Sorted by date Results 826 - 850 of 1077
This session, I am honored to be serving as Chair of the House Finance Department of Education and Early Learning Budget Subcommittee, which reviews Alaska’s education budget. In this capacity I will closely examine Alaska’s school funding, and the unique programs and services that support effective learning. My years as a Kayhi teacher and coach, as well as a principal at the elementary level, offer a good base for understanding the practical impact of budget decisions. I understand the value of education for our students, and its imp...
Gary James Stevens, 75, passed away Feb. 12, 2017, just days after his birthday. He was born on Feb. 10, 1942 to James C. Stevens and Patricia Younes, one of five children born to them. Gary spent most of his life commercial fishing after school and college. For years he would bring the "Herring Eggs" into town from Sitka which was a treat for most of the town. He lost two of his sisters a few years ago and is survived by his two sons: Gary A. Stevens and Mark C. Stevens; brothers Carl Stevens...
To the Editor: Hospice of Wrangell awards Kim Covalt, Tammy Davidson, David McQueen, Nancy McQueen, Ron “Butch” Merritt, and Cori Robinson “Hospice Hearts” for their wonderful help with our 2016 activities. Wrangell First Presbyterian Church, Alaska Island Community Services, and Wrangell Medical Center for are part of our support network. We look forward to continuing the Community Loan Closet, Dove Tree Ceremony, Christmas Tree Lane, and direct services in the year ahead. Alice Rooney, Hospice of Wrangell...
To the Editor: It may be time to check and see if any pigs are flying by, I agree with Ivan Simonek. I too believe that Trump deserves the same “chance” that he and the Republican leadership in Congress gave President Obama after his landslide victory in 2008. John Morse...
To the Editor: When my wife and I had arrived to Wrangell 48 years ago (as fresh refugees from communist Czechoslovakia) we had only a very faint idea about democracy. I admit it took us some time to get over the inherited fear of being arrested for freely speaking our minds. I quickly learned the cornerstone of democracy is to respect everybody else`s opinion which should guarantee us the same. No room for a double standard or hypocrisy. I also realized democracy required a degree of self control and civility, simply agree to disagree. I...
To the Editor: When my wife and I had arrived to Wrangell 48 years ago (as fresh refugees from communist Czechoslovakia) we had only a very faint idea about democracy. I admit it took us some time to get over the inherited fear of being arrested for freely speaking our minds. I quickly learned the cornerstone of democracy is to respect everybody else`s opinion which should guarantee us the same. No room for a double standard or hypocrisy. I also realized democracy required a degree of self control and civility, simply agree to disagree. I...
By Representative Dan Ortiz Governor Walker submitted a budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year, which includes three primary items: cuts in government spending, increased revenue, and the use of some Permanent Fund earnings, which is a separate fund from where we collect our dividend. During his State of the State, Governor Walker emphasized the significant cuts we’ve made since 2015. We’ve cut the budget from $8 billion to $5 billion. We’ve cut government spending by 44%. When factoring in inflation and population growth, our current spendin...
“House boats” To the Editor: I’ve been following the Stikine River houseboat dilemma for some time now with interest. I did moose patrols for the Fish and Wildlife Service on the river in 1957, 58 and 59. I also ran the river in the 70 and 80s with friends in Petersburg and Telegraph Creek with a youth camp. There were no house boats on the river in that time. There were, however, numerous private cabins and moose tree huts. Soon after statehood, the Forest Service, after taking much criticism for being a mere “Logging Service” started their so...
To the Editor: Watch out. It did happen here. Several years ago I filled out carefully all the documents I was told would direct those in medical care to know how to meet my wishes in case of a medical emergency. I felt secure in the assurance that these legal directives would be followed. Because of several times when my daughter had not been advised that I was hospitalized we also had a special directive that she was to be called by the hospital of any occurrence putting me in their care. However, I had such an emergency on Seward’s Day a...
Thanks… 1.Thessalonians 5:18 says “In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all.” The dictionary states… Thankful ADJECTIVE pleased and relieved: synonyms: grateful · appreciative · filled with gratitude · expressing gratitude and relief: As in…“an earnest and thankful prayer” We should be giving thanks for all things and in all circumstances all of the time. This time of year we even have a holiday to remind us to be thankful. I believe that as a nation we need to be reminded of being thankful a...
To the Editor: This fall Governor Walker has been weighing the pros and cons of proceeding with the Juneau road extension. The project entails fifty miles of new pavement, which would dead end at a ferry terminal on the uninhabited Katzehin River delta across the Lynn Canal from Haines. As residents of Petersburg and Wrangell know, long roads with short shuttle ferries have not worked out as hoped for in Southeast Alaska. The South Mitkof and Coffman Cove terminals, while beautiful facilities, have been largely shuttered since they were built....
By Representative Dan Ortiz The Stikine, Taku and Unuk watersheds are a major factor in the reliability of our seafood and tourism industries. Our fisheries, mariculture, and tourism industries rely on healthy watersheds, which replenish these resources and maintain our scenic reputation and seafood quality. If these rivers are not maintained for quality, our resources will diminish, as vital nutrients and safety conditions will lapse. According to recent estimates from the McDowell Group, the total annual economic contribution of these...
