Fordyce prepares to expand family metal business

A local business that is heavily involved in marine repair is expanding its operation near Wrangell harbor.

Randall Fordyce, the owner of Freeman and Sons machine and fabrication shop on Case Avenue, is adding additional space on his property to allow for a longer lathe and equipment that will provide service for larger vessels.

After originally eyeing a property adjacent to his location, Fordyce had to go through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to obtain a permit for the filling and grading of the site behind his building

The City and Borough of Wrangell retained the property he had originally wanted to build on for use by the Harbor Department.

“That property is going to be used in a future expansion of the Marine Service Center,” said Harbormaster Greg Meissner.

Fordyce said he is expanding in order to better assist the commercial and recreational fishing interests in Wrangell.

“I need the room to be able to work on heavier equipment,” Fordyce said. “I need the longer lathe that can handle shafts that are 25-30 feet long. I don’t have room in the existing building to do it.”

In addition to the new lathe planned for his business, Fordyce said he plans on adding a galvanizing bath to the new facility.

“I’m hoping to put a small bath in here so we can make a better product and hopefully get a few more jobs going,” Fordyce said.

And as the adage goes, it takes money to make money – and Fordyce says he knows it all too well.

“I’m investing about $100,000 in the venture,” Fordyce said. “It’s everything I’ve got on this one.”

Fordyce said he expects to begin construction of the new facility by laying its foundation in the spring of 2012. Fordyce’s father, John Freeman, built the current building housing the business in 1973.


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