Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I went to see our Senator and Representative in Ketchikan last week to ask that they “investigate” the offices of the MHS and perhaps find out who is undermining our Alaska ferry system. You know, our highway here in Southeastern Alaska. Both of the men were out, probably campaigning for re-election, but their secretaries were more than gracious and assured me that both men were aware of the problems in AMHS administration and promised to give them my letters. They then suggested that I go to KTKN radio station and tell them about our ferry problems as they have a question and answer hour every day so I answered questions for an hour.

Few people in Ketchikan were aware that AMHS plans to take away our Bellingham run, and our trip across the Gulf of Alaska to Seward, which would put us back to hitching rides on fishing boats to get to other ports. Most were shocked to say the least.

AMHS has already begun to build a huge blue and white building at the Ketchikan shipyard to build the “Alaska Class” ferries that are supposed to be a bit smaller than our Taku, which would be fast and only go to certain ports and offer no services, except a vending machine. And why we were not notified of what AMHS is doing this time?

Haven’t’ AMHS administrators wasted enough money on building ships that are not suitable and or safe for sailing in our Southeastern waters and how about all of the ferry terminal docks in remote areas that have seldom if ever been used? Even our governor tolerates us, and answers only to the big boys up north.

Isn’t it time we picket each and every ferry terminal in Southeast Alaska and get some results down here? Unless we get our governor to fight for us, we will lose our big mainliners so please call or write our Governor, Senators, and Representatives now.

As far back as the 1980s I remember administration sending our ships from Ketchikan to Skagway and back, one ship following another in and out of every port, same time, same direction, same day. Then in the 1990s we couldn’t figure why we had so few passengers, an Alaskan called an Edmonds, Wash. travel agent and she was informed that they had seasonal blocks of staterooms, which meant that Alaskans couldn’t get reservations or rooms. Which meant that AMHS has allowed the travel agency seasonal blocks.

I have enclosed a proposal in 1990, by then Publisher Bob Pickerell: Make the highway fully funded, as are all other highways in the state. Transportation is a primary duty of the State and should be given top priority.

Cut the fares in half, staterooms and other amenities to remain the same, they are off highway services.

Dedicate all gross income to future capital improvement programs, new vessels and terminals.

Maximize service of present vessels, year round except for maintenance lay-ups, to improve scheduling to all communities served by the highway. Do this before considering the addition of new vessels, fast or otherwise.

Establish an independent commission to operate the highway, make it lean and mean.

Jeanne Lindley


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