Sorted by date Results 678 - 702 of 1054
Happy Fourth of July! This year, we are celebrating 244 years as an independent nation. In 1776, our representatives from all 13 colonies declared our independence from the British monarch. The vote for freedom actually happened on July 2nd, and in the following two days, Congress, led by Thomas Jefferson, focused on writing and finalizing the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was signed on July 4th, now known as our Independence Day. Thus began the ‘Great American Experiment’ to pursue “a more perfect union.” This Independence Day,...
To the Editor: What is the purpose of the weekly police report ? It seems to be a totally useless part of the paper. When we lived in Petersburg the police report was an interesting source of info and sometimes amusement. I save many of the best morsels like Ernie Haugen driving too slow, Lars Christensen driving a vehicle without a steering wheel , someone leaving Q tips outside her apt door, 2 youths racing in wheelchairs, cat has a can stuck over its head, 911 call accidentally dialed by a...
Thank you to everyone who participated in the public testimony meeting last week hosted by the University of Alaska Board of Regents. As many of you are already aware, the University is considering merging the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) into either University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) or University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). This idea comes after many years of financial struggle. If this idea is adopted, it certainly would have a negative long-term impact on our local and Southeast regional economy. The University budget has been cut...
The 118 year-old Wrangell Sentinel has seen a lot of change during its existence. Due to our coverage of a small and compact community and the ongoing trust of our readers, we have fared better than many in the industry. Larger metropolitan size papers can survive on subscription revenue, and in some cases, significant income from the sale of corporate assets like multi-acre sized printing facilities. Smaller papers continue to require a mixture of advertising revenue from retailers and subscrip...
To the Editor: As someone who has spent a lot of time working away from home I believe that most of the migrant cannery workers will spend their last night home socializing and will show no symptoms for days after arriving here. Jon Campbell...
What is the greatest line you’ve ever heard in the movies? For me, it comes from the 1992 movie with Al Pacino and Chris O’Donnell in The Scent of a Woman. In this movie Al Pacino is in a public hearing in the Baird School for Boys, defending Chris O’Donnell for some perceived wrong. In a rather stirring speech he says, “Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception I knew – but I never took it. You know why? Because it was too d—n hard!” In today’s society a great majority of my...
Now in its 118th year of continuous publication, the Wrangell Sentinel is unlike any other newspaper in the world. That's because there is no other place in the world like Wrangell. The newspaper reflects the lifestyle and inner workings of the community. In good times and bad, the Sentinel has continued publishing, earning it the slogan of being, "the oldest continuously published newspaper in Alaska." The Kodiak Daily Mirror holds the title of being the oldest newspaper, but during World War...
The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated our lives, and it has been the focus of Alaska leaders in an effort to slow the spread. However, I also want to begin focusing on what we will face once the pandemic subsides. Alaska has challenges different and greater than other states, such as the following declines in: the financial markets tied to the Permanent Fund, demand for seafood, the visitor industry, the rural healthcare system, and the oil industry. The Alaska economy cannot be rebuilt unless we...
To the Editor: To date, 100,000 Americans have succumbed to the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic. So far, Wrangell has been spared, largely due to our remote location and precautions taken by the town fathers and our governor, conscientious individuals devoted to the well-being of our town. How blessed we are to have them. Talk, talk, talk: meetings, broadcasts, work-sessions, notices posted on store fronts, newspaper articles, mandates, brainstorming, continually. It's all we hear. After a while, we...
Earlier this week, the Alaska Legislature met to appropriate COVID-19 relief funds. The State of Alaska received over $1 billion from the Federal Government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Governor Dunleavy sent multiple revised proposals for how to spend that money within our current budget, and the Legislature approved that spending. Some specific allocations include: $290 million in grants to small businesses, $100 million for fishing industry relief, $45 million for K-12 education (with an additional...
To the Editor: For most of us the COVID emergency "hunker down" has been a test of ingenuity, patience and endurance. Ingenuity has been needed to find new ways to occupy ourselves, exercise, get a haircut and celebrate important life and family events with loved ones. Patience and endurance have been needed as we wait for life to normalize. But sadly for some who have been restricted to a home with an abusive spouse or partner, these times have been dangerous and frightening. Domestic violence...
Wrangell is a city where boats are an essential part of life. Even if you don’t personally own one, your life is impacted by a boat. The barge, a ferry, cruise ships, they all have a way of impacting lives here in Wrangell. One of the most important pieces of equipment on a boat is the anchor. It holds you tight through the storm. When you need to go ashore but the water is too shallow, the anchor holds your boat in place, so it doesn’t drift. In The Salvation Army Song Book (hymnal) we have a song that says, “Will your anchor hold in the s...
