Sorted by date Results 201 - 225 of 728
Monday, Jan. 18 Welfare check. Agency assist: Search and rescue. Tuesday, Jan. 19 Papers served. Traffic. Wednesday, Jan. 20 Traffic stop. Papers served. Fireworks. Thursday, Jan. 21 Agency assist: Ambulance. Welfare check. Parking complaint. Friday, Jan. 22 Motor vehicle accident: Damage only. Found property. Saturday, Jan. 23 Mail theft. Papers served: Removal from licensed premises. Sunday, Jan 24 Traffic stop citation issued for driving revoked. Warrant arrest for failure to appear. During this reporting period there were seven agency...
Monday, Jan. 11 Vacation check requested. Domestic violence order papers granted. Dog complaint. Failure to stop for a school bus. Tuesday, Jan. 12 Power outage. Citizen assist. Courtesy transport. Bear complaint. Disturbance. Minor in possession charge. Summons service. Citizen assist. Welfare check. Wednesday, Jan. 13 Disturbance. Subpoena service. Agency assist: Court. Agency assist: Fire. Thursday, Jan. 14 Citizen assist. Friday, Jan. 15 Theft of a firearm. Courtesy transport. Theft of services. Agency assist: Adult Protective Services....
Monday, Jan. 4 Agency assist: Harbor Department. Agency assist: Panic alarm. Threats. Criminal mischief: Domestic violence. Citizen assist: Dog tags. Citizen assist: Assistance with vehicle. Agency assist: Public Works. Tuesday, Jan. 5 Summons service. Theft. Summons service. Illegal parking. Letter for removal from licensed premises. Agency assist: Wastewater treatment. Wednesday, Jan. 6 Agency assist: Petersburg Police Department. Agency assist: Public works. Thursday, Jan. 7 Agency assist: Hoonah Police Department. Citizen assist: Vehicle...
Monday, Dec. 27 Citizen assist. Reckless driving. Tuesday, Dec. 28 Traffic stop: Verbal warning for no tail lights. Wednesday, Dec. 29 Subpoena service. Subpoena service. Illegal parking. Arrest: Domestic violence assault / criminal mischief. Thursday, Dec. 30 Citizen assist. Found property. Traffic stop. Traffic complaint. Friday, Dec. 31 Harassment. Theft. Citizen assist. Saturday, Jan. 1 Gunfire. Noise complaint. Fireworks. Agency assist. Agency assist: Alaska State Troopers. Suspicious person. Domestic disturbance. Sunday, Jan. 2 Dog at...
December 21 Agency Assist: Ambulance. Agency Assist: Traffic Stop. Fireworks Complaint. December 22 Agency Assist: Hoonah Police Department. December 23 Welfare Check: Person is fine, vehicle broke down out at Shoemaker. Agency Assist: Ambulance. Agency Assist: FIre. December 24 Agency Assist: Ambulance. Lost Credit Card. Dog Complaint. December 25 Nothing to report. December 26 Littering. Agency Assist: Fire Department. Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. Citizen Report: Driving Under the Influence. Agency Assist: Hoonah....
Monday, December 14 Agency Assist: Search and Rescue. Tuesday, December 15 Welfare Check. Shoplifting: Unfounded. Krysta Gillen, 25, Cited for Dog at Large Complaint. Citizen Assist. Wednesday, December 16 Agency Assist: Wrangell School. Security Check. Thursday, December 17 Domestic Violence Assault. Civil Stand By. Agency Assist: Office of Child Services. Agency Assist: Hoonah. Friday, December 18 Traffic Stop. Parking Complaint. Saturday, December 19 Two Agency Assist Requests: Hoonah P.D. Sunday, December 20 Dog Complaint. Harassment Text....
Monday, December 7 Dog compliant. Emotionally disturbed person. Tuesday, December 8 Courtesy transport. Suspicious activity. Wednesday, December 9 Traffic stop: Alyssa Dame, 26, citation issued for speeding in a school zone. Traffic stop: Dwight Yancy, 33, citation issued for speeding in a school zone. Lost property. Thursday, December 10 Random breath test. Random breath test. Parking complaint. Motor vehicle accident /driving under influence. Friday, December 11 Summons service. Trespass. Welfare check. Saturday, December 12 Welfare check....
November 30 Civil Standby. Warrant Arrest: Casey Seimears, 38, charged on Failure to Appear Warrant. Dog Complaint. Traffic Stop. December 1 Agency Assist: Harbor Dept. Agency Assist: Fire Dept. Agency Assist: Line Crew/D.O.T. Agency Assist: Line Crew. December 2 Traffic Stop: Ceona Koch, 24, Citation issued for Speeding. Traffic Violation. Agency Assist: Fire Department. Agency Assist: Line Crew. December 3 Traffic Stop. December 4 Parking Complaint. Agency Assist: Wrangell Medical Center. December 5 Traffic. Motor Vehicle Accident. Debris in...
