Sorted by date Results 651 - 675 of 728
Sunday, February 10 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post cited Carly Allen of Wrangell for failing to return her RM038 permit harvest report within the time specified on the report to ADF&G. Allen was cited into the Wrangell District Court with a bail amount of $110.00. Wednesday, February 13 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Wrangell Post cited George Howell of Wrangell for failing to return his RM038 permit harvest report within the time specified on the report to ADF&G. Howell was cited into Wrangell District Court with a bail amount of $110.00....
Monday, Feb 18 -Citation issued to Scott R. Thomassen, age 42, for Driving While License Revoked. -Welfare Check. Tuesday, Feb 19 -Road Debris: Report of rocks and dirt on roadway coming from dump trucks. Verbal warning given. -Agency Assist/Tideline Clinic. -Driving Complaint. -Agency Assist/WMC. Wednesday, Feb 20 -Nothing to report. Thursday, Feb 21 -Arrested Scott Thomassen age 42 on Bench warrant for FTA. -Officer responded to report of a disturbance. Warning was given. Friday, Feb 22 -Officer responded to report of theft. -Suspicious...
Monday Feb 11 -Citation issued to Britany Lindley, age 23, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and verbal warning for faulty equipment. Tuesday Feb 12 -Parking Complaint: Vehicle moved from Episcopal Street. -Criminal Mischief. Wednesday Feb 13 -Officer responded to domestic dispute. -Person requested welfare check. -Officer responded to a driving complaint UTL. Thursday Feb 14 -Citation issued to Aundria Cummings age 24 for No Proof of Insurance. -Agency assist: line department. -Report of deer carcass in dumpster. -Agency Assist Wrangel...
Saturday, February 16 At 2334 hours on Feb. 5, Alaska State Troopers received report of a possible homicide in Kake, Alaska. The body of a young girl was discovered in an arctic entryway at the Presbyterian Memorial Church. The girl was identified as Mackenzie Howard, 13 years of age, of Kake. Alaska State Troopers, investigators with the Alaska Bureau of Investigation as well as evidence technicians with the State of Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory responded to Kake to investigate the death. Upon initial scene assessment by...
Monday, Feb. 4 -Domestic/verbal. -Agency assist, dead eagle. -Random breath test. -Citation issued to Opal Wilsey, 41, for operating without valid registration and failure to provide proof of insurance. Tuesday, Feb. 5 -Unsecured load, verbal warning given. -Noise disturbance, verbal warning for disorderly conduct. Wednesday, Feb. 6 -Verbal warning no head lights. -Officer called person back about cat complaint. -Agency assist. Thursday, Feb. 7 -Officer assisted citizen in opening vehicle. -Officer returned found property to owner. -Officer...
Tuesday, January 29 Charlie Gadd, age 28 of Wrangell, pled no contest to one count of Commercial Fishing Closed Season-Dungeness Crab. The conviction was the result of an Alaska Wildlife Trooper investigation that showed Gadd negligently left 16 commercial Dungeness pots in fishing condition after the close of the commercial season. Gadd was fined $3000 with $1500 suspended and placed on probation for one year. Sunday, February 3: At 2000 hours, Alaska Wildlife Troopers Petersburg Post observed an unoccupied vehicle roll over near mile 10 of...
Monday, January 28 -Report of theft. -Agency assist, possible water main problem. Tuesday, January 29 -Citizen assist, vehicle unlocked for owner. -Health and safety, kids snowboarding. Wednesday, January 30 -Officer responded to parking complaint. -Person requested live trap, officer assisted. Thursday, January 31 -Officer responded to a disturbance. Friday, February 1 -Agency assist, public works. -Civil issue. -Citation issued to Dawn R. Davison, 25 for permitting unlicensed person to drive and failure to provide proof of insurance....
Monday, January 21 -Civil standby. -Disturbance. Tuesday, January 22 -Arrested Taylor Duane Gisler, 22, on charges of failure to comply with conditions of release, felony. Wednesday, January 23 -Officer responded to report of harassment. -Officer responded to report of theft. -Person needing civil assistance, officer responded. -WMC asked for an officer walk through, officer responded. -Parking citation issued to AML. Thursday, January 24 -Officer responded to report of harassment. -Officer did welfare check. Friday, January 25 -Verbal warning...
