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  • Police reports

    Jun 13, 2013

    Monday, June 3 - Traffic Stop - Verbal warning for driving habits. - Traffic Stop - Verbal warning for driving habits. - Traffic Complaint. Tuesday, June 4 - Traffic - Illegal parking reported. Vehicle moved. - Disturbance - Caller reported person is banging on door. Wednesday, June 5 - Numerous calls about no water pressure. Public Works notified. - Officer unlocked vehicle. Thursday, June 6 - 911 call reported. Pocket dial. - Noise Complaint. - Caller stated that they had a busted water main. - Person requested their car unlocked. Officer...

  • Trooper report

    Jun 6, 2013

    Saturday, May 25 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Ketchikan Post issued a summons to Eric Yancey, age 53, from Wrangell, for outfitting and transporting black bear hunters without being registered as a big game guide/outfitter, or a transporter. He was also summoned for failing to complete a transporter activity report, and for failing to provide his clients with a hunt contract. Yancey was summoned to Petersburg Court for a mandatory court appearance on June 11....

  • Police reports

    Jun 6, 2013

    Monday, May 27 - Caller reported porcupine in tree. - Hazardous play reported. - Misuse of 911 - Situation will be taken care of. - Arrested Jonathan Gerald Annis, age 30, on charges of DUI, Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test and Resisting Arrest. Tuesday, May 28 -Suspicious Circumstance - Officer responded and everything looks okay. -Road debris reported - Construction company notified and crews are working on cleaning it up. -Motor vehicle accident reported. -Traffic stop -Verbal warning for improper display of tabs. Wednesday, May 29 No...

  • Courts

    Jun 6, 2013

    On May 21, Wrangell Magistrate Chris Ellis adjudicated the following cases: Cody Bell, age 27, of Wrangell, was found guilty of Indecent Exposure in the Second Degree. He was ordered to pay a surcharge of $50, report to a substance abuse agency for screening, and serve one year on probation. Alyssa Adams, of Wrangell, was found guilty of Failing to Stop For a School Bus. She was ordered to pay $300 in fines and surcharges, complete eight hours of community work service, and serve one year on probation....

  • Police reports

    May 30, 2013

    Monday, May 20 - Report of missing property. Tuesday, May 21 - Catering Permit requested and granted. - Power Outage - eagle hit power lines. - Citation issued to Mindy Gall, age 25, for dog at large and license required. Wednesday, May 22 - Several subpoenas were served. Thursday, May 23 - Person reported receiving threatening text. - Bike found and brought into station. - Report of a vehicle parked in a 10-day parking area for about a month now. - Caller reported a boat tied up to the pilings too tight. Harbor Department notified. Friday,...

  • Trooper report

    May 30, 2013

    Tuesday, May 21 Richard Matney, age 31, of Bozeman, Mont., was cited May 4 by Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post for Sport Fish Guide Aid Client in Violation. Matney, the business owner and sport fish guide for Chrome Chasers outfitted his clients with shrimp pots that did not meet the requirement for bio-escape mechanism. On May 21, Matney appeared in Wrangell District Court and pleaded no contest to a count of Sport Fish Guide Aid in Violation. Matney was sentenced to fines of $2000 with $1500 suspended, plus court fees. Matney was also...

  • Police reports

    May 23, 2013

    Monday, May 13 - Unsecured Building - Officer notified owner. - Caller reported eagle hit the power line and is dead. - Possible Gunshot reported – UTL. - Citation issued to Shannon Booker, age 35, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance. Tuesday, May 14 - Caller reported hitting deer with vehicle. Officer responded. - Dead deer found on the Nature Trail. Wednesday, May 15 - Officer requested due to damage being done to home. - Report of suspicious letter being received. - Report of injured eagle. Officer responded. - Caller requested an o...

  • Trooper report

    May 23, 2013

    Tuesday, May 21 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post contacted Charlie Ercolin, age 56, of Wrangell, in Eastern Passage. Investigation revealed Ercolin retained undersized personal use Dungeness crab while he was personal-use fishing. Ercolin was cited into Wrangell District Court with a bail amount of $130.00....

