Port commission continues Mariners’ Memorial discussion

At its April 5 meeting, the Wrangell Port Commission discussed how to move forward with creating a design concept and applying for grants to build a mariners’ memorial at Heritage Harbor.

Commission members have decided on the memorial being an eight-sided structure resembling a lighthouse, with every other wall panel open for visitors to walk inside. Plaques memorializing those lost at sea would adorn the walls of the structure.

Port Harbormaster Greg Meissner said the memorial would have an “old-naval look” and be red and white. He said the next step would be to create a design concept, which will be used to apply for grants to fund the project.

The commission also has to decide on what material would be used to build the memorial, Meissner said.

“I want durable and easy to maintain, whatever that means,” he said.

Along with a design and cost-estimate of the project, Meissner said, showing community support is important when applying for grants.

He suggested the Commission to sign a resolution or memorandum showing its support for the project, as well as have other city departments and the Borough Assembly do the same.

“All these little things play a role in getting those grants, and making it more favorable,” Meissner said.

Port Commission member Brennon Eagle suggested a resolution be created, which would include a description of the years-long process of this project, before the next commission meeting in May.

“We need a nicely written resolution describing the process we have been through,” Eagle said. “I feel that we should include with the grant that shows what we have done and why we want it.”

The Commission may hold a special meeting before its regular May meeting, in order to pass such a resolution. That meeting date has not yet been scheduled.


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