Three Sisters: Our favorite Christmas memories

Tis Peterman

It was a number of years ago, but it was an annual tradition to go to the Alaskan Native Brotherhood Hall, which was located next to the SNO Building. It was a huge hall and every Christmas they would throw this huge party and all the kids would attend the event.

I remember sitting in that old hall, which was always filled with kids, waiting to talk to Santa. It was a gathering place for everybody and I remember that the most.

Carol Snoddy

My favorite Christmas memory was when I was probably about 10 years old. Our family always went to midnight mass at the Episcopal Church and, when we were done with that, we marched down the hill and loaded up with my cousins, aunts and other family and got cookie boxes and gifts to hand out door-to-door on Christmas Eve.

When got back home, we had little boxes of Japanese oranges and would sit around the tree, eat our oranges and get to open one gift.

Christie Jamieson

I have more than just one favorite Christmas memory, but the one that comes to mind is back in December of 1981. That year, I was pregnant with my firstborn, Nicole. That year, as I remember it, it snowed and snowed. I was in my eighth month of pregnancy with Nicole and the weather was just miserable.

I remember most how thankful I was for having a great husband and really supportive family. My parents were still alive and with our 8 siblings, everyone was waiting for January and my daughter to be born. It’s all about family.


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