The way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

Jan. 18, 1912: School Notes: The birthday of the famous Scotch poet, Robert Burns, will be observed, Thursday, January 15. A short program consisting of songs, recitations and quotations from Burns will be given in the Principal's room beginning at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. We regret that Esther Tervo is absent on account of sickness. The seventh grade has completed the work assigned I Arithmetic by the course of study and expect to complete about one half of the eighth grade arithmetic before the close of the term. Martha Tervo was enrolled in the first grade last week, making fifty-three pupils in the primary room.

Jan. 15, 1937: The masquerade dance which has been held annually with few exceptions by the Wrangell Fire Department on or near Washington's Birthday, will be held again this year. The date announced is Saturday night, February 20. A big door prize, spot prizes and costume prizes, all generous in value and number will be provided. Advertising was started this week to give plenty of time in which to get costumes ready. Dancing starts at 10 o'clock and all dancers must be masked until midnight. The money raised will be used to add a pulmotor to the firemen's equipment and will be available to the community for any emergency requiring its use.

Jan 19, 1962: Over 100 parents, Scouters and friends were present at the annual Boy Scouts of America dinner held in the Elks hall last Tuesday evening. Outstanding events of the evening were presentation of the famed Wrangell Garnet Ledge to the Scouts and award of the highest Scout honor to Jim Charlton. Fred. G. Hanford provided the big surprise of the evening when he presented a 35-acres tract of land known as the “Garnet Ledge” to the Boy Scouts of America as a gift and a campsite with the stipulation that it always be accessible to the boys and girls of Wrangell to obtain garnets. Hanford recently acquired title to the property. Jim Charlton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Charlton was presented a “Life Scout” award, the highest Scout award, and 10 merit badges.

Jan 15, 1987: The Buness clan has added two new members this week, including Wrangell's first baby of 1987. Zachary John Taylor arrived Sunday Jan. 11, at 9:25 p.m. in Wrangell General Hospital to Vicky Buness-Taylor and John Taylor of Wrangell. Vicky said her son “announced his imminent arrival at the first basketball game in the new gym.” She explained that she really has no interest in basketball, but “I felt weird things happening and I wanted to go somewhere and do something.” The baby was due to arrive Jan. 17, but “he was kind of in a big hurry to get here.” He weighed 8 lbs, 11 _ ounces and was 21 inches long. Although Zachary was not named for the 12th president of the United State, Vicky said that Sunday night her son was “ruling the roost at the hospital.” Zachary's cousin Matthew Eric Buness arrived more than 12 hours later at 10:56 a.m. Jan. 12 at Wrangell General Hospital to Mark and Rhonda Buness. Rhonda is very pleased with her son and said, “you can hardly tell (the cousins) apart in the nursery.”


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