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  • Editorial: Governor, please don't veto Wrangell positions

    The Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 24, 2021

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy will have multiple big decisions to make when the state budget lands on his desk and he decides which appropriations he likes and which he will veto. Alaska's governors have the power to pick and choose, line by line, which spending items they don't support, and can either totally eliminate them or simply cross out the number and write in a smaller amount. We ask that the governor this year not use his veto pen, pencil, Sharpie or highlighter on two budget items that are impor...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 24, 2021

    Landless Natives deserve support of communities The folks who are working on legislation in regard to the landless Natives need the support of our city councils and residents to allow the acquisition to occur. I am 80 years old and was born in Petersburg, as was my mother. Thirty years ago, Spencer Israelson, who spent his youth at Point Agassiz, took me to the mainland and showed me petroglyphs he and his friend had found as they grew up in the area. He also showed me evidence of a Native fish trap at Muddy River. My grandfather, Carroll Claus...

  • From the publisher: Alaskans share blame for state's fiscal mess

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jun 24, 2021

    Blame legislators for overspending and underachieving at the underlying need for a long-term fiscal plan for the state - if it makes you feel better. They certainly have made some poor decisions. But Alaskans need to look at their own reflection in the mud puddle of politics and realize we share in the blame for electing and encouraging bad decisions by many of those same lawmakers. We're just as guilty for decades of irresponsible requests for state funding, unreasonable expectations that the...

  • From the publisher: Too many airline passengers don't know how to behave

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jun 17, 2021

    When I was a kid, if my brothers or I acted up while on a family drive — six people packed into a sedan, without air conditioning and long before the days of spacious minivans — our dad would do like so many of his generation. He would keep one hand on the steering wheel, turn his head toward the back seat, and announce in a menacing voice: “If you don’t stop that, I’ll put a stop to it.” We knew how he intended to stop our bickering, so we usually sat down and behaved. Today’s version of that childish behavior is playing out aboard airlin...

  • Editorial: No secret that governor's math fails

    The Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 17, 2021

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy must have learned how to manage state finances from the same people who guard the world’s biggest secret recipes: Col. Sanders’ fried chicken, Coca-Cola, Big Mac’s special sauce, Twinkies and Dr. Pepper. Keeping secrets from customers is smart marketing hype. Keeping secrets from the public is irresponsible. And, in the governor’s case, it’s dishonest. Dunleavy, who served on the Matanuska-Susitna Borough school board and later spent five years in the state Legislature, should know his arithmetic — if he had paid attention i...

  • Opinion column: Overdrawing the Permanent Fund is not right for Alaska

    Frank Murkowski|Jun 17, 2021

    If our old friend, and my mentor, the late Sen. Ted Stevens were with us today, he would have a short and direct solution to the extended deliberations of the Alaska Legislature and governor. It would be: “Just do what’s right for Alaska.” And he might add a few expletives. It’s past time for our governor and a majority of our legislators to recognize the responsibility of each of them to represent the current as well as the long-range interest of Alaskans. This can only be done by making timely decisions based on sound and established financi...

  • From the publisher: Alaska elections will be different next year

    Larry Persily|Jun 10, 2021

    Yeah, I know, it's 14 months from Alaska's 2022 primary election for governor, legislative seats and two of the state's three members of Congress. And who wants to spend the summer of 2021 fretting over potential 2022 candidates. Sadly, it seems many people still haven't gotten over last year's elections. But 2022 will be different in Alaska - a lot different. Voters last year approved the biggest change in Alaska elections since statehood gave us the right to elect our own governor instead of t...

