Monday, Oct. 31

-Citation issued to Lance Leishman, 32, for failure to provide proof of insurance and verbal warning for driving habits.

-Criminal mischief.

-Agency assist, dead deer.

Tuesday, Nov. 1

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Arrest Dylan Franks, 21, on charges of failure to appear.

-Agency assist, rockslide at 7 mile.

Wednesday, Nov. 2

-Suspicious circumstance, owner taking care of their dog.

-Caller reported their vehicle broke down, and will be moved shortly.

-Report of someone driving without valid driver’s license, unfounded.

-Officer responded to report of trespassing.

Thursday, Nov. 3

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Citations for dog at large and license required issued to Dylan Franks, 21

-Parking complaint.

-Harassment, unfounded.

Friday, Nov. 4

-Agency assist, DOT.

-Courtesy transport.

-Citation issued to Jessica Davidson, 24, for operation vehicle with expired registration, verbal warning for failure to carry and show driver’s license.

Saturday, Nov. 5

-Courtesy ride given for intoxicated person.

-Arrested Geoffrey A. Stokes, 23, on charges of vehicle theft I, DUI, MICS IV.

-Officer responded to report of disorderly conduct.

-Citation issued to Jacob Clark, 18, for driving while license revoked.

-Report of child endangerment, officer responded, GOA.

-Bench warrant issued for Nicole Webster on charges of failure to appear.

Sunday, Nov. 6

-Courtesy transport.

-Citizen assist.

-Report of criminal trespass, officers responded UTL.

-Possible assault, officers responded.

-Caller reported receiving harassing text messages from an unknown person.

There were three ambulance requests. Two dog complaints were received.


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