Sorted by date Results 601 - 625 of 728
Monday, September 23 Lost Property: Black Trak phone. Citizen Report of Possible DUI. Reported Possible Assault/DV. Tuesday, September 24 Arrested Ralph B. McQueen, 55, on charges of Driving Under the Influence. Vacation Check. Parking Complaint. Catering Permit. Wednesday, September 25 Traffic Stop vehicle parked in front of Harbor Lights Church. Person reported two dogs running in town. Officer was UTL the dogs. Traffic Stop verbal warning for faulty equipment. Person requested officer assistants to get into building. Thursday, September 26...
Monday, September 16 Citation issued to Jazmyn Waddington-Wright, 21, for Dog At Large. Agency Assist/FD: 911 report of oven fire. Tuesday, September 17 Nothing to Report. Wednesday, September 18 Officer gave individual a ride. Caller reported their dog missing. Report of person’s dog tangled up. Officer responded and untangled the dog. Person reported their dog missing again. Caller report that someone pulled out in front of them and they had to slam on their brakes to keep from hitting them. Officer notified. Thursday, September 19 Person r...
Monday, September 9 -Suspicious Circumstance. -Report of Theft. -Traffic Complaint. Tuesday, September 10 -Warrant Arrest: Arrested Jack Fain, 56, on charges of Failure to Appear for Arraignment. Found Property. Wednesday, September 11 -Person reported kitten in their yard but called back to say it had disappeared. -Person requested vehicle unlocked. Officer responded. Thursday, September 12 -Vehicle unlocked. -Caller reported gas siphoned from their boat. Extra patrol requested. -Report of a dead blue Heron. Friday, September 13 -Person...
Monday, September 2 -Possible Gunshots -Harassment Tuesday, September 3 -Citation issued to Carin Rhodes, 47, for Failure to Stop for school bus. -Person brought in found property from Zarembo. -Person reported trucks with studded tires. -Officers responded to a noise disturbance. Gave a group a verbal warning. Wednesday, September 4 -Report of MVA. Officer responded, less than $2000.00 in damages. Parties were given accident report forms. -Person reported dog attacking others downtown. Officer picked up dog. Citations issued to Elizabeth...
Monday, August 26 -Harassing Phone Calls -Criminal Mischief/Unfounded -Agency Assist/Adult Probation Tuesday, August 27 -Found Property: Cell phone turned in. -Bird Complaint. -Found Property: Owner contacted, item returned. -Owner given warning about dog being off leash. -Citation issued to Joey Phelan, 18, for Dog At Large. Wednesday, August 28 -Officer responded to parking complaint. -Officer responded to report of unattended child. Unfounded. -Person reported a reckless driver. Officer was UTL. -Report of stolen bike. Thursday, August 29...
Monday, August 19 -Officer responded to request of asking an individual to leave the area due to being intoxicated. Officer gave person ride to boat. -Officer received some found property. -Report of a MVA. Officer gave accident form to both parties. -Person reported someone trying to get into a vehicle. Officer responded - it was the owner of the vehicle. -Officer did welfare check on individual and all was fine. Tuesday, August 20 -Report of suspicious odor. Officer responded all was secured and fine. -Officer responded to noise complaint and...
On August 19 Wrangell Deputy Magistrate Leanna J. Splinter adjudicated the following case: Daniel Arthur Gonzalez-Fawcett, 24, was found guilty of Disorderly Conduct-Challenge To Fight. He was sentenced to probation for one year and ordered to pay $550 in fines and surcharges. On August 20 Wrangell Deputy Magistrate Leanna J. Splinter adjudicated the following case: Katherine C. Westrope, age 18, was found guilty of Drive In Violation Of Instruction Permit. She was ordered to pay $150 in fines and surcharges....
On August 13, Wrangell Magistrate Chris Ellis adjudicated the following cases: Katie Barger, 15, was found guilty of Minor Consuming Alcohol. She was sentenced to probation for one year and to contact Wrangell Youth Court by August 19, 2013, complete process and follow orders. Laven Ritchie, 16, was found guilty of Repeat Minor Consuming Alcohol. He was sentenced to probation for one year, ordered to pay $510 in fines and surcharges, perform 48 hours of Community Work Service and to have his driving privileges revoked for 180 days. Kyler Nore,...
