Let me Explain

Are you 60 years or older? Do you live in Wrangell, Alaska? Do you miss lunch every day or wish you had eaten lunch every day?

If you answered yes to all of these questions or just the first two of these questions I have something that might interest you. On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday lunch is available to you at the Wrangell Senior Center. All that is requested from you is a phone call before 10:00 a.m. on the days you want eat lunch. Your call or visit each day by 10:00 a.m. ensures we have cooked enough to feed you and everyone else a full, hot, nutritious meal that day. Make your reservations for lunch by calling 874-2066. There is no charge for this meal but there is a $3.00 suggested donation.

If getting to the Senior Center is a problem we offer van rides to and from lunch. The senior van runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. on the days the Senior Center is open. The van can take you to lunch, the hairdresser, doctor appointments, grocery shopping and back home. There is a $1.00 each way fee.

The Wrangell Senior Center depends on community donations and the generous support of the city of Wrangell and Wrangell Cooperative Association. With these donations the Wrangell Senior Center is able to provide lunch four days each week for 10-20 seniors on site and we deliver lunch to 25 seniors in their homes. At this time we are looking to increase our count for onsite lunches. Since it take the same amount of time and effort to cook and clean up for 30 as it does for 60, we would like to be serving 20-25 each day at the senior center. Our new heating system is great. The center is warm and toasty and there is nothing like a hot nutritious lunch with friends both new and old to visit with. Science has proven that food tastes better and is more healthful if it is eaten with other people.

The Wrangell Senior Center is here for the seniors in Wrangell to use. The center is open from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. If you are 60+ years old and have some ideas of activities, programs, classes or whatever you would like to see happening at the Senior Center, contact George at 874-2066 or Wilma at 305-0495

Thank you for letting me explain. Really, you can’t beat a full meal lunch that is cooked and served to you at 12:00 noon. Then after you have finished, you simply get up and leave the dishes on the table and go back to what you were doing before lunch. This is a nutritionally balanced meal full of fresh fruit and veggies, served with milk. See you there.

George Joseph,

Manager Wrangell Senior Center


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