Sorted by date Results 351 - 375 of 728
Monday, April 23 Trespassing/Harassment. Agency assist: Ambulance requested. Turned in unwanted gun. Paper service. DV order. Eviction order. Arrested: Wilson Boon, 29: Charges of Violation of DVO. Tuesday, April 24 Citation issued: Cooper Seimears, 32: Operating vehicle with expired registration and verbal warning for driving habits. Welfare check. Wednesday, April 25 OTC paper served. Agency assist: Public Works. Civil standby requested. Thursday, April 26 Agency assist. Agency assist: Fire Department. Summons served. Agency assist: Fire...
Monday, April 16 Citizen Assist. Found Passport: Returned to owner. Civil Issue: Forgery. Driving complaint: Officer made contact with driver warning given. Suspicious circumstance. Tuesday, April 17 Dance permit. Ambulance requested. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. Traffic. Wednesday, April 18 Courtesy Transport. Suspicious Vehicle: Officer made contact with the driver. Animal Complaint. Agency assist: Welfare check. Dance permit requested. Health and Safety: Reported noxious fumes coming from stack and smells like plastic: Ve...
Monday, April 9 Citizen assist: Vehicle unlocked. MVA. Theft: Gill net. MVA. Summons service. Tuesday, April 10 Suspicious activity reported. Agency assist: Alarm. Agency assist: Power. Agency assist: Harbor Department. Harassment reported: Officer made contact. Wednesday, April 11 Driving complaint reported: Officer made contact with driver and warning was given. Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock. Agency assist: Probation. Thursday, April 12 Vandalism reported: Broken window. Agency assist: OCS. Confrontation reported at place of work. Summons...
March 14 Heather Miethe, 47, from Wrangell was determined to be operating more than the allowed 10 shrimp pots, following investigation by Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Wrangell and Petersburg posts. Miethe has been issued a summons in the Wrangell District Court for over-limit personal shrimp gear. March 15 Roxann Braley, 24, from Angoon, was cited by Wrangell Troopers for failing to report on her 2016 registration moose permit (RM038) within the time frame as specified by the permit. Braley was issued a $110 citation for Failure to Return Hunt...
Monday, April 2 Agency assist. Citizen assist: Civil standby. Civil issue. MVA: Vehicle vs. deer around 3-mile: Deer ran off into the woods. Tuesday, April 3 Charged with criminal mischief I : Assault IV : Daniel Eklund,31. Traffic stop: Driving habits. DVO. Summons service. Civil matter. Wednesday, April 4 Officer responded to a concerned citizen report on Reid Street. Received a report of a disturbance at ASHA: Officer responded: Matter resolved. Received a report of gunshots on Airport Loop, an officer responded. Thursday, April 5 Subpoena...
Monday, March 26 Agency assist: AST. Tuesday, March 27 Nothing to report. Wednesday, March 28 Assault reported. Assault reported. Citizen Assist: Toxic smell coming from downtown area. Thursday, March 29 Found items: Owner picked up items. Citation issued: Ian Howard Carson, 27: No proof of insurance, verbal warning for no registration and headlight out. Truancy: Caller requested officer assistance with help getting child to go to school. MVA. Agency assist: Injured eagle 1:50 p.m. Paper service. Paper service. Officer responded to a welfare...
March 7 Wildlife Troopers from Klawock, Petersburg and Wrangell concluded an investigation which began in December 2017. Investigation determined Jonathan McGraw Jr., 43, from Naukati; Keith Wagner, 52, from Naukati; and Curtis Looper, 27, from Naukati, were commercially harvesting sea cucumbers from closed waters including from the sea cucumber preserve in Whale Pass. McGraw’s boat the F/V Bottom Time, a 19-foot aluminum work skiff, his dive gear, and 1,263 pounds of sea cucumbers were seized on December 19. McGraw was charged with seven c...
Monday, March 19 Agency assist. Agency assist: OCS. Citizen assist: Vehicle unlocked. Civil issue. Domestic. Tuesday, March 20 Agency assist: Bank alarm. Verbal dispute. Verbal dispute. Verbal dispute. Welfare check requested. Agency assist: Alarm. Wednesday, March 21 Hazardous play: Caller reported kids playing by the side of the road. Noise complaint: Officer responded, music turned down. Thursday, March 22 Agency assist: Elementary school. Vandalism: Caller reported someone broke the flowerpots in front of the Elks Lodge. Agency assist:...