To the Editor: I would like to correct some recent negative comments about being a member of a Republican majority in Juneau. First, the positives. The house majority writes the budgets through a committee process. Republican principals of spend carefully so you can tax Alaskans less are built into the budget in a committee process. When the budget comes to the floor, any legislator can offer and vote on any amendments they want. Majority members can also take their issues up in caucus. Majority members vote together for the final passage of...
Public radio is a lifeline for rural communities. It connects our community of islands here in Southeast, and our neighbors scattered across the far and wide villages of Northern Alaska. In many areas of Alaska public radio is the only means of issuing emergency alerts, public safety announcements, and relaying important community information. Public radio should be an investment of the Department of Public Safety. Public radio currently finds its support from the Department of Administration, but that is not the appropriate category of...
The Lost Ship There was a boy who loved to watch the ships sail. One day while walking home, He thought “I can build a sailboat.” He thought about the design and went about collecting the needed materials. He borrowed tools from his dad, a saw, a drill, sand paper, paint and a brush. He made the boat with his own two hands. He took it on the water and a wind came up and blew it away from shore. As he was searching for it, he heard his mom call him to dinner. He obediently went home. Sadly he sat through the meal and then the family helped him l...
As we journey through life there are so many different obstacles we encounter. Not only do we encounter obstacles but we have many adventures which create many memories for us which we carry for a lifetime. Some of the memories I personally can call to mind are what I call “landmarks,” they help me to make my ancestry personal and real; such as, my great-grandfather was born in 1858, two years before the start of the Civil War and the same year as old “Rough & Ready,” President Theodore Roosevelt was born. If you were born in the 1950s or befo...
To the Editor: We live in a little town that is considered remote, yet what a blessing that our lives are touched by so many caring people. Thank you, Wrangell, to those who helped medivac me out on August 20. Rosemary Ruoff...
To the Editor: The USA that I grew up in is on its last breath and some people are far too eagar to finish her off. Today I have been barred from one business here in town because, I expressed my first amendment right to object to the status quo on facebook. I pointed out that a church here in town is working in collusion with other non tax paying entities, to take your tax monies and finance the invasion of this to with Muslims. Upon objection of some locals I first took offense and resorted to just saying they are ignorant. However upon refle...
As the fisheries industry continues to expand and Wrangell’s Marine Service Center’s services demand increases, I believe Wrangell’s economy has nowhere to go but up. However, to accommodate this growth, the state must maintain their services in Wrangell. I am particularly concerned about the conservation of state jobs in Wrangell. Several years ago, Wrangell lost its social worker and its fisheries biologist. Now, the loss of the Wrangell trooper and the potential of reduced funding to the city jail weigh heavily, as Wrangell’s state jobs sl...
To the Editor: I think it’s highly unfair to allow boys to compete with girls in most physical competitions. Even in the Olympics men and women are separated in events because, for the most part, men will be stronger and faster. They are built differently. Regardless of how this boy feels, he still has male parts, and the strength and speed of a male, thus giving him an advantage. Put this same boy in the male event and I can guarantee that he would not have placed third especially if two females beat him. Rebecca Christensen To the Editor: Wra...
We celebrate our independence. We go out in the streets and proclaim what a great country we live in. All is well with us on that great day July 4th. Along comes the next day when we return to our daily work no matter what that is. We greet each other with “Did you have a good 4th?” Now we have moved to the end of July the celebration is behind us, we still remember but we have stopped talking about it until Next Year. One may ask why we set this aside so quickly is a mystery. I know as American’s we care. Maybe we forget the sacrifices that...
About 30 years ago, long before I was a priest, I was invited to dinner at a friend’s house. When I arrived I noticed that the father was not home yet and that the mother seemed rather distressed. She had three children under the age of ten and was in the middle of cooking dinner when I arrived. Seeing her anxiety I went to the living room and entertained the children while waiting for her husband to arrive and the dinner bell to ring. While in the living room I could see into the kitchen and I watched as she tried to open a one-gallon c...
To the Editor: I noticed in the news recently that a “transgender” boy was allowed to compete in Alaska’s Girls State Championship track meet. The individual got third. The girl who got fourth was upset when she found out a boy had taken her medal. Apparently the Alaska State Athletic Association is allowing boys to compete in female events. If a district allows it then the State’s athletic program allows it. I would like to know what the policy is in Wrangell. I would also like to know if this individual competed against our girls and if so, d...
In the current budget that was approved by the majority of Alaskan Legislators, 430 million dollars is allocated for direct cash payouts to oil companies in the form of credits. The state’s obligation for this year’s credits is 750 million dollars. Thus, even if the State of Alaska pays out the allocated 430 million dollars, it will continue to be responsible for 320 million dollars additionally in future obligations. That 750 million dollars is the third biggest spending item in our state’s budget. Under SB 21, the state is obligated to pay 75...
To the Editor: I think that with the state of the economy locally, the US, and around the world that it is a really bad time to raise rates in the harbor. Empty stalls do not bring in revenue if the big boats leave. Those who have to stay are our friends and neighbors. I think the economy is going into a deflationary depression. Just look at the interest rates at about 0 and the negative rates in Japan and Europe. Look at Puerto Rico, Chicago, Detroit and prices for oil, corn, gold, etc. A couple examples I think show overpricing are small boat...