunday. "I'm really excited to be here," she said. "I think that Southeast is a beautiful place, and that Wrangell seems like a really wonderful and close knit community. I'm excited to be a part of it and get to report, do what I love here." Smiley got her start in radio in Utah. She said she has worked in a variety of...
Last week, four people died in a car wreck in Petersburg. Among them were two Wrangellites, Siguard and Helen Decker, 21-years-old and 19-years-old. Their deaths shook the community, which has come together in a variety of ways to express their grief and support for the Decker family. A GoFundMe page was put together by the United Fishermen of Alaska, to raise money in their memory. As of Tuesday morning, Aug. 4, $161,273 has been raised. "The initial $10,000 in funds raised will go towards...
Alaska State Troopers continue to investigate a fatal accident that claimed the lives of four seine boat crewmembers sometime after 10 P.M. on Monday, July 27. A Ford Excursion driven by Siguard Decker drove off the roadway near the 27-mile marker of Mitkof Highway at a high rate of speed, according to Alaska State Troopers. Megan Peters, communications director with the Alaska Dept. of Public Safety said Siguard Decker, who was driving, seems to have had lost control of the vehicle and then...
The Wrangell Borough Assembly held a special meeting Tuesday, Aug. 4. The only item on the agenda that evening was a discussion of a potential mandate requiring the public wear face masks. No formal action was taken in the meeting, as this was only a discussion item. The general consensus among the assembly was, while they strongly recommend and encourage the public to wear masks, they do not want to go all the way to mandating it. This discussion was brought up at the request of the Emergency...
Three new cases of COVID-19 were recently announced by city officials, bringing the total number of cases Wrangell has seen up to 15. Of these, six cases are considered active as of Aug. 3. The other nine are considered recovered. According to the city press release, nine cases are Wrangell locals, while the other six are non-locals. The first of these most recent cases was announced on Friday, July 31. This was followed by two other cases that were announced on Aug. 1. All three cases were...
A new Facebook page has been created for the Wrangell Sentinel, the oldest continuously published newspaper in Alaska. Around mid-June, the Sentinel's Facebook page became "unpublished" for reasons that are unclear to staff members. A notice from Facebook stated that recent activity on the page did not follow Facebook Page Policies. However, multiple attempts to contact Facebook for further information and to re-publish the page were unsuccessful. As such, a new Facebook page has been created....
The Wrangell Public School District recently published their SMART Start plan for next year. These are the guidelines the schools will be following to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spreading amongst the student body and school staff. The plans differ school-to-school, and can also change depending on the level of risk of COVID-19. Stikine Middle School and Wrangell High School will begin the year at "medium risk," according to the plan. This will have a regular seven-period day Monday through...
The Wrangell School board unanimously approved of a new calendar for the next school year, during a special meeting on Aug. 3. The primary difference between this new calendar and last year is a later start date. The 2020-2021 school calendar will have students' first day of school on Sept. 8. Last year's calendar had students returning to class on Aug. 27, 2019. The extra days before students begin the year will be inservice days and teacher work days, according to the calendar, followed by Lab...
Four individuals died in a car crash that occurred late Monday night or early Tuesday morning on Mitkof Island when their SUV drove off the roadway near the 27 mile marker of Mitkof Highway at a high rate of speed, according to a press release from the Alaska Department of Public Safety. Two of the passengers were Wrangell citizens Siguard Decker, 21, and Helen Decker, 19, according to the ADPS press release. Another passenger was identified as 29-year-old Ian Martin of Petersburg, according to...
A new case of COVID-19 was announced Friday afternoon, July 31. According to a press release from the city, this case was a close contact from a previous case that was announced last week. The press release also states that the new case is a local resident. This brings the total number of cases in Wrangell up to 13. Only four are currently considered active.... Full story
Two new cases of COVID-19 were announced in Wrangell today, Aug. 1. This brings the total number of cases Wrangell has seen up to 15, and the number of active cases up to 6. The first case was announced in a press release from the city early this morning, at 8:27 a.m. This individual is a Wrangell local, and according to the press release is a close contact of a previous case that was announced last week. The second case was announced later in the afternoon, around 1:05 p.m. Just like the previous case, this person is a Wrangell local and a... Full story
The Nolan Center hosted the annual Bearfest symposium last Thursday afternoon, July 23. The symposium brings together experts each year to give lectures on a variety of bear-themed topics. This year's symposium guest was Dr. Lance Craighead, who spoke about the history of bears themselves. Other local experts spoke about the Anan bear observatory, as well. The history of bears, as animals, stretches back millions of years. Craighead said that all bears come from a common ancestor, which...
Three new cases of COVID-19 were announced in Wrangell over a period of four days this past week. This has brought the total number of cases of the virus in town up to 12. The first case in this string, case no. 10, was announced Friday, July 24. During the initial announcement, it was not known if this case was from a local or a nonresident. This information was updated the next day, July 25, with the announcement of case no. 11. Both cases 10 and 11 were confirmed to be Wrangell residents, as...