  • Police reports

    May 16, 2013

    Monday, May 6 - Criminal trespass reported/ - Warrant arrest: Arrested Charles Goldsbury, age 54, probation violation. Tuesday, May 7 - Traffic control requested. - Power outage reported. - Criminal mischief reported. - Disorderly Conduct warning given. Wednesday, May 8 - Fire Department requested for fuel leak. - Citation issued to Cody Aaron Bell, age 27, for Indecent Exposure in the Second Degree. Thursday, May 9 - Officer unlocked vehicle. - Person reported suspicious phone call. Possible fraud. Friday, May 10 - Citizen Report of Possible D...

  • Police reports

    May 9, 2013

    Monday, April 29 - Arrested Nedia Karen Voltz, age 39, on charges of Assault 4-Domestic Violence. Tuesday, April 30 - Verbal warning given for illegal parking. - Person brought in gift card that was found downtown. - Citation issued to Ryan Michael Brewer, age 30, for Expired Registration and verbal warning given for faulty equipment and no motorcycle endorsement. - Citation issued to Gary James Buethe, 30, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and verbal warning given for driving habits. Wednesday, May 1 - Traffic stop. Verbal warning...

  • Trooper report

    May 9, 2013

    Wednesday, May 1: At 7:37 p.m., Wrangell Search and Rescue called the Alaska State Troopers to report a 16-year-old male had become separated from a school group camping on Vank Island 10 miles northwest of Wrangell. A search was initiated. At approximately 9:30 p.m. Wrangell SAR located the boy and transported him back to his group. No injuries were reported....

  • Police reports

    May 2, 2013

    Monday, April 22 - Person brought in a cell phone they found. - Blasting at the City rock pit was done. - Caller reported a big bang and that their trailer shook. Given info about blasting. - Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. - Person called concerned about someone that has not returned home yet. Individual came home. Tuesday, April 23 - Warning given for illegal parking. Person moved their vehicle. - 911 - Caller needed assist and FD was notified and responded. - Report of Abandoned vehicles. - Citation issued to Dawn Marie...

  • Police reports

    Apr 25, 2013

    Monday, April 15 -Driving complaint. Tuesday, April 16 -Report of theft. -Report of suspicious incident. -Caller reported they are having a controlled burn. -Caller requested Fire Department dispatched. -Vacation check requested. -911 - Caller hung up. Wednesday, April 17 -Citation issued to Jeremy Welsh, age 30, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and verbal warning for not stopping at stop sign. -Traffic stop: Verbal warning for taillights not turned on. -Report of unsecured premises. Door secured. Thursday, April 18 -Report of Theft....

  • Police reports

    Apr 18, 2013

    Monday, April 8 -Two controlled burns were called in. -Report of door left open since weekend. Building was secured. Tuesday, April 9 -Suspicious license plate. Officer spoke with owner. -Welfare check requested. -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Officer followed a truck and gave verbal warning for too high of a load that almost hit the power lines. -Person reported that while parked downtown someone backed into them. -Unattended bags were left behind. Owners notified and came in to pick them up. Wednesday, April 10 -Dog Complaint: Dogs running...

  • Police reports

    Apr 11, 2013

    April 1 -Key for an Arctic Cat snow machine was found. -Welfare check was requested. Officer responded. -Person came in a picked up keys found yesterday. -Person called to speak with officer. April 2 -Missing dog. Called back found dog. -Person reported a dog had growled at children. Officer responded. -Report of person getting into their vehicle that had been drinking. Officer responded. -Report of children playing too loud and causing their dog to bark. Officer responded. -James Goldsbury, age 56, arrested for VCOR. -Caller reported someone...

  • Trooper report

    Apr 11, 2013

    April 5 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Wrangell Post, contacted James Jenkins, 48, of Wrangell. Investigation revealed Jenkins was subsistence use fishing for Tanner crab without the required buoy markings for subsistence shellfish gear. Jenkins was cited into Wrangell court with a bail amount of $110.00....

  • Courts

    Apr 11, 2013

    On March 26, First District Court Judge Kevin Miller adjudicated the following cases: Daniel Watts, 26, was found guilty of violating the terms of his probation in an underlying case. His probation was terminated and he was sentenced to serve 8 months in jail. Dylan Franks, 23, pled guilty to Reckless Endangerment. He was ordered to serve 10 days in jail, pay $100 in surcharges, ordered to complete a firearms safety course, and placed on probation for 2 years. Dominic Lee, 20, pled guilty to Theft in the Third Degree and Criminal Trespass. He...

