Police Reports

Monday, March 5

-Power outage, power department notified.

-Citation issued to Edward Stephen Ousley, 51, for parking in a no parking zone.

-Report of harassment.

-Criminal mischief, officer responded.

Tuesday, March 6

-Citizen assist, dead battery.

Wednesday, March 7

-Parking complaint, blocking driveway

Thursday, March 8

-Trespass warning,

-Criminal trespass, DV.

Friday, March 9

-Caller reported a small slide at 7.5 mile.

-Person reported being harassed.

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Saturday, March 10

-Verbal warning for improperly displayed tabs.

-Verbal domestic, officers responded.

-Traffic stop, DUI, Jacob Soeteber, 32, for charges of

driving under the influence,

probation violation.

-Verbal warning for driving habits, and faulty equipment.

Sunday, March 11

-Domestic violence.

There were three ambulance calls this week.


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