The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

Jan 4, 1912: Although a great many attractive entertainment was held last Monday evening more firemen attended the regular monthly meeting than have been present at the meetings for months. Many profitable discussions were given on different subjects relative to better fire protection for the town. Four new members F.L. Clark, F. Gingrass, F. Farrar and Oscar Carlson were taken in to the company. The fire company has grown considerably during the last year and a grand Fireman's Ball was decided upon to raise funds for meeting the needs of the growing organization. Washington's Birthday was the date set for the ball. The first Monday in January was too popular and the elections of officers was postponed to the February meeting, which all firemen should attend.

Jan 1, 1937: The Wrangell Fire Department at a recent meeting underwent reorganization. The membership roll was revised into two sections, active and honorary and a list of deceased members prepared. E.A. Lindman was elected president of the department and Cunningham, secretary-treasurer. John Kaer was elected assistant to C.H. Lloyd, fire chief, In order to make for the efficient handling of a fire the department is organized into two companies. George Gunderson is captain of the hose and nozzle company with Neil Grant as his lieutenant. George Sumption is the captain of the hook and ladder company with Louis Wigg as lieutenant. C. W. Bradley and Jack Stokes were elected as nozzle men. Pocket sirens were ordered for the fire chief and his assistant and upon their arrival a system of signals will be worked out to direct and control firemen fighting a fire. Three smoke masks were also ordered and a committee appointed to work up a fund for the purchase of a pulmotor.

Jan 5, 1962: Dr. D. A. Coon of Petersburg will be at Bishop Rowe General hospital on Wednesdays and Sundays for an indefinite period, it was announced this week by City Manager James Evans following a conference there with the doctor by city officials and other interested citizens last Saturday. Dr. Coon began his practice at the hospital Wednesday. Dr. Coon had been invited by the city council to come to Wrangell to confer on the matter after the last regular council meeting when hospital operating costs had been discussed and consideration had been given to closing the hospital as the deficit, it was brought out, was running beyond the city's ability to pay. Under contract with the Board of Missions of the Episcopal Church the city makes up hospital differences above income in order to keep the hospital open.

Jan. 1, 1987: Windy conditions downed trees and disconnected power lines out Zimovia Highway, leaving electric and cable television customers without service part of Christmas Day. The largest amount of damage was reported at the home of Bruce and Sandy Pratz, who said one of their buildings was moved off its foundation by the winds Christmas Eve. Trees also were reported down out Zimovia Highway and in the downtown area, Police Chief Bill Klein said. Power to homeowners from Shoemaker out Zimovia Highway went out at 6:44 a.m. Christmas and then was restored. The power went out again for a short time at 9:20 a.m., the city's power plant reported, then again from 4:51 to 6:25 p.m., when power was finally restored. Dale Maenhout of the city's line crew said he and Jim Nelson and Tim Gillen responded to each outage. They finally located the source of the problem - a loose guy wire by the 6 Mile mill - and fully restored power at 6:25 p.m.


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