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  • Alaska needs to keep fighting for access to lands

    Frank H. Murkowski|Aug 14, 2024

    I became a senator one month after President Jimmy Carter signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) in 1980, and over the next three decades I was involved in the law’s implementation, both as a senator and later as Alaska’s governor. As I write this now, nearly 45 years after ANILCA became law, I am discouraged that we are still fighting battles that should have been resolved as soon as the ink dried on this law. A case in point is the Ambler Road, which is unambiguously authorized by the law: “Congress finds that...

  • The state House has only itself to blame

    Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 7, 2024

    Technically, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s veto blocked five bills from becoming law that the state House passed after the constitutional adjournment deadline. But don’t blame him for killing the new laws. The House is the guilty party. The 40-member House, managed the past two years by a splintered and often disorganized 23-member Republican-led majority, couldn’t manage to get its work done before the clock struck midnight. The governor did not hold them up; no power outage set them back; there was no IT meltdown or online hack; nothing slowed them...

  • Too much money spent on too many insults

    Larry Persily Publisher|Aug 7, 2024

    Former President Donald Trump has a narrow lead in most polls in a tight race for the White House, but he is far and away the leader in handing out personal insults. This guy tosses out crude nicknames, offensive language and outlandish statements like shark hunters toss out stinky chunks of fish meat to attract their catch. It’s called “chumming,” but there is nothing chummy about U.S. presidential politics. And the “catch” is voters. Trump has a massive mental thesaurus of insulting names for his political opponents, a strategy he has relie...

  • It's a great place to get outside for healthy walks

    Aug 7, 2024

    It would be wonderful to see a picture of Dan Trail and his dogs who helped rescue the baby seal pup. How many dogs? What breed? I am one of the many dog lovers in Wrangell and it was cool to read about how Dan’s dogs were a catalyst for a seal pup rescue. This is such a perfect place to get outside and walk dogs. And look what could happen — lives are saved. Sometimes lost, too. We have stories. After spending 20 winters of not walking outside in Wasilla, my husband Greg and I are loving being senior citizens who live somewhere in Alaska, lik...

  • Assembly's first step is the right one

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 31, 2024

    The borough assembly has started a lengthy process that will include a lot of public input, as it should, to possibly amend the municipal charter so that a future assembly, if it chooses, could change municipal code to pay mayors and assembly members for their work. Allowing the option of paying members a few hundred dollars a month is a good idea — not because so many other cities and boroughs in Alaska have been doing it for years, but because it takes a lot of time to be a good assembly member, more than should be expected of volunteers. S...

  • Governor stingy with budget veto information

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jul 31, 2024

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy has long prided himself on being a fiscal conservative. He has consistently adhered to that mantra, with the exception of his long-standing advocacy for a state checkbook-draining supersize Permanent Fund dividend. As a fiscal conservative, the governor has always talked of keeping a short leash on spending, a tight rein on appropriations, a firm grip on the budget. Too bad that stinginess extends to explaining his budget vetoes. Critics of Dunleavy’s vetoes of legislative appropriations for the state fiscal year that s...

  • The country needs to do better than the past week

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 24, 2024

    It was a scary week in America. A troubling and unsettling eight days. It started with an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13. Then, eight days later, President Joe Biden gave in to pressure and announced he would not seek reelection. In between, Americans heard, read and scrolled through multitudes of rumors, facts, opinions, political commentary, conspiracy theories and a lot of irresponsible garbage from all sides. Surviving all the turmoil, maybe government leaders will come out smarter and more caring. Maybe...

  • Elon Musk should stop treating news as a joke

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jul 24, 2024

    Unbelievable, which is the opposite of what real news should be. But believe it that Elon Musk is pushing errors and false news into the heads of people around the world. Whether for his personal profit, personal ego or personal fun, it’s irresponsible and dangerous. Musk, a serial entrepreneur who is as flaky as cold cereal, believes Grok, his artificial intelligence service pedaled through X, formerly known as Twitter, should be a news source. “What we’re doing on the X platform is, we are aggregating. We’re using AI to sum up the aggrega...