Monday, March 12 Agency assist: Rocks in roadway DOT. Driving while license revoked UTL. Citizen assist: Help starting vehicle. Traffic stop. Harassment. Traffic stop: Citation issued to Cody Angerman, 36: Failure to stop at stop sign. Arrested on charges of driving under the influence: George Elmore, 52. Tuesday, March 13 Report of theft. Traffic stop verbal warning for driving habits. Wednesday, March 14 Agency assist. Violation of protective order. Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock. Agency assist: Paper service. Citation issued to Drew...
Monday, March 5 Paper service. Report of assault. Tuesday, March 6 Hit deer. Driving complaint. Citizen assist. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment. Wednesday, March 7 Noise complaint: Verbal warning given. Trespass: Person had already left upon officer arrival. Report of trespass. Thursday, March 8 Parking complaint. Traffic stop: Verbal warning given for driving habits. Civil standby: Paper service. Found property: Backpack. MVA: Deer. Friday, March 9 Nothing to report. Saturday, March 10 Agency assist: Fire. Citizen assist....
Monday, February 26 Arrested on charges of Domestic Violence Assault and Criminal Trespass: Jazmyn Wright, 25. Vacation check. Civil Issue. Tuesday, February 27 Unlocked vehicle. Report of reckless driving. Report of harassment. Wednesday, February 28 Civil standby. Domestic: Verbal Noise complaint: Verbal warning for disorderly conduct given. Thursday. March 1 Disturbance: Officer responded. Unlock house. Harassment: Officer responded. Traffic hazard: Vehicle parked partially in the roadway. Civil issue. Friday, March 2 Agency Assist. Report...
February 16 Alaska Wildlife Troopers cited Wrangell resident Jon Abrahamson, 48, for participating in a commercial Tanner crab fishery without a valid 2018 commercial crewmember’s license in possession. Bail is set at $260 in the First Judicial Court in Juneau. Troopers also cited Petersburg’s Troy Thomassen, 44, for employing an unlicensed crewmember during a 2018 commercial Tanner crab fishery. Bail is set at $260 in the First Judicial Court in Juneau. February 19 Alaska Wildlife Troopers cited Ronald Sowle, 61, for failing to report on his...
Monday, February 19 Nothing to report. Tuesday, February 20 Parking: Warning given for parking. Theft reported. Wednesday, February 21 Summons served. Illegal parking. Suspicious incident. Garbage complaint. Thursday, February 22 Suspicious incident: 911: Officer responded, all ok. Fire: Tree: FD notified. Noise complaint. Friday, February 23 Nothing to report. Saturday, February 24 Disturbance: Officer responded. Agency Assist: Chimney fire reported. Paper service. Theft reported. Caller reported intoxicated person: Officer responded. Sunday,...
February 3 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Wrangell Post, concluded a residency investigation involving Stephen Nesbitt, age 49 from Washington. Investigation determined Nesbitt was claiming Alaska residency on his fishing licenses while receiving benefits from Washington. Additionally Nesbitt obtained two subsistence salmon permits by claiming residency. Nesbitt was issued a summons on five counts of False Statement on a License with a mandatory court appearance in the District Court at Wrangell on Feb. 21....
Monday, February 12 Illegal parking: Citation issued to Kevin Bylow, 47, for Parked Blocking Roadway. Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle. Theft: Vehicle. Tuesday, February 13 Agency assist: MVA. MVA reported. Illegal Parking: Verbal warning to move vehicle. Found Property: Owner notified and will pick up items at PD. Citizen Report: DUI. Wednesday, February 14 MVA. Vehicle damage. Found Property: Dropped off at station. Thursday, February 15 Traffic Complaint. Agency Assist: Dead Eagle. Alarm: Fire: FD dispatched. Citizen Assist: Vehicle unlocked....
Monday, February 5 Paper service. Tuesday, February 6 Citizen Assist. Disabled Vehicle. Intoxicated Person. Wednesday, February 7 Agency Assist: Traffic Stop. Parking Complaint: Verbal warning for driving habits. Thursday, February 8 Catering Permit. Citizen Assist: Request for person to be contacted. Friday, February 9 Unlock vehicle. Disturbance reported. Saturday, February 10 Courtesy transport. Harassment: Officers responded. Citation issued to Jason Garringer, 46, for driving with revoked license. Noise Complaint: Officers responded....
