Police report

Monday, Nov. 14

-Report of suspicious circumstance, officer responded.

-Courtesy standby.

Tuesday, Nov. 15

-Vacation check

-Agency assist.

-Civil issue

-Arrested Tammy Lewis, 40, on charges of assault IV/DV.

-Criminal trespass/vehicle.

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Wednesday, Nov. 16

-Welfare check.

-Vehicle unlocked.

-Suspicious circumstance.

-Report of harassment.

Thursday, Nov. 17

-Agency assist.

-Parking complaint.

-Verbal warning for driving without lights.

Friday, Nov. 18

-Report of theft.

-Parking public nuisance.

-Traffic complaint.

-Vehicle unlocked.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Child in need.

-Civil issue.

Saturday, Nov. 19

-Noise complaint.


-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Unsecured premises, door secured.

Sunday, Nov. 20

-Courtesy transport, ride given.

-Citations issued to Chelsey Nicole Lyons, 17, and Michael Alan Piercey, 18, for MCA.

-Citation issue to Suzanne Lyons, 21, for furnishing alcohol to persons under 21 and contributing to delinquency of minor.

-Report of suspicious circumstance.

There were six calls concerning dogs and one ambulance call for the week.


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