Happy Public Service Appreciation Week! Every year, PSA Week falls on the first full week of May, and its timing is uncanny this year. The past eight weeks have been a whirlwind for our public servants, and I cannot thank them enough. Information and mandates are rapidly changing, but our public servants have worked hard to keep our communities healthy. As Alaska reopens, we will do so as safely as possible, keeping the health and wellbeing of our neighbors, families, and friends as our highest priorities. Last week, Dr. Zink gave an update on...
To the Editor: After again hearing that the economic health of our community is a second priority, I feel compelled to offer a few facts that we all live with and could live with for some time. As reopening occurs and business and fisheries get going they will be burdened with still more regulation, more forms, more signing that we will obey the rules. State and now probably increased local government regulation will be required. As we go down this road here are a few local facts to consider....
This past weekend, I hosted a Facebook Live event to catch up with District 36 while still social distancing. I was happy to see a lot of participation; there were great questions and comments! Thank you to everyone who listened in and offered insights. I’d like to reiterate some of the bigger topics we touched during that forty-minute conversation. As the summer season begins, the visitor industry has been on the forefront of people’s minds. Cruise ship stops will be down by over 50%, and most cruise ship schedules (which are subject to cha...
In the past few months, many of us, believers and non-believers, have asked the question, 'Where is God in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic?" When we are challenged with an individual, family, community, nation and or world situation that causes us to feel powerless, confused, afraid, sad, and/or angry, perhaps we need to look beyond the question, "Where is God in this?" At this point, many of us in the Christian community are reflecting on what Jesus might do in our current situation. Jesus of...
Wow the folks are getting it done! I have been so impressed with the Coronavirus response here in Southern Southeast Alaska. At every level - from each individual to businesses to local governments - we have worked together diligently to flatten the curve, and it is working. I want to give a huge thank you first and foremost to our medical staff and essential services providers. You are keeping our world turning (even if it is turning a little slower these days). I can’t fully understand the sacrifices you have made for our communities, but I...
House Bill 96, “Pioneers Home and Veterans Home Rates” passed the Legislature and is headed to the Governor’s desk for his signature. The goal of the bill is to adjust rates for our Pioneer Homes to reflect the level of service provided while protecting the Pioneer Home residents. The rate increases proposed by Governor Dunleavy last year were painful and ineffective. With HB96, we adjusted rates for inflation that hadn’t been accounted for since 2004. Residents’ rates will go up from 2018, but in most cases decrease significantly from last...
To the Editor: As we grapple with Covid 19 and our Town Council considers more restrictions there are a number of things folks need to know. For the time being I don't see the need for further restrictions. Not that I don't care, I do. My friends are out there on the front lines as well as my family. But I refuse to live in abject fear and panic. A little fear in crisis is a good thing but an over abundance is quite destructive. Wars are lost and nations have collapsed from fear. The 'Curve' is...
By Commissioner Dr. Tamika Ledbetter, Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Where were you when the pandemic came to Alaska? Future generations will demand an answer from each of us. Did we change our habits to protect the vulnerable? Did we make sure our elderly neighbors had everything they needed? Long after the virus disappears from the public consciousness, these are the questions we'll be left to grapple with. For so many, we look to government to provide services during a...
By Attorney General Kevin Clarkson, Alaska Department of Law Where were you when the pandemic came to Alaska? Future generations will demand an answer from each of us. Did we change our habits to protect the vulnerable? Did we make sure our elderly neighbors had everything they needed? Long after the virus disappears from the public consciousness, these are the questions we'll be left to grapple with. For so many, we look to government to provide services during a crisis. We forget, as Franklin...
To the Editor: I wanted to compliment you on calling SEARHC's claims that privacy concerns prevent it from releasing community data on Covid-19 test numbers a bunch of BS. Well because they are and the same line is being taken by other Native Health Organizations. Data is fundamental if people are going to take the tough steps needed to slow this pandemic in their communities. Thank you for doing that. Johanna Eurich...
To the Editor: While I know the novel coronavirus has rightly captured our attention, I think it's important that we don't forget the marine highway. In recent months, I've read disappointing reports of communities throughout the Inside Passage being unable to obtain food and vital supplies. Having represented Hoonah, Angoon, and Kake in the legislature for many years, I found it surprising that these self-reliant communities were supposedly struggling so severely.But after calling a few local friends, I learned the situation was far different...
While we applaud the work of Wrangell’s health care providers as they prepare for the uncertain times before us, it’s important to remember that they need us as much as we need them. Every citizen has a part to play in flattening the curve so small hospitals like Wrangell’s aren’t overwhelmed with stricken patients from COVID-19 infections. Key to flattening the curve is testing symptomatic patients, proper hand washing and social distancing or isolation. Presently SEARHC does not release testing numbers to the public except in aggrega...
To the Editor: As a long-time Southeast resident, I continue to be amazed by the resiliency and determination of our close-knit communities. The preparation that is happening in advance of COVID-19 in our communities is strong. SEARHC continues to enact a comprehensive response plan. As SEARHC Chief Medical Officer, I maintain daily communication with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and other state authorities, including the Governor's office and the state emergency...