Monday, August 12 Officer reported suspicious odor coming from vehicle. Person reported vehicle ignoring flaggers. Officer notified. Citation issued to Victoria Martin for Failure to Stop at stop sign. Person reported someone almost hit his kids on the sidewalk. Officer was UTL vehicle and driver. Person requested an officer to unlock vehicle. Person reported two vehicles not obeying the flaggers. Report of person looking into vehicles. Officer was UTL. Officer was requested to do a walk through at a bar. Tuesday, August 13 Fire department...
Monday, August 5 - Officer responded to report of intoxicated person walking down the middle of road. Officer gave person ride home. - Person reported a theft, officer responded. - Person reported a property taken out of vehicle, under investigation. - Person brought in some found property. Tuesday, August 6 - Officer responded to an alarm going off. - Officer responded to a report of person being disorderly. Wednesday, August 7 - Officer reported a suspicious vehicle with a flat tire. - Officer responded to an alarm going off, all was secure....
Monday, July 29 -Person reported a phone scam. -Person brought in license plate. Owner of plate was notified. -Person turned in a vacation check. -Report of harassment. Officer was UTL the other person. -Officer responded to report of a MVA. -Person requested an officer to ask the construction people to move vehicle. Tuesday, July 30 -Arrested Israel Comstock, 18, on charges of Warrant Vehicle theft, DUI, Reckless driving, MCA Habitual, DWLSCRL. -Officer responded to parking complaint. -Agency assist Fire Department requested for fire at 12...
Monday, July 22 - Officer requested for a deer carcass. - Vacation check requested - Person reported a theft and found the missing item. - Officer responded to report of intoxicated man in someone’s apartment. Man was gone on arrival. - Officer responded to report of disturbance. Warnings were given. Tuesday, July 23 - Person reported a theft. - Officer responded to a possible break-in. - Person brought in a dog that was running loose. Owner picked up dog. - Person brought in a bike that they found. - Officer responded to speeding complaint. -...
On July 25, Wrangell Magistrate Christine Ellis adjudicated the following case: Harold Rhodes, age 56, of Naukati, was found guilty of Driving Under the Influence. He was sentenced to serve three days in jail, pay $1,955 in fines, fees and surcharges, a driver’s license revocation for 90 days, complete an AICS substance abuse screening, and serve one year on probation...
On July 16 Wrangell Magistrate Christine Ellis adjudicated the following case: David Gillen, Jr., age 21, was found guilty of Possession or Use of a Controlled Substance – 6th Degree. He was fined $250 and ordered to serve one year on probation....
Monday, July 15 - Officer responded to criminal mischief report that someone had slashed a tire. - Officer was requested to unlock a vehicle. - Officer responded to an alarm going off. All was fine. - Person reported a fight. Officer dispatched but parties had left the area. Tuesday, July 16 - Officer responded to a disturbance. - Arrested Jesse Allen Oglend, age 24, on warrant for failure to appear. - Person reported a dead eagle in roadway. Eagle was gone. - Traffic stop. Verbal warning given for faulty headlight. Wednesday, July 17 -...
Monday, July 8 - Person requested vacation checks - Officer responded to report of possible vandalism. Tuesday, July 9 - Officer responded to parking complaint. - Possible theft. - Person reported being locked out of house. Officer was able to unlock the door. Wednesday, July 10 - Random breath test given. - Parking complaint. - Citation issued to Jessica Rice, age 36, for Parking within Terminal. - Verbal altercation. - Citation issued to David Gillen, age 20, for MICS VI. Verbal warning for speeding. Thursday, July 11 - Disorderedly conduct...
On July 10, Wrangell Magistrate Christine Ellis adjudicated the following cases: Spencer Stavee, age 26, was found guilty of being Alcohol Restricted in a Licensed Area. He was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail with credit for Community Work Service previously performed, and pay $600 in fines and surcharges. William Nakamura, age 36, was found guilty of Assault in the Fourth Degree, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Violating Conditions of Release, Criminal Mischief in Third Degree, and Criminal Trespass in a Dwelling. He was sentenced to...
