Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor and to the community of Wrangell

This is a letter of farewell as I end my career as a doctor in the community of Wrangell. I have resigned from Wrangell Medical Center and Alaska Island Community Services effective January 1, 2012. There are many reasons, but they are not the purpose of this letter. No organization or persons should be interpreting this letter to favor their side in any of the ongoing conflicts regarding healthcare in this community.

My purpose is to express my thanks and appreciation to the community. As a physician, I was “raised from a pup” by this town. I came to this practice at the completion of my training confident that I had learned medicine, but sadly ignorant of what it would mean to belong to a community. They had taught me how to care for the sick, but not how to live with those same people as friends, neighbors, and coworkers. I want to say that if anyone has ever considered me an “enemy” because we disagreed about some issue that exists only in their own mind. I consider our coexistence in this community where Valery and I have made our home and raised our children for the past 20 years to create a bond that transcends any and all other issues. We have more in common than we have ever disagreed about.

I have several specific thank yous to acknowledge:

To Trudy and Craig Johnson, and John and Cindy Martin, who introduced us to this wonderful community, and enriched our lives.

To Maxi Weiderspohn, for getting us off to a good start, and helping me figure out who is related to whom.

To the many students I worked with, for keeping it all fresh and new.

To the clinic staff, who have kept me going day in and day out with their smiles and (sometimes) singing.

To Dave Galla and Tyler Robinson for all the safe landings, and a lifetime supply of Prop Wash.

To the Stokes and Armstrong clans, among many others, for showing me what it really means to be a family. I have since tried to do better by my own.

To the EMT’s of Wrangell Fire Dept. for showing me what it means to be a volunteer AND a professional. Thanks for giving it your all, over and over.

To the Nursing Staff of Wrangell Medical Center for transforming me from whatever I was before into a REAL doctor.

To my many colleagues over the past twenty years including Harriet Schirmer MD, (the pioneer) and Wayne Davenport MD, always willing to lend a hand or an encouraging word when needed.

I am speaking to some who are now in another part of this world, or the next. I hope this gets to you.

Whether we would have chosen each other or not, my work here as doctor has placed me at your side, or with your loved ones, often at times of stress or pain. Standing, as we were, in the river of life itself, ripples of disappointment and bad news were common, but most of the time cheer and laughter was how you responded. You inspired me with your courage. We were knocked off our feet at times, by indescribable heartbreak, and occasionally by relief and joy (the babies were my favorite) What it meant to you I can’t say, but I have been profoundly changed, not just as a doctor, but also as a human being. I have learned so much from you that what I knew when I started 20 years ago hardly seems to matter now.

I thank you, Wrangellites, for allowing me to be a part of your lives, and express my regret at the circumstances that do not allow me to continue. I apologize if ever you found me cranky, thoughtless, judgmental, or just plain wrong. I could not always be there when you felt you needed me. Of all the sacrifices this may have caused, I cannot forget those of my own family. In all cases, I meant well, but could not always foresee the consequences. I am so sorry.

If I can no longer serve you as a doctor, I may serve you better as a friend. I hope to be back frequently to visit and enjoy Wrangell. We would love a visit and will keep you updated, but until we have another address you can reach us at PO Box 2238, in Wrangell. My email address is bpakdom@gmail.com. I would especially appreciate any stories you can tell of the lives of children (some now grown!) whose births I had the honor of attending. If you have a picture, baby or grown, I would like to collect them in my memory book.

Dave McCandless MD


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