Sorted by date Results 726 - 728 of 728
Monday, Oct. 24 -Traffic Complaint -Theft/civil matter Tuesday, Oct. 25 -Parking complaint, vehicle moved before officer arrived. -Vehicle unlocked for owner. -Suspicious circumstance, possible theft. Wednesday, Oct. 26 -Officer responded to barking dog complaint. Thursday, Oct. 27 -Officer responded to unsecured premises. -Officer responded to report of a vehicle theft. -Officer responded to a civil matter. -Officer responded to a civil issue. -Unsecured premises. -Officer responded to report of harassment. Friday, Oct. 28 -Road debris....
Monday, October 17 -Suspicious phone call. -Verbal warning for faulty equipment -Agency assist. -Verbal warning for disorderly conduct. Tuesday, Oct. 18 -Citation issued to Elizabeth Buness, 50, for speeding. -Citizen assist. Wednesday, Oct. 19 -Officer responded to unsecured premise. -Report of debris in roadway. -Report of harassment. -Officer responded to possible DUI. -Officer responded to a disturbance. Thursday, Oct. 20 -Officer responded to alarm going off. -Citation issued to Celsee Churchill, 29, for dog at large and license required....
Monday, Oct. 10 -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. -Citation issued to Richard Kagee for dog at large. -Report of a vehicle with possible gas leak. -Citizen assist. -Verbal warning for faulty equipment. Tuesday, Oct. 11 -Civil issue. -Unsecured premises. -Disturbance. -Suspicious circumstance. Wednesday, Oct. 12 -Officer responded to a noise disturbance. -Amanda Lynn Holder was issued a citation for parking within 15 feet of fire hydrant. -Officer did a civil standby. -Officer responded to a verbal assault. -Officer responded to person...