Monday, January 29 Parking Complaint. Report of theft. Traffic Complaint. MVA: Report of a crosswalk sign that has been run over at the corner of St. Michael’s and Front Street. Tuesday, January 30 Paper Service. Agency Assist: Public Works. Wednesday, January 31 MVA: Hit and Run: Owner reported bumper broke while in town. MVA: Hit and Run: Person reported vehicle hit while in parking lot. MVA: Owner came into station to make a report. MVA: Agency Assist: Vehicle in ditch. Welfare check: Officer responded. MVA: Car in ditch. Noise Complaint. Th...
Monday, January 22 Civil matter. Intoxicated person. Tuesday, January 23 NOAA reported Tsunami Warning. Agency Assist: OCS. Wednesday, January 24 Report of theft. Abandoned vehicle: Notice left to be moved. Citation issued to Lester Schultz, 56, for speeding. Title 47. Report of disturbance: Loud music, music turned off. Suspicious circumstance. Welfare check: Person spoke with officer. Thursday, January 25 Unsecured premises: Officer spoke with contact person. Traffic stop. Disturbance: Officer responded. Summons service: Paper served....
Monday, January 15 Theft reported. Found property. Citation issued to Donna McKay, 64, for proof of insurance and verbal warning for faulty brake lights. Arrested on charges of Violating Conditions of Release: Joel Franks, 52. Tuesday, January 16 Curfew warning. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speeding. Traffic stop. Arrested on charges of DV/Assault 4: Jarred Wilson, 40. Wednesday, January 17 Driving complaint: Report of vehicle driving on wrong side of road. Disturbance: Officer responded. Domestic disturbance: Officer spoke with...
Monday, January 8 Nothing to report. Tuesday, January 9 Paper Service: 6 Wednesday, January 10 Traffic stop: Verbal warning for no lights. Citation issued to Celsee Churchill, 35, for expired registration. Citizen assist. Thursday, January 11 Citation issued to Josh Jenkins, 25: Dog at large. Friday, January 12 Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. Parking complaint. Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle. Citizen assist. MVA reported. Saturday, January 13 Nothing to report. Sunday, January...
December 31 Alaska Wildlife Troopers’ Wrangell Post concluded an investigation of an abandoned vehicle near Pats Lake Road. Investigation determined Kory “Jeska” Meissner, age 24 from Wrangell, had driven her vehicle through an anadromous stream and had abandoned the vehicle in the stream. Meissner was issued summons to appear in the District Court at Wrangell for Operating a Vehicle in an Anadromous Stream, Abandoned Vehicle, and Failure to Transfer a Vehicle Title after purchase. Alaska Wildlife Troopers’ Wrangell Post completed a residen...
Monday, January 1 Citizen Assist: Smell of gas in the house. Illegal fireworks: UTL. Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for defective equipment. Citation issued to Heather Seimears,33, for failure to provide insurance. Suspicious incident: Smoke coming out of dumpster. Agency Assist: Public Works. Agency Assist: Public Works. Report of Harassment. Road Conditions: Slippery roads reported. Tuesday, January 2 Agency Assist: Alarm. Road Conditions: PW notified, they have been sanding most of the day. Citizen Assist: Vehicle unlocked. Traffic stop:...
Monday, December 25 DV: Officers responded. Traffic stop: Vehicle stopped in middle of road. MVA: Vehicle in the ditch. Traffic Stop: Verbal warning faulty equipment. Tuesday, December 26 Controlled burn. Agency Assist: Alarm: FD dispatched. Theft: Person reported items taken from shop. Wednesday, December 27 Noise complaint: Disorderly conduct warning given. Burglary: Approximate value: $50. Disturbance: Disorderly conduct warning given. Arrested on charges of Assault IV/DV: Linda A. Churchill, age 52. Thursday, December 28 Arrested on c...
Monday, December 18 Business alarm: Officer responded. Agency Assist: Power out. Found property: Key turned into PD. Agency Assist: Power outage. Tuesday, December 19 Citizen Assist: Unlock vehicle. Agency Assist: Safety hazard: verbal warning given for feeding birds. Traffic: Verbal warning for light out on vehicle. Citizen Assist: Unlocked vehicle. Wednesday, December 20 Trespass warning. Arrested on charges of Assault/DV: Caleb Miethe, 38. Citizen report of DUI. Thursday, December 21 Report of trespass. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for...
November 25 Alaska Wildlife Troopers received information about two deer which were not fully salvaged. Investigation determined Jerome Bakeberg, 82, of Wrangell, failed to salvage the rib meat from two deer. Bakeberg was issued a summons to appear in the District Court at Petersburg for failing to salvage all edible meat....