On July 2, Wrangell Magistrate Chris Ellis adjudicated the following cases: Jaynee Fritzinger, age 18, was found guilty of Repeat Minor Consuming Alcohol. She was sentenced to probation for one year, ordered to pay $510 in fines and surcharges, perform 48 hours of Community Work Service, and to have her driving privileges revoked for 90 days. Morgan Enright, age 19, was found guilty of Minor Consuming Alcohol. She was sentenced to probation for one year and ordered to pay $210 in fines and surcharges. Vanessa Deacon, age 21 (age 20 at time of...
Wednesday, July 3 Travis A. Bangs, age 19 of Wrangell, was cited by Alaska Wildlife Troopers for operating a commercial gillnet during a closed period in district 15C north of Juneau. The F/V Silver K was observed by Troopers in a state aircraft deploying gillnet before the 12:01 commercial opening on June 30. Bangs was given an arraignment date of July 10 at 9:00 a.m. in the Juneau District Court....
June 24 - Report of theft June 25 - Noise Complaint - Officer responded. - Traffic Stop -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. - Suspicious Person - Officer notified. - Traffic Stop - Verbal warning for driving habits. - Unattended Vehicle - Officer responded and secured door. June 26 - Traffic Stop - Driver needed assistance. - Courtesy Transport - Officer gave person ride to residence. - Traffic Stop - Verbal warning for faulty equipment. June 27 - Report of theft. - Report of possible theft. June 28 - Report of theft. - Traffic complaint. -...
June 23 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Sitka Post contacted Sean A. Barclay age 29, of Sitka, and Mariyan Aleksiev age 30, of Wrangell, near Redoubt Bay. Investigation revealed the two men were in possession of 26 sockeye salmon, which had been snagged in an area closed to snagging while sport fishing. The men were also over the possession limit of four fish each. Both men were cited for over limit sport sockeye salmon and snagging in a closed area. Total bail was set at $460 for both Barclay and Aleksiev. The fish were seized and donated to a...
June 17 -Report of possible theft. -Caterer's Permit granted. -Parking Complaint - Vehicle blocking driveway. -Criminal Mischief reported. -Found gun. -Disturbance reported. June 18 -Possible theft reported. June 19 -Person reported windows broken out of a vehicle. Officer responded. -Warning was given for individual to stay away from residence or they would be charged with criminal mischief. -Hit and run reported - Officer responded. June 20 -Noise complaint. Officer responded. -Report of possible theft. -Found keys turned into the police...
June 12 Alaska Wildlife Troopers located and contacted Thomas Wickman of Wrangell after an investigation revealed Wickman stored commercial Dungeness crab pot gear in unlawful storage condition. A mandatory court arraignment is scheduled in the Wrangell District Court. In a related incident, on April 4, Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post had located four commercial Dungeness crab pots in a closed season belonging to Wickman in the marine waters of Vixen Inlet. June 13 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post contacted Peter Jung of...
Monday, June 10 - Citation issued to Stormy Gallant, age 20, for no Valid Operator License, Failure to Provide Proof Of Insurance and verbal warning given for faulty equipment. Tuesday, June 11 - Citation issued to Thomas L. Weise Jr., age 44, for Failure to Provide Insurance and verbal warning for driving habits. - Disturbance reported – Minor Consuming Alcohol. Wednesday, June 12 - Disturbance reported - Officer responded and was verbal only. - Cell phone brought into station. Owner was contacted and will pick up. Thursday, June 13 - O...
Saturday, June 8 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post contacted Jared Bright, age 38, of Petersburg. Investigation revealed Bright was operating a 2011 Willie Boat on the Stikine River without enough personal flotation devices for each individual on board the boat. Further investigation revealed Bright failed to register his vessel. Bright was cited into Wrangell District Court with a bail amount of $110 for no PFD and $60.00 for failure to register his boat....