  • Editorial: Borough has good plan for Institute property

    The Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 10, 2021

    It was 25 years ago last month that Wrangell received title to the former Institute property near Shoemaker Bay. The 134 acres have mostly been unused since the Bureau of Indian Affairs shut down the boarding school almost 50 years ago. There have been plans, proposals, wishes and dreams over the decades of turning the property into tourist lodging, senior citizen housing, a school or training center. And now the borough is moving closer to the latest plan - subdividing the land into lots for...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 10, 2021

    Ortiz supports cautious draw on Permanent Fund The state budget is currently being negotiated in a House-Senate conference committee, with its final passage through both the House and Senate hopefully occurring this week. When the Alaska Legislature convenes again, its focus will turn to a more daunting task: Redefining the role of the Permanent Fund in how it pays for our annual dividend and state services. Multiple House committees, including House Finance of which I am the vice chair, have hosted informational hearings on different ideas...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 3, 2021

    Wrangell children need an OCS worker stationed here Because it often takes days for the state Office of Children's Services to send an investigator to Wrangell, I was forced to send a frightened kid to a home where she had recently experienced serious domestic violence. I cannot describe my anger and frustration. I cannot describe my anger and frustration at hearing a student say, "Why bother? They never do anything," when I told her I was referring her situation to OCS. I cannot describe the an...

  • Editorial: Consider the source of cell tower 'facts'

    The Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 3, 2021

    It looks like Wrangell is dialing up for a fight over a cell tower proposed for construction next door to piles of old tires, city electrical equipment and the transfer site for garbage before it is hauled out of town. The tower would be at least a couple hundred feet from the nearest homes. However, homeowners in the vicinity of the city-owned property on the north end of the island are smart to question whether the tower's radio signals pose any safety risks. People have a right to a healthy...

  • From the publisher: Big PFD gets in the way of community needs

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jun 3, 2021

    Wrangell has several multimillion-dollar problems: Replacing the water reservoir dams and repairing the piping; rebuilding the water-damaged public safety building; and reusing or demolishing the old hospital building. Even with the highest sales tax rate in the state, even if tourist spending fully recovers next year and the economy grows, there wouldn't be enough sales tax receipts coming in to cover the costs of even one of the projects, let alone all three essential community needs. Sure,...

  • From the publisher: Postal Service needs to get back its ZIP

    Larry Persily Publisher|May 27, 2021

    I know things change and I too sit around with friends and bemoan how it used to be, how we miss the old days, how much better things were then. Good thing I went online to complain to friends instead of writing a letter. Who knows when it would have arrived. Though the U.S. Postal Service motto says "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night" will delay the mail, that has not protected it from politics, poor management at the top and lack of congressional action. I admit that impatience...

  • Editorial: COVID is still here, especially for unvaccinated

    The Wrangell Sentinel|May 27, 2021

    Just a couple weeks ago, Ketchikan reported 20 new COVID-19 cases in a single day and had more than 100 active cases in the borough. A week ago, the community still had more than 80 active cases and four people in the hospital. About 20% of all the cases reported in Ketchikan since the pandemic infected and inflicted its misery on the world more than a year ago have occurred in just the past few weeks. Many of the recent cases are people who did not choose to get vaccinated. Almost 40% of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 27, 2021

    We need to preserve the biggest of the kings Tyee is a Native word that has several meanings. The Big One is the one that describes a 30-pound or bigger king salmon. At the south end of Wrangell Island, there are five rivers that at one time had a lot of big kings, like the one that derby winner Gary Smart caught in 2017. Not all kings are created equal, the genetic strain is what makes the big ones so special. If we lose this genetic strain, it will be lost forever. More than 70 years ago, the...

  • From the publisher: What, no one has any opinions?

    Larry Persily Publisher|May 20, 2021

    I know Wrangell people have opinions and viewpoints and all sorts of interesting thoughts in their heads. I hear them in the stores, see them on Facebook and listen when people talk with me on the street. But I don’t read them in the Sentinel. I feel like the Maytag repairman in the TV commercials — lonely because no one calls. We can fill that missing piece in the newspaper. I say “we” because while I am eager to print your letters to the editor, you need to write them. I’ll provide the newspaper space free of charge for letters. All you n...

