Special committee will review, revise city code

The Borough Assembly voted in favor Tuesday night to create a committee that will review the City and Borough of Wrangell Charter and Municipal Code.

The review process as been prompted by Borough Clerk Christie Jamieson, who said it became clear after the Open Meetings Act classes the city offered in March that various sections of the municipal code need to be revised and updated to comply with state law.

Jamieson proposed creating a special “Charter and Code Review Committee” made of five members to complete the task.

Assembly member Bill Privett said he believed the code review was a good idea in order for the City to be in compliance with state law, and expressed interest in serving on the committee. Assembly member Don McConachie did as well.

The committee will meet once a month, or as necessary to conduct the code review and update process, Jamieson wrote in a memo to Assembly members.

The committee will make revision recommendations to the Assembly. Any new ordinance created as a result of the review process will be drafted by Borough attorneys and then considered by the Assembly.

On March 9 and 10, the city hosted free classes on Alaska’s Open Meetings Act for members of the public and those on local boards and committees. The two days of training was taught by attorneys Michael Gatti and Krista S. Stearns at the Nolan Center. Gatti is an attorney working at a private firm in Anchorage, and Stearns is the city attorney for Kenai.


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