  • Never too young to run for local office

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 17, 2024

    The age of presidential candidates is all over the national news, where the focus is on how old is too old. With the opening of the filing period for Wrangell municipal offices just two weeks away, the community’s focus should be on the opposite end of the age spectrum. The minimum age to serve as mayor or on the borough assembly is 18, same as the school board. Port commissioners must be at least 21 years old. Nothing against all the people in their 50s, 60s and 70s who have volunteered for public office in Wrangell — they’ve done solid work,...

  • Summer cruise ship numbers are like porridge

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jul 17, 2024

    Wrangell is in a Goldilocks situation when it comes to tourists. Too many is no good. It would leave the town feeling stuffed. Too few is what we have, leaving the town hungry to fill its economic bowl. Just enough more visitors to warm up the economy would be the right amount. Too bad it’s not as easy a choice as Goldilocks picking which porridge to bear down on. Wrangell is not a tourism-dominated community like Skagway or Juneau. Nor does it want to be. But a little more sales tax revenue would be a good thing, particularly if those sales t...

  • The world will be better if we love our neighbor

    Jul 17, 2024

    Both good and evil are the forces that we deal with each and every day. We start our day and we make choices that affect us and the people around us. Even the things we handle each day can be used for good or evil. It is up to us to determine how we handle each situation that we face. Let’s start with money, known as the root of all evils. Is that correct? It is up to us to determine which it will be. You can take a portion of your money and buy a child an ice cream cone. As the child eats it, a smile appears on their face and they are h...

  • Not ready to say goodbye to Wrangell

    Mark C. Robinson, Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 17, 2024

    Changes are happening at the paper. As a result, I will no longer be working full-time at the Sentinel. It’s nobody’s fault; it’s the nature of this business. Since my arrival last October, people asked me now and then if I thought I might stick around, but I knew better than to commit to anything. Residents have seen a lot of reporters come and go through this newspaper, and my plan was to take this unique adventure one day at a time. Newfound friends expressed their sadness when I told them last month I would likely be leaving. And I was g...

  • Borough back to looking for offers on hospital property

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 10, 2024

    It really doesn’t matter why a Georgia-based real estate developer changed his mind about buying the former Wrangell hospital property and building high-end condos at the site. And it doesn’t much matter why he substantially amended his offer to the borough, months after starting negotiations, before later withdrawing the offer. Nor does it matter that he publicly blamed the Wrangell Sentinel for his decision to walk away from the development proposal, taking offense at what he perceived as criticism of his amended offer. All that really mat...

  • State's 'what if' lawsuit doesn't much add up

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jul 10, 2024

    The state of Alaska, with all the legal wisdom of a political agenda and the flowing words of a high-priced law firm, has filed a claim against the federal government. Nothing new about that — the state has filed and signed onto more lawsuits against the national government in recent years than President Joe Biden has forgotten dates or former President Donald Trump has told lies. Nothing to be proud of in any of that. The state’s latest legal endeavor came July 2 in a dubious lawsuit — with a few errors and omissions for poor measure — that as...

  • Sentinel reporting unfair to developer who wanted to buy hospital property

    Jul 10, 2024

    I am extremely unhappy about the misleading headline in the June 26 Sentinel. I was shocked when I first read it and said immediately that it was very poor reporting. I believe the Wrangell Sentinel owes Mr. Wayne Johnson, the city and the public a sincere apology. I am sympathetic to Mr. Johnson’s situation. Your reporting made it appear that he was taking advantage of Wrangellites. It was very unfair and detrimental to progress for Wrangell. I am also very sad for Wrangell. It was an exciting and hopeful opportunity to have a purchaser for t...

  • State and federal grants do not solve everything

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 3, 2024

    Wrangell is on a financial winning streak these days. It has received multiple state and federal grants to pay for construction, repairs, rebuilds and improvements. But that does not help pay the operating costs of public services and local support for the schools. It’s a distinction people need to keep in mind. Money in one pocket does not automatically transfer to another pocket. The borough has received notice of a $25 million federal grant to rebuild most of the downtown harbors floats. It will receive $6.5 million from the state to go t...