  • Editorial: Governor's PFD plan teaches misleading math

    The Wrangell Sentinel|May 20, 2021

    To steal the line from a country-western song of almost 30 years ago — “Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it” — Gov. Mike Dunleavy is sticking to his story that the Permanent Fund dividend is just about the most important thing in Alaska today. So much so that not only does he want the PFD enshrined in the constitution, but he wants the formula for calculating the annual payment to residents hard-wired into the everlasting document. Even education, public health and safety don’t get that kind of star treatment. The governor want...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 20, 2021

    Music survived a challenging year Before the May 11 mini-concerts performed by the middle and high school bands and high school choir, our last in-person concert was in December 2019. It has been challenging this past year. We play with special masks that have flaps for the instrument’s mouthpiece to fit through, and we cover our instruments to keep our air to ourselves. Frequently we would have to stop because someone’s cover had become entangled in the keys of their instrument. I frequently heard, “Hold on, Mrs. Morse! My sarong has got stuck...

  • From the publisher: Follow the laws, but fix them when they don't work

    Larry Persily Publisher|May 13, 2021

    Consistency is a good thing, whether it’s parents applying rules to their children or elected officials following the law. Inconsistency can mean children misbehave because they know they will sometimes get away with it. And inconsistency can allow elected officials to do what will politically please their constituents most of the time rather than what is right all of the time. Such as those elected officials who clamor and pound the campaign trail, demanding that the Legislature “follow the law” and appropriate money for the Permanent Fund...

  • Editorial: Keep politics out of fight against COVID

    The Wrangell Sentinel|May 13, 2021

    As if COVID-19 wasn’t destructive enough, politics has made it worse. It delayed vaccination drives and turned the needle into a political statement, dissuading millions from getting the shot. That needs to stop. If people choose not to get vaccinated, that’s their right. But self-serving office holders have turned it into a debate about freedom, not safety. That’s a bad way to make community health decisions. The country needs to work together — not start fights — to overcome the coronavirus, beat down the pandemic and get closer to 2019 norm...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 13, 2021

    Herring eggs much appreciated Wrangell Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (CCTHITA) would like to thank Trixie Kalkins-Bennett of the Ketchikan Indian Community and fishermen from Ketchikan, Colleen James-Olson and Esther Reese, Wrangell Cooperative Association administrator, for collaborating with us, and to the people who helped distribute herring eggs, a cherished traditional food of the Tlingits, to the community on April 21. They include Annette Thompson, Jamie and Caleb Stough, Jerry Lee Knapp, Liz Romane of Tribal...

  • From the publisher: Release the brake on state motor fuel tax rate

    Larry Persily Publisher|May 6, 2021

    The last time Alaska changed the state tax on motor fuel, gasoline cost about 36 cents a gallon at a Lower 48 pump, the average home price in the United States was $24,000, and the average price of a new car was about $3,500. The motor fuel tax rate in Alaska in 1970 was 8 cents a gallon, about half the price of a cup of coffee. Gasoline now runs about $2.50 a gallon in the Lower 48, $3 in Anchorage, and closer to $4 a gallon in California. The average home price in the country is over...

  • Editorial: Ferry system needs Matanuska backup plan

    The Wrangell Sentinel|May 6, 2021

    The Matanuska is old, no question about it. Even after a $47 million rebuild in 2018-2019, it will continue to suffer from the ailments of age as a 58-year-old ship in salt water. But Alaskans should question why the ship keeps coming out of service with mechanical problems. Sadly, the ferry has become as undependable as Democrats and Republicans working together. What are the state's costs of repairs and lost revenue from the service outages? What are the costs to people and businesses of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 6, 2021

    Federal bailout does not build an economy The news story on Page 3 of the April 22 Wrangell Sentinel, “Federal aid helps Southeast second time in 25 years,” compares apples to oranges (comparing federal aid for the timber industry 25 years ago with federal aid for the tourism industry during the pandemic). More than 200 full-time jobs were lost at the sawmill. Some workers were retrained for other fields of work, or left town. The independent logger received nothing, nor the tugboat companies and its full-time employees, which outnumber the...

  • From the publisher: Lack of fiscal plan adds to Alaska's struggles

    Larry Persily Publisher|Apr 29, 2021

    "Confidence in an economy matters," Dan Robinson, research chief at the state Department of Labor, told the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this month. "There is an economic cost of not solving these problems." He was talking with legislators about the state's job loss, population loss, economic loss and inability to agree on a fiscal plan to pay for public services long term. For most of the past 30 years, Alaska has taken from savings, prayed for high oil prices and rejoiced at any...

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