  • Courts

    Apr 4, 2013

    On March 26, First District Court Judge Kevin Miller adjudicated the following cases: Taylor Stavee, 21, of Wrangell, pled guilty to Theft in the Third Degree. He was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail, fined $500, ordered to pay $100 in surcharges, was placed on probation for three years, and was ordered not to possess alcohol or be where alcohol is sold or consumed. Taylor Stavee, 21, of Wrangell, pled guilty to Furnishing Alcohol to a Person Under 21 and Violating Condition of Release. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail to be served...

  • Police reports

    Apr 4, 2013

    Monday, March 25 -Report of a tree leaning over the road. ADOT contacted. -911. Officer responded to a disturbance call. Tuesday, March 26 -Report of fire rings missing from campsite. -Dog reported missing. -Verbal warning for parking in unauthorized zone. -Citation issued to Jennifer Allen for dogs at large. -Wallet given to officer. Owner was contacted and came in to pick it up. -Officer gave a courtesy ride. Wednesday, March 27 -Dog complaint. Thursday, March 28 -Traffic Stop. Verbal warning given for failure to stop at stop sign. -Traffic...

  • Trooper report

    Mar 28, 2013

    Wednesday, March 20 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Wrangell Post, cited Kenneth Golding, 24, of Wrangell, for failing to return his RM038 permit harvest report within the time specified on the report to ADF&G. Bail is set at $110 with an optional court appearance in the Wrangell District Court....

  • Police reports

    Mar 28, 2013

    Monday, March 18 - Ambulance and officer dispatched. - Citation issued to Travis A. Bangs, 19, for Expired Registration, verbal warning for faulty equipment, brake light out and out of state vehicle plates. - Officer did a welfare check. All okay at this time. Tuesday, March 19 - Person reported losing a camera. - Report taken for recovery of stolen items. - Arrested Robert Rinehart, 50, for failing to appear at an arraignment. Wednesday, March 20 - Two calls for assistance with ambulance. Thursday, March 21 - Arrested Bryan H. Thompson, 27,...

  • Courts

    Mar 28, 2013

    On March 19, Wrangell Magistrate Chris Ellis adjudicated the following case: Pam Oglend, 49, of Wrangell, pled guilty to Driving While License Cancelled/Suspended/Revoked/Limited. She was sentenced to serve 10 days in jail and pay $100 in surcharges. Her license was also revoked for 90 days beyond any other revocations or suspensions and she was placed on probation for two years. On March 20, Wrangell Magistrate Chris Ellis adjudicated the following case: Lynn Marks, 47, of Wrangell, pled guilty to Theft in the Third Degree. He was sentenced...

  • Police reports

    Mar 21, 2013

    Monday, March 11 - Caller reported hearing loud noises outside their home. Officer responded. - Report of theft. - Forest Service officer picked up injured bird. - Report of disturbance. Officer responded and one party left the residence for the night. Tuesday, March 12 - Traffic stop. Verbal warning given for faulty equipment. - Welfare check. Officers spoke with individual. - Vehicle broke down. Vehicle moved and officer gave owner a ride. Wednesday, March 13 - Traffic stop. Verbal warning given for faulty headlight and out-of-state license....

  • Police reports

    Mar 14, 2013

    Monday, March 4 -Report of person parked in roadway by a fire hydrant. Verbal warning given. -911 Call - Person apologized and said phone was in their back pocket. -Person reported backing into vehicle. Damage under $2000. -Report of possible theft. -Report of person screaming, yelling and throwing things around. Officer responded and spoke with individual. -Dog brought into station. Owner contacted and picked up their dog. -Officer unlocked vehicle. -911 dialed by mistake. Tuesday, March 5 -Arrested Robert Rinehart, 50, for Disorderly Conduct...

  • Police reports

    Mar 7, 2013

    Monday, Feb. 25 -Agency Assist: Report of person feeding wildlife. -Animal Complaint. Tuesday, Feb. 26 -Unsecured Premises. -Disabled Vehicle. -Citizen Assist: Unlocked vehicle. -Possible Theft. Unfounded. -Citation issued to Graham Gablehouse, age 30, for Parking in Bus Parking. Wednesday, Feb. 27 -Traffic Stop -Verbal warning given for no mud flaps. -Agency Assist - Alarm going off downtown. Thursday, Feb. 28 -Criminal Mischief Reported. - Harassment. Friday, March 1 -Caller reported a small dingy was floating in front of their home. -Report...

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