Game board to meet in Anchorage

The Alaska Board of Game will meet Jan. 13-18, in Anchorage at the downtown Hilton Hotel to consider over 100 regulatory proposals regarding statewide hunting and trapping regulations and other topics. 

Issues to be addressed by the board include falconry regulations, intensive management, archery and crossbow regulations, new requirements for taxidermists, hunting permit conditions and allocations, statewide hunting seasons, trapping seasons and regulations, methods and means, sealing and bag limits, and black bear baiting regulations.

According to an email from the board, The Department of Fish and Game, state advisory committees, and members of the general public seeking adjustments to statewide hunting and trapping regulations have submitted proposals.

The board invites oral public testimony during the meeting beginning Friday, Jan. 13, following departmental reports. Anyone wishing to testify before the board must sign up at the meeting location before the sign-up deadline on Saturday, Jan. 14, at 11 a.m. 

Public testimony will continue until everyone who has signed up has been given the opportunity to be heard. Deliberations on the proposals will begin following public testimony and continue through the remainder of the meeting.

All portions of the meeting are open to the public and a live audio stream is intended to be available on the Board of Game website at  Documents submitted to the Board will be posted on-line throughout the meeting. 

The Board encourages the public to submit written comments on specific proposals.  During the meeting, written comments up to 10 pages single sided (or 5 pages double sided) in length may be submitted and individuals are requested to provide 20 copies.  Individuals not attending the meeting can submit comments by fax to (907) 465-6094.


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