November 23 Summons Service Summons Service November 24 Agency Assist: Wells Fargo Vehicle Unlock Summons Service Traffic Stop November 25 Agency Assist: Ambulance Theft Traffic Stop: Citation issued to Jeff Rooney, 50, Speed Parking Complaint: Unfounded November 26 Intoxicated Person Road Debris: Large dumpster removed from the roadway Dog At Large: Citation issued to Krysta Gillen, 25 Agency Assist: EMTs November 27 MVA Burglary/Vandalism: unfounded VCOR Traffic Stop: Citation Issued to Mark Walker for obstructed windshield Agency Assist:...
November 16 Welfare Check Agency Assist: Harbor Dept. November 17 Subpoena Service Unlawful Contact I November 18 Traffic: Vehicle failed to stop for school bus letting children off. Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. November 19 Agency Assist: SAR Juvenile Misconduct Child Pornography November 20 Juvenile Misconduct Agency Assist: DOT Noise Complaint November 21 Domestic Disturbance Agency Assist: Fire Dept. Paper Service Animal Complaint Agency Assist: Public Works Trespass Traffic Stop November 22 Agency Assist: Fire...
November 9 Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlock. November 10 Dog Complaint. Citizen Assist. Civil Matter. Disturbance. Gunshots. November 11 Citizen Assist. Paper Service. Agency Assist: Ambulance. Citizen Report Driving Under Influence: Unfounded. November 12 Found Property. November 13 Agency Assist: U.S. Forest Service. Agency Assist: U.S. Forest Service. November 14 Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. Paper Service. Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. Gunshots. November 15 Welfare Check. Motor Vehicle Accident: Hit and Run. Dog at Large....
November 2 Agency Assist: Department of Public Works. False Alarm. Agency Assist: Petersburg P.D. Agency Assist: Alarm. November 3 Traffic Stop: Tykan Daly, 28, Citation issued for Failure to provide proof of insurance. Paper Service/civil standby. Traffic Stop: Olivia Stead, 33, Citation issued for speeding in a school zone. Traffic Stop: James VandeBunte, 58, Citation issued for Failure to use turn signal. November 4 Agency Assist/Paper Service: Domestic Violence Order paper service. Traffic Stop: Tykan Daly, 28, Citation issued for Speeding...
Monday, Oct. 26 Agency Assist: Department of Transportation. Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlock. Traffic Stop: Alexandra McMurren, 30, Citation issued for Failure to Stop at Stop Sign. Tuesday, Oct. 27 Agency Assist: Paper Service. Agency Assist. Traffic: Danielle Roher, 30, Citation issued for Driving without a Valid Operator’s License. Agency Assist: Census Bureau. Parking: Justin Barker, 34, Citation issued for Proper Parking Required. Wednesday, Oct. 28 Violation of Condition of Release: Petition to Revoke Probation. Agency Assist. Driving R...
October 19 Found Property. Fire: Controlled Burn. Vacation Check. Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. Agency Assist: House Fire. October 20 Random Breath Test. Burglary. Citizen Assist: Vehicle Issues. October 21 Two Parking Complaints. October 22 Fraud. Agency Assist: Search and Rescue. Agency Assist. Dog Complaint. Agency Assist. Found Bike. Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. Subpoena Service. October 23 Subpoena Service. Information Report. Aggressive Dog at Large. Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. October 24 Agency Assist: EMTs. Noise...
October 5 Driving Complaint Suicide Threat Civil Issue Citizen assist: Return Property Disturbance October 6 Citizen assist: Vehicle Unlock Disturbance October 7 Courtesy Transport Parking Complaint. Citation Issued to Christine Abrahamson, 45, for Parking on the Sidewalk. Welfare Check Parking Complaint October 8 Paper Service October 9 Stolen Firearm: Unfounded October 10 Citizen Assist: Scam Found Property Agency Assist Citizen Assist Parking Complaint October 11 Agency Assist: EDP Noise Complaint: Fireworks Suspicious Circumstance: Vehicle...
October 5 Driving Complaint Suicide Threat Civil Issue Citizen assist: Return Property Disturbance October 6 Citizen assist: Vehicle Unlock Disturbance October 7 Courtesy Transport Parking Complaint. Citation Issued to Christine Abrahamson, 45, for Parking on the Sidewalk. Welfare Check Parking Complaint October 8 Paper Service October 9 Stolen Firearm: Unfounded October 10 Citizen Assist: Scam Found Property Agency Assist Citizen Assist Parking Complaint October 11 Agency Assist: EDP Noise Complaint: Fireworks Suspicious Circumstance: Vehicle...
September 28 Found Property Citizen Assist: Flat tire Suspicious Circumstance Agency Assist: S&R – Stranded boater on the Flats. Traffic Complaint: Speeder September 29 Dog Complaint Subpoena Service Welfare Check Harassment Agency Assist: AST September 30 Parking Complaint Parking Complaint Agency Assist: S&R October 1 Stolen Bike Citizen Assist Found Property DUI: Unfounded EDP October 2 Speeding Complaint Paper Service: 86’d Letters served Disorderly Conduct October 3 Civil Issue DUI/VCOR: Arrested Marisa McComas, 28, for Driving Under the...
