Construction creates concerns for 4th of July

As crews continue to move further down Front Street working on the road and utility improvement project, some are wondering how the construction will affect Fourth of July festivities in Wrangell.

At a construction update meeting March 29, project leads were asked about the possibility the annual, multi-day celebration would be interrupted.

A large section of Front Street — from approximately Federal Way to Campbell Drive — is unpaved from crews excavating the road to dig trenches and install new water and sewer lines.

The majority of that section of Front Street is now filled and open to car traffic. However, sections of that same portion of the street will once again be blocked off to traffic when concrete crews begin paving the road.

This part of downtown also serves as the main corridor where Fourth of July events take place in Wrangell, including the parade.

McGraw Custom Construction Superintendent Mike Ashton said concrete work, once started, should happen very quickly.

Even if crews don’t begin pouring concrete until the beginning of May when temperatures increase, Ashton said it is unlikely Fourth of July would be impacted. However, because it’s three months away, that could change.

“Anything we say now is going to be a guess,” Ashton said.

Borough Public Works Department Superintendent Carl Johnson said it’s important to determine where construction crews will be come July.

“Everyone is scheduling Fourth of July events. It does need to be very soon,” he said.

Currently, the Front Street project is in the third of its five phases. Project Engineer Eric Voorhees said he would be hesitant to begin phase four of the project before paving crews have begun pouring concrete on the torn up sections of road.

Voorhees agreed with Ashton that there is a lot of uncertainty about where in the project crews will be come July. However, he is optimistic July 4th celebrations would not be affected by the work.

“As long as we keep making good progress down the road, I don’t think Forth of July is going to be impacted by what we’re doing now,” he said.


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