Wrangell Police Department officers are investigating allegations of an assault that led to the hospitalization of a 17-year old Wrangell High School student. The incident, which is alleged to have occurred at a residence near the corner of Case Avenue and Front Street in the late evening hours of Saturday, Jan. 12, involved a party where allegedly a number of minors and at least two adults were present – and where WPD Lieutenant Merlin Ehlers said alcohol was a major contributing factor. “We are investigating a number of individuals who wer...
A Wrangell man has been indicted in a drugs and weapons case involving allegations that he trafficked in marijuana and prescription drugs in the Borough last year. Paul Arrington, 64, was charged in a seven-count indictment on Jan. 18 with possession, delivery, manufacturing and distribution of both Schedule II and IV narcotics, and misconduct involving weapons. According to the indictment, Arrington used his boat, the F/V Wave Ryder, to store a cache of drugs that included marijuana, morphine, and Hydrocodone and Lorazepam pills. The...
Monday, Jan. 14 -Person reported feeling a tremor. -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Person requested office door unlocked, officer assisted. -Report of possible scam. -Officer unlocked vehicle as requested. -911-pocket dial. Tuesday, Jan. 15 -Report of broken window, officer responded. -Report of suspicious vehicle. -Three-wheeler complaint. -Report of theft. Wednesday, Jan. 16 -Officer did welfare check, all was fine. Thursday, Jan. 17 -Person came in for random breath test. -Officer responded to harassment. -Citation issued to Jaynee Fritzinger,...
Wednesday, Jan. 16 Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell and Petersburg contacted 26-year-old Wrangell resident Jared Gross. Investigation revealed Gross was personal-use fishing for Dungeness crab with no bio-escape mechanism on his crab pot. Gross was cited into Wrangell court with a bail amount of $110.00. Sunday, Jan. 20 At approximately 1230 hours, Klawock AST received a report of two residential burglaries that had occurred sometime in the early morning hours in Coffman Cove. It was reported that two firearms, a chainsaw, a logging block w...
Monday, January 7 -Possible DV/assault. -Arrested James Goldsbury, 55, on charges of violation conditions of release. -Call about a person passed out on side of road. Tuesday, January 8 -Report of theft. -Citizen assist. Wednesday, January 9 -Report of possible fire, fire department dispatched. -Officer responded to a civil issue. Thursday, January 10 -Arrested Bradley James Ring, 20, on bench warrant. -Officer responded to a civil issue. -Verbal warning for no taillights. -Officer responded to civil matter. Friday, January 11 -Citations...
Thursday, January 10 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Petersburg Post, issued Charles Gadd, 28, of Wrangell a summons to appear in Petersburg District Court on charges of Commercial Fish Closed Season for Dungeness crab, and Unlawful Storage of Commercial Dungeness Gear. Gadd, the permit holder on the F/V Sara Dawn, had Dungeness crab gear in fishing condition in Sumner Strait after the closure of the commercial Dungeness crab season in the area. Arraignment is set for Jan. 29 in the Petersburg District Court....
Monday, Dec. 31 -Verbal warning for faulty equipment -Suspicious circumstance. -Parking complaint. -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. -Citations issued to Janetty Phelan, 42, for driving while license suspended/cancelled/revoked/ or limited and failure to provide proof of insurance, verbal warning for faulty headlight. Tuesday, Jan. 1 -Arrested Karl M. Altepter, 58, on charges of driving under the influence. -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. -Open container, verbal warning given. -Domestic/verbal. -Suspicious incident. -Citation issued...
Monday, Dec. 17 -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. -Verbal warning for no headlights. -Officer gave curfew warnings. Tuesday, Dec. 18 -Agency assist, alarm. -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. Wednesday, Dec. 19 -Agency assist, alarm Thursday, Dec. 20 -Driving complaint. Friday, Dec. 21 -Person requested vacation checks. Saturday, Dec. 22 -Person requested that an officer deliver a message to a person with no phone, message delivered. Sunday, Dec. 23 -Fire alarm going off, fire department dispatched and responded. -Verbal warning for...
Monday, Dec. 10 -Officer responded to an alarm, all was fine. -Vacation check request turned in. -Officer responded to civil issue. -Person reported MVA; officer responded and gave accident forms to both parties. -Verbal warning for driving habits. Tuesday, Dec. 11 -Officer responded to alarm going off, everything is secured. -Officer responded to traffic complaint. -Person reported being harassed. -Katy Taylor, 22, cited for dog at large. -Carly Allen, 38, cited for dog at large. -Gigi Torgramsen, 46, cited for dog at large. -Jeremy Michael...