Monday, Sept. 21 Agency Assist: Alarm. Illegal Parking: Vehicle parked in front of fire hydrant by middle school. Tuesday, Sept. 22 Threats. Driving Complaint. Dog Complaint: Barking. VCOR: Arrest, for Violation Conditions of Release. Wednesday, Sept. 23 Citizen Assist. Parking Complaint. Found Property. Dog Attack. Emotionally Disturbed Person. Thursday, Sept. 24 Agency Assist: US Forest Service. Friday, Sept. 25 Agency Assist: Harbor Department. Traffic Stop. Saturday, Sept. 26 Three Agency Assists for Hoonah P.D. Suspicious Circumstance....
Monday, Sept. 14 Unsecured Premises: Officer secured an open door on a business. Theft: Report of 30 gallons of diesel stolen from a truck at Heritage Harbor. Parking Complaint: Vehicle parked in front of the fire hydrant at the middle school. Civil Issue. 86’d Letter. Agency Assist: Line Crew: Report of lines sparking on Evergreen Avenue. Tuesday, Sept. 15 Suspicious Noise. Vehicle Unlock. Burglary: Unfounded. Assault. Wednesday, Sept. 16 Agency Assist: Alarm. Agency Assist: Harbor. Paper Service. Assault DV: Arrest for Assault IV. T...
September 7 Gunshot or Fireworks: Reported by Reliance Harbor. Vehicle Theft: Vehicle recovered; charges are pending. September 8 Driving Complaint: Speeders in the school zone by the elementary school. Traffic Complaint: Blue SUV passing in a no passing zone at Shoemaker turn around. September 9 Burning Complaint. September 10 Dog Complaint. Civil Issue. Agency Assist: Fire Department. Agency Assist: Wells Fargo. September 11 Citizen Assist. Parking Complaint. Theft. Hazardous Play. September 12 Agency Assist: USFS. Agency Assist: USFS....
August 31 Sexual Assault Alarm Agency Assist: TSA Agency Assist: Hoonah PD Citation issued to Steven Forrest for dog at large Citizen Assist Courtesy Transport September 1 Parking Complaint Theft Citizen Assist Criminal Trespass: Arrested: Christine Abrahamson, 45, on charges of Criminal Trespass 1/Title 47 – Detox. September 2 Found Property Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlock Traffic Hazzard September 3 Dog Complaint Welfare Check Subpoena Service Reddi Report Assault September 4 Dog Complaint Agency Assist: OCS September 5 Unsecured Premises: O...
August 24 Traffic Complaint. Traffic Stop: Jason Burk, 38, citation for speeding. Traffic Stop: Elizabeth Golding, 53, citation for speeding. Theft. Child Abuse. Welfare Check. August 25 Subpoena Service. Parking Complaint. August 26 Agency Assist: Office of Child Services. Dog Complaints. Subpoena Service. August 27 Disturbance: Domestic Violence, Civil Issue. Agency Assist: Harbor Dept. Agency Assist: Petersburg Police Dept. Disturbance: Domestic Violence. August 28 Suspicious Circumstance. Agency Assist: Hoonah P.D. Vehicle Unlock....
August 17 Agency Assist: Department of Transportation. Agency Assist: Fire Department. Disturbance. August 18 Agency Assist: US Forest Service. Agency Assist: Office of Child Services. Suspicious Circumstance. Welfare Check. August 19 Burglar Alarm. Agency Assist: Petersburg Police Department. August 20 Fraud. Summons Service. Subpoena Service. August 21 Sexual Assault: Victor Stead, 35, charged with Sexual Assault I, Assault II with Deadly Weapon, Burglary II Domestic Violence. Agency Assist: Public Works. August 22 Drug Paraphernalia....
August 10 Traffic Stop Dog Attack: Citation issued to Derick Meissner, 37, for objectionable animal Agency Assist: OCS August 11 Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlock August 12 Agency Assist: Public Works Animal Compliant Animal Complaint: Dog Attack ATV Complaint August 13 Suspicious Vehicle Civil Issue Welfare Check MVA Agency Assist: Ambulance Requested Unsecured Premise Noise Disturbance August 14 Burglar Alarm Agency Assist: Dead Deer Abandoned Vehicle Suspicious Person Disturbance August 15 Nothing to report During this reporting period there...
August 3 Theft Citizen Assist: Lockout Two Summons Services Agency Assist: Traffic Two Citizen Assists August 4 Two Subpoena Services Traffic Complaint Deer Complaint August 5 Agency Assist: Fire department Agency Assist: TSA August 6 Traffic stop citation issued to Mariyan Aleksiev, 37 for No Proof of Insurance. Verbal for no tail lights. Animal Complaint Agency Assist: TSA Harassment August 7 Disturbance Intoxicated Person Agency Assist: Hoonah PD August 8 Parking Traffic Littering Dog at Large August 9 Agency Assist: OCS During this...