  • Majority rules, but that doesn't mean dictates

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jul 3, 2024

    A long time ago, the Sentinel called out a mayor for taking an action without city council approval (this was before Wrangell became a borough). The mayor had sent a letter to a federal agency, stating the city’s official position on an issue — but it was merely his personal opinion. There was no council discussion, no public notice. It wasn’t that controversial a position, but the point was that the mayor, no matter how well meaning, should not speak for the city without first making sure the elected council is in agreement. The mayor came...

  • Political cheats should pay the fine

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 26, 2024

    A state Superior Court judge last week upheld fines of more than $90,000 against a group that opposes ranked-choice voting in Alaska. The group wasn’t fined by the Alaska Public Offices Commission for its views on the new voting system, but for cheating and lying in its ongoing effort to overturn the voting system, which was approved by voters in 2020. Back in December 2022, the director of the anti-ranked-choice voting group Alaskans for Honest Elections and others established a tax-exempt church in Washington state “to promote Christian doc...

  • Crime pays a lot better than newspapers

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jun 26, 2024

    Most everything pays better than newspapers. A lemonade stand in the winter, a barber shop at a convention of bald men, dry cleaning services for Carhartts — even canned farmed pink salmon at an Alaska street fair — all could be more profitable than running a newspaper. I used to think that publishing a quality paper, full of accurate, informative and entertaining news, always taking care to spell everyone’s name correctly, would produce enough revenue to pay the bills. But after reading more about political campaign donations, I reali...

  • Borough right to charge credit card fee on taxes

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 19, 2024

    People in Wrangell, just like the rest of Alaska and the country, love earning airline miles by using their credit cards. It’s not paying bills that they love so much, it’s the benefit of adding miles to their accounts for free travel. It’s understandable, considering the cost of flying in and out of Alaska and the fun of seeing friends and family outside the state. Another incentive is the fact that Alaska Airlines offers one of the more generous mileage plans among U.S. air carriers. In 2023, Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan members redeemed mile...

  • Governor, please pay more attention to Alaskans

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jun 19, 2024

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy, his attorney general and others in the administration are spending a lot of time and state money defending Alaska against its perceived political enemies, fighting the U.S. government at every turn of the river, protecting Alaskans from the latest federal regulations and standing up for conservative values. The list includes picking fights with private banks that want to move away from oil and gas lending, egging on fights over library books, supporting the state of Texas in its fight to string razor wire along the border...

  • Our old town needs new money

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 12, 2024

    Wrangell has a lot of positives. It’s a caring community that can pull together a potluck and fill the tables to overflow. Residents support each other in times of loss without needing to be asked. People truly believe in helping their neighbors, regardless of their neighbors’ politics. Fundraisers are a way of life in Wrangell — and a necessity. School sports teams, youth groups, student activities, nonprofit organizations and others are always in need of money, frequently asking businesses to donate goods, services or cash to worthy causes. A...

  • Presidential election campaign painfully long

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jun 12, 2024

    There is nothing longer in America than a presidential election campaign. And that is not a good thing. A long vacation is enjoyable. Long summers are a treat. Reuniting with long-lost friends is special. But long campaigns are becoming indescribably painful. Just think of an Excedrin headache that lasts all year for more than 240 million eligible voters. It could be like the supply-chain shortages of the pandemic, with people clearing out store shelves and grabbing for the last bottle of headache medicine. Still not convinced how miserable...

  • Wrangell should move barge ramp to make room for tourism

    Frank H. Murkowski|Jun 12, 2024

    We have a great opportunity before us. Let’s change our visitors’ first impression of Wrangell. Currently, the view is of old containers piled high. Not only do they block the visitors’ view of the downtown area, but the vans are surrounded with muddy water, which is very unattractive. I don’t believe the current container location fits in with the welcome intended by the community, evident by the children selling garnets and other trinkets on the pier. The borough has been successful in acquiring the former 6-Mile mill site. This location has...

  • Community needs long-term plan for school funding

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 5, 2024

    The assembly’s decision to take away any benefit to the school district of the Legislature’s one-year increase in state education funding for next year makes sense from the perspective of the borough’s own finances. However, there are more perspectives to consider. Long term, the community needs a plan to adequately fund its schools. The school board had asked the borough to contribute $1.75 million — the maximum amount allowed under state law — to the school district’s $6 million spending plan for the 2024-2025 school year. That would have...

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