Monday, Dec. 3 -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Officer responded to suspicious circumstance. -Officer responded to civil issue. -Officer responded to child safety issue. Tuesday, Dec. 4 -Officer responded to parking complaint. Wednesday, Dec. 5 -Officer reported unsecured building. -Agency assist, transporting. -Parking complaint. -Agency assist, parking complaint. -Traffic complaint. Thursday, Dec. 6 -Arrested Spenser Dean Stavee, 25, on charges of access of person with restriction on licensed premise. -Courtesy transport. Friday, Dec. 7 -Officer...
Monday, Nov. 26 -Officer assisted with vehicle. -Person reported stolen property. -Suspicious activity. -Officer notified person of suspended license. Tuesday, Nov. 27 -Assisted line department. -Warrant check. -Officer responded to civil issue. -Agency assist with probation. -Officer responded to report of a possible DUI. Wednesday, Nov. 28 Nothing to report. Thursday, Nov. 29 -Concerned citizen. -Caller reported gun lost, reported later gun has been found. -MVA Friday, Nov. 30 -Vehicle theft reported. -Traffic stop, license plates expired,...
Tuesday, Nov. 27 Rex Versteeg, 19, of Petersburg, went before the Petersburg Court and pled guilty to three wildlife charges. The charges are a result of an Alaska Wildlife Trooper investigation that showed Versteeg and another subject took two deer during a closed season with the use of artificial light in an area closed to big game hunting. The conviction is the result of a plea deal where Wallace was sentenced to fines of $900, restitution of $400 for the loss of the animals, and loss of his hunting rifle. Tyler Wallace, 17, of Petersburg,...
Monday, Nov. 19 -Officer responded to report of criminal mischief -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Welfare check. Tuesday, Nov. 20 -Officer responded to driving complaint. Wednesday, Nov. 21 -Traffic complaint. Thursday, Nov. 22 -Welfare check on individual. Friday, Nov. 23 Nothing to report. Saturday, Nov. 24 -Officer responded to citizen assistance. -Officer responded to report of dog being hit. Sunday, Nov. 25 -Welfare check, all was fine. -Officer responded to welfare check. -Officer responded to suspicious circumstance. -Welfare check, person...
November 10 – Alaska Wildlife Troopers, onboard the P/V Enforcer issued Steven L. Forrest, 59, of Wrangell, citations for operating personal use shrimp pots inside of Anita Bay that did not have bio-degradable escape mechanisms, and for operating personal use shrimp gear without labeling the gear with his proper identifying markings. Forrest was given $110 fines for each citation out of the Wrangell District Court. November 11 – Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Ketchikan post, cited Michael Howell, 24, of Wrangell for discharging a high caliber rifle...
Monday, Nov. 12 -Verbal warning for driving habits. -Officer responded to report of hit and run, minimal damage done. -Citations issued to Opal Wilsey, 41, for failure to provide proof of insurance and expired registration. Tuesday, Nov. 13 -Officer responded to report of intoxicated person. -Agency assist, water backing up in residence. Wednesday, Nov. 14 -Suspicious circumstance. -Verbal warning given for driving habits. -Welfare check on individual. -Disturbance, warning given. -Suspicious circumstance. -Report of unlawful contact....
Monday, November 5 -Citation issued to Geoffrey Tyler Stutz, 21 for failure to yield at stop sign. -Person hit light pole. -Officer responded to request of welfare check. -Arrested Dominic Lee, 19, on a warrant. -Vacation check. Tuesday, November 6 -Officer responded to a civil standby. Wednesday, November 7 -Noise complaint, disorderly conduct warning given. -False theft complaint, item returned. -Unlocked vehicle. Thursday, November 8 -Report of harassment. -Vacation check. -Noise complaint. Friday, November 9 -Arrested Nicholas Ray Howell,...
Monday, Oct. 29 -Person reported harassment. -Officer responded to noise complaint. Tuesday, Oct. 30 -Officer responded to report of stolen item. -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Arrested Bryan Hough Thompson, 26, on charges of DUI. -Citation issued to Bethany Burgess, 28, for no proof of insurance and warning for faulty equipment. -Officer responded to citizen assist. Wednesday, Oct. 31 -Person reported a theft. -Verbal warning for driving habits. -Arrested Randall M. Fordyce, 53, on charges of petition to revoke probation. Thursday, Nov. 1 -Person...