Friday’s Midnight Madness kicks off holiday shopping

Holiday sales came to Wrangell in a big way last weekend as the 2011 “Midnight Madness” event helped both retailers and consumers in the borough prepare for the holidays.

The event, which has been an annual day of sales and discounts since the late 1980s, was a big success for the businesses on Front Street and beyond.

The Wrangell Chamber of Commerce sponsors the annual event and chamber president John Taylor said it is an evening affair that stimulates business and cherishes the spirit of the holidays.

“It is a chamber event and it is awesome because it directly supports the mission statement of the chamber, which is to promote business,” Taylor said. “It’s a way for people to get out and enjoy the holidays while getting ready to do their shopping. It promotes local shopping and that is great.”

Before the sales kicked into high gear, however, it was time to light the Christmas tree downtown. After a 10-second countdown, Wrangell student Dylan Paul threw the switch to light the tree and send an exploding batch of fireworks skyward – a first for the tree located next to the Elks Lodge.

Wrangell electrical department chief Clay Hammer said raising the tree and decorating it was a special opportunity for his workers.

“It took us about a morning to wrap the tree and then we had the kids decorations placed on it,” Hammer said. “They’re cool ornaments and an individual piece of art that is just as varied as their personalities.”

Mayor Jeremy Maxand was also on hand to read a poem he had penned for the special occasion.

“It’s kind of tradition for the mayor to write a poem,” Maxand said. “Don McConachie did it and far be it from me to break tradition. I thought the tree ceremony was great too and folks seemed excited to be downtown. It’s an excellent way to kick off the holiday season.”

Borough Manager Tim Rooney also said the spirit of the holidays comes out during the annual event.

“I think it’s one of those unique events that makes Wrangell special,” Rooney said. “It gives us a chance to gather around the tree for the holiday lighting and it’s one night a year where the businesses stay open late. You have a lot of people downtown and it’s great to see.”

Mayor Maxand’s

Christmas Poem

Twas the night of Midnight Madness

And all through the streets

Parents and their children 

Around the unlit tree did meet


Wrangell’s new light superintendent 

And his helpers raised a grand tree 

In preparation for those bright lights 

All powered by Tyee

Once that mighty switch is thrown 

And Christmas season kicks off for real 

And all the very merry shoppers 

Head out for the great deals

Just remember all you Wrangellites 

As you carefully navigate Main Street 

Say hello and Merry Christmas 

To each and every soul you meet


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